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Market Linkages of NTFPs: Enhancing Cooperative Trade in Medicinal Plants

Explore the sourcing, market linkages, and objectives of cooperative trade in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) to improve sustainable collection, marketing, and industry integration. Learn about proposed modules for ideal cooperatives.

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Market Linkages of NTFPs: Enhancing Cooperative Trade in Medicinal Plants

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  1. Market Linkages of NTFPs Janak Raj Rawal, President Federation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Stakeholders C-3/22, Phase-2, Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 110 052 T: +91-11-2712 6272 F: +91-11-2712 6273 E: janakraj.rawal@fedmaps.org & janakraj.rawal@gmail.com www.fedmaps.org

  2. Sourcing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Market Linkages of NTFPs

  3. Medicinal Plants Parts in Trade Approx. 1000 MAPs belonging to 600 Genera and 170 Families Market Linkages of NTFPs

  4. End Users of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Market Linkages of NTFPs

  5. Current Structure of Marketing Chain of NTFPs Collector Federation / Cooperatives Small Scale Mandies Bastar, Bikaner, Kolhapur Petty Trader (Local) District Traders (Investor) Stockiest Market Linkages of NTFPs Medium Scale Mandies Lucknow, Madurai, Dhamtari, Dehradun Wholesaler Supplier to Industry Large Scale Mandies Delhi, Amritsar, Mumbai Retailer Industry

  6. Marketing through Cooperatives Market Linkages of NTFPs Objectives Eliminate state control and meddling in the cooperative; To extend selected banking services to cooperatives; To focus on marketing of NTFPs through adopting advance techniques; Secure rights for resource harvest; To create awareness among collectors to adopt improved collection practices; Ensure sustainable collection and bottom-up forest conservation; Increase economic incentives and performance; Increase member participation in management; Enhance community’s management capability; To cater to the industry needs, mostly, essential Medicinal Plants.

  7. Proposed Module of an Ideal Cooperative of MAPs Market Linkages of NTFPs Propose small size transparent cooperatives funding/share capital by Government with marketing professionals/experts; All committee members (Individual, Sanghas, NGOs, SHG etc.) should be contributing from their own pocket to become part of cooperatives; Departmental Secretaries not to be considered to become part of the cooperative board; President/Chairman of the cooperative committee should be Tribal only; Outsiders/non-officials should be nominated as Directors; The cooperative board members should not be limited to 10-15 members; Ensure lease in all forest areas providing duration of minimum 5 years; Ensure access to all NTFPs;

  8. Proposed Module of an Ideal Cooperative of MAPs Market Linkages of NTFPs Lease renewal based on joint (Forest Deptt. & cooperative) review Stop permits and pass system; Rights and responsibilities to replant/regenerate; Increase market outreach/competition through adopting advance techniques Minimum Support Price (MSP) of each available plant should be announced in advance before collecting of same; Propose to develop processing zone/yard for value addition(drying, cleaning, grading, packing etc.); Eliminate agents, develop own marketing structure; Training for sustainable Collection, Marketing, Extraction, Processing etc. on regular intervals.

  9. Thank You ! Federation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Stakeholders

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