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Title I Annual Meeting

Learn about the purpose and benefits of Title I funding at Snowshoe Elementary School and how it supports our students' academic success. Discover our strategies, programs, and initiatives aimed at meeting student needs and promoting parent involvement. Don't forget to fill out the survey!

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Title I Annual Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title I Annual Meeting Snowshoe Elementary School 2019-2020 $109,762

  2. What Is Title I? The purpose of Title I is to provide supplementary resources to students in schools where low income families make up at least 40% of the population. This additional assistance in core content areas (particularly reading, math, and science) is provided to enable students to meet the high academic standards.

  3. Snowshoe Qualifies for Title 1 based on our schools Free/Reduced Lunch count. Have you filled out a free/reduced form? Many people who don’t think they qualify, do. Please fill one out today Our status for qualifying for Title I allowed Snowshoe to be a CEP(Community Eligibility Provisions) school at 50% Free/Reduced. We will remain in this status for two more years.

  4. We are Schoolwide Title I 1.Comprehensive needs assessment: from data 2.Reform strategies: in Data Dialogue 3.Instruction by highly-qualified staff 4.Professional development activities 5.Strategies to attract highly-qualified teachers to high need schools -district level

  5. Schoolwide (cont.) 6. Parental involvement 7.Transition plans (preschool, grade-to-grade):staff meetings 8.Include teachers in assessment decisions:data dialogue 9.Describe strategies used for low-achieving students:RTI 10.Coordinate and integrate federal, state and local programs and services

  6. Last Year’s Data Our goal: Take students from where they ARE and move them UP to where they need to be. Let’s take a look at AIMs Web & MAP

  7. Kindergarten Letter Naming Fluency Spring 2019 Fall 2018 Winter 2018

  8. Kindergarten Letter Sound Fluency Fall 2018 Spring 2019 Winter2018

  9. Kindergarten Number Identification Measure Fall- 2018 Winter-2018 Spring 2019

  10. 1st Grade Oral Reading Fluency Winter- 2018 Spring 2019

  11. 2nd Grade Oral Reading Fluency Fall -2018 Spring 2019 Winter 2018

  12. 3rd Grade Oral Reading Fluency Winter- 2018 Fall -2018 Spring 2019

  13. Grades K-5 2018-2019 MAP Growth DataMath

  14. Grades K-5 2018-2019 MAP Growth DataReading

  15. Grades 3-5 2018-2019 MAP Growth DataLanguage Usage

  16. What do we do with that Data?

  17. We take our students from where they are and head them in the direction they need to be: Moving UP.

  18. How We Meet Student Needs Data Dialogue 6x per year at the beginning of each quarter Redesign our skills block groups after seeing growth, no-growth or regression. 2. RTI (Response to Intervention/Instruction) Research proven instruction and intervention based on individual student needs. Use assessment data to frequently monitor progress of students in order to make decisions about how and what to teach children. Creates an education system that focuses on success for all learners. Teacher also accelerate students who are ready to advance their knowledge 3. Skills Block Breaking students into groups to work on specific at risk areas 45 minutes, Mon. - Friday. 4. Star Tutors (2 adults) 2 hours 5 times a week

  19. How Can Parents Get Involved? -Communicate with teachers(email, notes, phone) -Volunteer in classrooms, on field trips -Ask for help if you are unsure how to help your child -Attend parent-teacher conferences -Attend family nights *Remember: Parents are their child’s first teacher.

  20. In class, homework books and online resources available to all students and parents through your classroom teacher and the districts’ website Students K-5 link. Curriculum and Programs

  21. We also use Title I money to fund: -Staffing for multiple small group instruction -Purchase intervention materials -Online academic support (Moby Max, Core 5, Spelling City) -Staff Professional Development -Technology -Family Nights (Parent involvement events) -Student Incentives -Extra-curricular field trip experiences -Additional Classroom Supplies to enhance learning

  22. Get informed-Read the following: -Parent-School-Wide Compact -Parent Engagement Policy All located on our schools website

  23. Please don’t forget to fill out the survey

  24. Snowshoe Trailblazer

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