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Development of Amylomaize Hybrids using GEM Germplasm

Development of Amylomaize Hybrids using GEM Germplasm. Mark Campbell, Andrew Green, Joseph Bell (Truman State University) Jay-lin Jane, Hongxin Jiang (Iowa State University) Yusheng WU (South Dakota State University) Chicago ASTA meeting– December 5th 2007.

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Development of Amylomaize Hybrids using GEM Germplasm

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  1. Development of Amylomaize Hybrids using GEM Germplasm Mark Campbell, Andrew Green, Joseph Bell (Truman State University) Jay-lin Jane, Hongxin Jiang (Iowa State University) Yusheng WU (South Dakota State University) Chicago ASTA meeting– December 5th 2007

  2. Applications of high-amylose starch….. • Gum candies • Adhesives • Biodegradable plastics • Food coatings

  3. Resistant Starch- a nutraceutical Normal starch Resistant starch • Cold potatoes • Green bananas • Novel industrial synthetic sources • High amylose corn

  4. Resistant Starch- a nutraceutical Normal starch Resistant starch • Cold potatoes • Green bananas • Novel industrial synthetic sources • High amylose corn

  5. Resistant starch feeds bifidobacterium in large intestine Butyrate is good for us!!!!! -decreases colon cancer cell formation -decreases cholesterol -lowers blood pressure -weight control

  6. ae – amylose extender

  7. How to Develop Amylomaize VII Class Hybrids from Scratch: First step – Find ‘modifier genes’

  8. Plant introductions GEM breeding crosses Visually selected ae types kernels Screened many ae-type F2 in the lab

  9. GUAT209:S13//OH43ae/H99ae GEMS-0067 is now freely available!!

  10. Next……Hybrid Development From GEMS-0067 both SS and NSS parents must be made

  11. SS inbreds (S1) NSS S1 inbreds (S1)

  12. Yield trial – 2007 • 83 GEM (SS) x GEM(NSS) entries • 2 proprietary hybrids obtained from a company whose name must not be spoken

  13. Five entries were found on IA and MO list of top 15 entries by yield.

  14. Averaged performance of SS lines by yield

  15. Averaged performance of SS lines by yield

  16. Averaged performance of SS lines by yield

  17. Averaged performance of SS lines by yield

  18. Studies on the inheritance and gene action of high amylose modifier genes High amylose modifiers often treated multiple genes that influence a quantitative trait. V. Fergason, 1994 In: Specialty Corns’

  19. Generation Means Analysis • A triploid model proposed by Bogyo et al (1988) is being employed • GEMS-0067, H99ae and the F1 were selfed and intermated to produce 9 distinct generations.

  20. Amylose based on colorimetric method

  21. GEMS-0067 Amylose based on gel permeation chromatography at ISU amylose amylopectin H99 ae

  22. Normal starch Corn with ae allele 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (oC)

  23. QTL analysis of high amylose modifier genes

  24. High amylose modifier? amylose-extender (ae) locus

  25. Obtained from Mark Guiltinan, Penn State using the Trait Utility System for Corn (TUSC) developed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. sbe2a-Mu (W64A-BC4) self ae

  26. Distribution of amylose values among F2 ears in the GEMS-0067 x H99ae mapping populations • Appears to be more than one gene involved

  27. Question?

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