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Explore the causes and events of the Russian Revolution and nationalism in this engaging lesson. Learn about key figures, major events, and their impact on Russian history.
Agenda 2/17/17 • This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald DUE NOW • Vocab pre-test • Warm up #1 • Unit #6 Lesson #1Revolution and Nationalism • Propaganda Poster: Russian Revolution
Warm up #1 1.What is the difference between a war and a revolution? 2.When is it ok to revolt? Sentence Starters: • In my opinion, the difference between a war and a revolution is_____ 2. I believe that is ok to revolt when ______
Lecture #1Revolution and Nationalism FLT: I will be able to explain the Crises That Led to the Russian Revolution.
Russian Revolution Russia was an autocratic nation - Ruled by the czar (Tsar) who has complete power. - Sole Religion: Russian Orthodox - Sole Language: Russian Why would a government want to control religion and language?
The Russian RevolutionImportant People Alexander II - Autocratic Ruler - Promoted a series of reforms to improve the lives of his people - Not everybody would benefit from reforms
The Russian RevolutionImportant People Alexander III - Stopped all reforms - Secret police monitored schools - Each Student Watched - Strict censorship on all written materials (now this would include your personal emails and MySpace) - All those who disagreed with the czar was sent to Siberia to hopefully die.
Nationalism in Russia Under Alex III * Forbade all other languages * Forbade all other religions * Persecuted Jews Allowed violence against Jews = Programs Does this increase pride in one’s country?
Russian Revolution – Important People Nicholas II - Continues Police State - Tries to catch up with Europe in Industrialization * Steel * Trans-Siberian RR Horrible Working Conditions Low Wages Child Labor Unions were outlawed • Political parties banned – critics ended up in prison or exile • Press was censored
Nicholas II Rule Secret Police and Army = approx. 1 Million • His word was law – True Autocrat • Supported by 1. Nobility 2. Secret Police 3. Army • He appointed his ministers but did not have to listen to them • AND could ‘hire and fire’ them at will
Yet…. Many Russians worshipped the Tsar and peasants typically had a picture of the Tsar on a wall of their hut. Why would people have his picture on the wall?
Moving Towards Revolution • As a result of bad conditions, several groups start to form and study the works of Karl Marx. • People want to see Russia ruled by working class: Proletariat Two Main Groups Mensheviks: Moderate Bolsheviks: Extreme Led by Lenin
Agenda 2/22/17 • This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald DUE NOW • Warm up #2 • Finish Lesson #1Revolution and Nationalism • Propaganda Poster: Russian Revolution
Warm up #2 Define Proletariat. ( what do they want? Who is their leader? Name the two groups? Sentence Starters: Proletariat is _______
Lecture #1Revolution and Nationalism FLT: I will be able to explain the Crises That Led to the Russian Revolution.
In 1904/05 Russia and Japan fought for control of Korea and Manchuria The Tsar expected a quick victory Russia suffered defeats on Land and sea. Japan destroyed the Russian Navy Tsar becomes more unpopular Russia is humiliated Government seen to be weak and incompetent Conditions for the people get worse Price rises food shortages and unemployment The 1905 Revolution 1. War with Japan Background Results
The 1905 Revolution 2. Bloody Sunday • Jan 1905 200,000 unarmed workers march to the Winter Palace • Demands - Better living and working conditions - end to war - a parliament • Soldiers fire on crowd killing 500 Events Results • Tsar undermined in the eyes of the people • Duma is created • Support grows for revolutionaries • Set off a wave of riots, strikes and murders
Military Defeats 3. WWI • Over 15 million men joined the army • Not enough workers in factories and farms • Caused shortages of food and materials • Railway system very poor • could not supply the troops • could not supply the towns • food prices rose
Bolshevik Revolution “Peace, Land and Bread” • Workers not happy with Provisional Gov’t • Peasants wanted land and started to seize it. • Workers joined the Bolsheviks • Gov’t Starts to Lose Control • Lenin and the Bolsheviks assume control of main soviet – Petrograd Soviet – and others. • Lenin and the “Red Guards” take over all gov’t.
Promised Equality No More Classes Country Ruled Equally by the Proletariats (middle class) “What I liked was the promise of a happy, classless society in the future, in which everyone would enjoy all the good created by society…The Revolution gave me the right to feel equal to any man. It gave met he right to work, to study what I wanted to study.” Ella Shistyer Why Would People Follow the Lenin and the Bolsheviks?
The Bolsheviks Take Power,over The Bolsheviks took control of the government in an almost bloodless coup between Oct 24 and 26 1917. Establishes the CHEKA Land Land taken from Church, Nobility etc and given to peasants. Land not taken over by the State (yet) Factories All factories put under control of workers committees Peace Lenin ends the war sends Trotsky to negotiate with Germany. Treaty of Brest-Litvosk Press All non -Bolshevik papers were banned
Civil War • Many are upset about the terms and unite to overthrow Lenin • This new group is the White Army – Want a Czar and Democracy • White Armies Don’t Always Agree • The Red and White Armies Clash = Civil War • White Armies Back by U.S. • Due to lack of unity, Red Army wins • War, Famine and Flu = 14 Million Deaths
Agenda 2/24/17 • Warm up #3 • Finish Lesson #1Revolution and Nationalism • Finish Propaganda Poster: Russian Revolution • Poster presentations • Exit Slip #5 • Student Surveys
Today’s Special Schedule Per 2: 8:00am - 9:20am (80 min) Nutrition: 9:20am - 9:30am (10 min) Per 4: 9:36am - 11:31am (115 min) • Per4 9:36am - 10:56am (80 min) - Instruction • CHKS (all students & staff) & LCAP (student survey) 10:56am - 11:31am (35 min) Lunch: 11:31am - 12:06pm (35 min) Per 6: 12:12pm - 1:32pm (80 min) Per 8: 1:38pm - 2:58pm (80 min)
Exit Slip # 5 Why did the Russian Revolution happened? ( think about the events that let to people revolting against the Tsar) Sentence Starters The Russian Revolution happened because_____
Warm up #3 Why did People Follow the Lenin and the Bolsheviks? Sentence Starters: People Followed the Lenin and the Bolsheviks because______
Lecture #1Revolution and Nationalism FLT: I will be able to explain the Crises That Led to the Russian Revolution.
Lenin Russia left in shambles after war and revolution and Lenin’s Plan to Improve It New Economic Policy (NEP): Private Ownership Free Trade Foreign Investment Policy allows economics to dramatically improve.
USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Lenin organized gov’t into several smaller self governing republics. (avoid Nationalism) - These would be under the central gov’t. - Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party which controlled the central gov’t. Does this sound like Communism? Page 438
Russian Revolution • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22nzopiyWx0 As you watch the video answer the following question: What happened after the Russian Revolution ? Why do you think this was the case?
Agenda 2/27/17 • Bolshevik Propaganda Poster due Now • Fill in facts for remaining topics • Paragraph Response Why were Russians attracted to communism?
Bolshevik Propaganda Poster • Step 1: Pick an event and copy the page number on your graphic organizer. • Step 2: look for two facts about Your event • Step 3: make up a Slogan • Step 4: work on your draft: • Must include 1 picture, color, slogan, title, and 2 facts about your event.
Exit Slip # Why did the Russian Revolution happened? ( think about the events that let to people revolting against the Tsar) Sentence Starters The Russian Revolution happened because_____
Student Surveys • You will have 30 minutes to complete these 2 surveys: 1. Link: surveys.wested.org/chks/VF464HF • School Code : GD23ZK 2. https://www.surveymonkey.com /r/LCAP_Student_17-18
Early finisher: • Define vocabulary words Ch. 14 Assessment “Terms and Names” pg. 410 #1-10