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Learn the essentials of successful cow feeding, nutrient requirements, metabolic disorders, and prevention methods. Dive deep into feeding phases, DCAD, metabolic disorders, and calcium metabolism for optimal cow health and productivity.
Feeding Transition Cows STEPANIE MILBURGLECTURE 12 2/23/2001
Goals of a Successful Feeding System • Understand the factors that will determine nutrient requirements • Deliver the needed nutrients to each cow to meet her requirements as economically as possible
Factors That Impact Nutrient Requirements • 1. Milk Production Curve • 2. Milk Fat and Milk Protein • 3. Dry Matter Intake • 4. Body Weight Loss and Gain
Phase Feeding Approach • Considers the various phases of lactation and gestation • Program is divided into periods based on milk production, milk fat percentage, feed intake, and body weight • Goal for the dry cow is to minimize metabolic disorders, increase longevity, increase profits of next lactation
Far off dry cows • Begins at drying off time to 21 days before calving • Adapt the rumen microbes for higher energy diets fed postpartum • Prevent metabolic disorders • -force feed trace minerals/vitamins • -limit salt intake • -closely monitor calcium and phosphorus • Provide nutrients for rapidly growing calf
Close Up Dry Cows • Starts 21 days prepartum • Nutritional management of macrominerals is important to enhance lactational and reproductive performance postpartum • One potential strategy for late gestation feeding is the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD)
Dietary Cation-Anion Difference • Systemic acid/base balance of the cow • Feeding anionic diet increases H+ ions (creates acidosis). If cations are fed HCO3 is released (creates alkalosis) • Mild acidosis allows for greater absorption of Ca and P –very helpful to preparturient cows Sources of anionic salts: CaSO4, NH3SO4, MgSO4, MgCl, NH3Cl, CaCl
DCAD Cont. • DCAD = meq (Na +K) – (Cl+S)/ 100g DM • To calculate DACD the expression is: [%Na divided by .023) + (%K divided by .039)] – [(%Cl divided by .0355) + (%S divided by .016)]
Example • Item Dietary Conc. (%) meq DCAD • Na .10 .023 4.35 • K .65 .039 16.67 • Cl .20 .0355 5.63 • S .16 .016 10.00 • DCAD = meq(Na +K) – (Cl+S) = 5.39
Rumen Acidosis • Excessively acid pH caused by greater fermentation and acid production by microbes than can be neutralized by the animal • Cause: Too much rapidly fermentable CHO (starch) and too little effective fiber • Feedlot cattle and early postpartum cows
Acidosis cont.. • Acute : can cause death • Chronic or subclinical : decrease feed intake, fermentation efficiency • Prevention: • Avoid “slug” feeding • Balance starch/fiber fractions of diet • Allow for gradual adaptation to change
Ketosis • The excessive mobilization of body fat caused by an imbalance between glucose need and glucose supply that leads to a build up of ketones in the body • High demand for glucose (milk production or fetal growth) relative to supply (feed intake) leads to decreased glucose in blood and low insulin • Promote mobilization of long-chain fatty acids from adipose tissue
Ketosis cont. • The increase in ketone body concentration comes from beta-oxidation of long chain fatty acids in the liver • Ketone bodies = BHBA (beta-hydroxybutyrate), acetone, AcAc (acetoacetate) • Liver can oxidize 5 times as much fatty acid to obtain the same amount of ATP for energy
Ketosis cont. • As [AcAc] increases it spills into blood, urine, and milk – odor can be used as a diagnostic tool • Rarely fatal – production drops to decrease glucose demand • Administer glucose
Ketosis cont.. • Prevention: • Avoid over fattening (Fat cows have poor appetites!) • Provide ample amounts of well-balanced diet (high energy) • Administer Niacin (reduces lipolysis)
Calcium Metabolism and Milk Fever • Calcium in the blood is critical to life and is strictly regulated! • Functions of Calcium: • 1. Component of milk • 2. Bone structure • 3. Muscle Contraction • 4. Nerve transmission
Hormonal Regulation of Calcium • Parathyroid hormone (PTH) – secreted by parathyroid glands in response to low blood Calcium • PTH increases blood calcium by: • - increase reabsorption of Ca in kidney • - increase reabsorption from bone • - increase activation of vitamin D
Hormonal regulation cont. • Calcitonin – Secreted by thyroid gland in response to elevated blood Ca • Decreases blood calcium by: • Increasing urinary Ca excretion • Decrease bone reabsorption
Milk Fever (Parturient paresis) • A decreased blood Ca in response to Ca drain of lactation • Feed intake drops at calving and the calcium-mobilizing system is inactive at calving • Blood Ca drops, PTH and vitamin D try to increase blood Ca • Target tissues are unable to respond to hormonal signals
Milk Fever cont. • Symptoms: • decrease appetite and inactive digestive tract, “cold ears”, staggering, loss of balance, listlessness, coma, death • Treatment: Immediate I.V. infusion of Ca
Milk Fever cont. • Prevention: • 1. Feed diet low in Ca and P during dry period • 2.Give Vitamin D at 2500 X requirement for 3-5 d before calving • 3.Adjust anion-cation difference -if anionic, get acidosis (acidosis favors Ca mobilization and PTH response
Summary • The transition cow’s nutrient needs can easily be neglected since she is no longer with the milking group • Careful consideration to her metabolic needs helps to ensure productivity and longevity in her next lactation