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OPEN HOUSE. Crystal Lake Middle School September 6, 2012 Ms. Collins. Welcome Parents!. Welcome parents to Crystal Lake Middle School ’ s Open House I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet you!!!

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  1. OPEN HOUSE Crystal Lake Middle School September 6, 2012 Ms. Collins

  2. Welcome Parents! • Welcome parents to Crystal Lake Middle School’s Open House I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet you!!! • The purpose of open house is to inform you of my expectations of your child and to help you better assess and assist them with their learning. • Contact Information: Pass out Sign Up for Ms. Collins’s Period Notifications • Email: wanda.collins@browardschools.com

  3. School Policies • The school's discipline policy, including procedures regarding absence and tardiness. • Special programs at the school. YMCA-Aftercare- Focus of the program is to improve your child’s reading, writing, math, and science skills. Stop by Student Affairs to get an application. It starts on Monday, September 10, 2012.

  4. Class Policies • Attendance and tardiness policy. • Grading policy. • Amount of homework and homework policy. • Parent-teacher Conferences.

  5. Attendance and Tardiness Policy 1 & 2nd Tardy Teacher verbal warning 3rd Tardy Teacher contact Parent 4th Tardy Teacher Intervention (before or after school detention). 5th Tardy Administrative Referral (Administrative Detention) 6th & 7th Tardy Teacher contacts Parent (phone call) 8th Tardy Administrative Referral (Saturday School) 9th Tardy Teacher gives Final Warning to student 10th Tardy Administrative Referral (Behavior Change/BC) 11th tardy and Beyond EXTERNAL SUSPENSION

  6. Grading Policy • Tests 40% • Quizzes 20% • C.W/H.W 25% • Bellringers 15% • Grades can be checked on Pinnacle. Check frequently. • 􏰃Extra credit is given very rarely.

  7. Grading Policy Continued... http://crystallake.browardschools.com then click on the PINNACLE Tab

  8. Grading Policy Continued... • Logging into the Pinnacle Internet Viewer is very easy.
All you need to know is your child's Student ID and PIN Code.
          The Student ID is your child's Student Number, and the PIN Code
          is your child's birth date in military format.
           John Doe
           Student Number: 1234567890
           Birth date: 01/25/1992

  9. Amount of Homework and Homework Policy • Homework: Monday through Thursday, sometimes on Friday • Turn it in on time! Late work will result in a grade of a “D”

  10. How Can I support my Child? • Check homework completion, neatness, and accuracy every day. • Check grades on pinnacle frequently • Go over some problems with them. Show them how you would do it. *Enforce standards and priorities*

  11. WARNING!! • Students who have not mastered their Multiplication Facts are already far behind...CATCH UP! • “Please excuse Suzy from her homework because she had two soccer games last night.” • Establish priorities. Do not make excuses and make it acceptable for them to fail.

  12. Parent/Teacher Conferences • You can request a parent teacher conference by calling Student Affairs: 754-322-3100

  13. Classroom Expectations Norms established to provide a safe and productive learning environment: • Arrive on time and prepared to work. • Respect your self and others. Be kind with your words and actions. • Follow directions the first time they are given. • Remain in your assigned seat at all times. • Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on. • Be organized. • Be a self-starter.

  14. Special Class Rewards • Smiley Stamp Card Students who earn 30 smiley stamps for completing bellringers on time and turning h.w. in on time can redeem the smiley stamp card for a free homework pass or a free time pass!!!!

  15. Opportunities to Get Involved PTSA • How can parents get involved and participate in the SAC committee? Parents are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting of the SAC committee PTSA/SAC Meeting 9/18/2012 @6pm-8pm * The SAC committee provides a place where parents can voice their opinions and suggestions.  They have an active role in making decisions that will best serve the students. • SAF (The School Advisory Forum)

  16. Curriculum Goals • Common Core Standards- Collection of Academic Skills that educators across the nation deem vital. • The PARCC Will replace the FCAT starting in the 2014-2015 school year • Florida adopted the Common Core two years ago. The final step is to phase out the reading and math portions of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test and roll out PARCC.

  17. Question and Answer Time Are there any questions at this time?

  18. Thanks for Coming Out!!!

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