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Comprehensive guide on budget allocation for Title I & Title III programs. Learn about funding levels, requirements, SPSA, budget development, and more. Available resources included.
2016-2017 Budget Development for TITLE I & TITLE iii ProgramsMarch 2016 LOCAL DISTRICT NORTHEAST
Local District North East Staff Title 1 Coordinators Sue Florindez- sue.florindez@lausd.net Tony Karch- anthony.karch@lausd.net EL Compliance Coordinator Sandra Escartin- sandra.escartin@lausd.net Parent and Community Engagement Administrator Antonio Reveles- acr07321@lausd.net Fiscal Manager Christopher Iya- chris.iya@lausd.net LDNE MAIN OFFICE: (818) 252-5400
Title I Programs • The purpose of the Title I program is to meet the educational needs of children in low-income households and children in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children. • Title I funds are supplemental funds and are allocated to schools based on poverty percentages on the annual Title I ranking. These percentages are determined by the number of low-income students, aged 5 to 17, enrolled on CBEDS day, who qualify for free-or reduced-price meals or CALWORKS. • For the 2015-2016 school year, the 7S046 funding levels were: $615 for the 65-100% Poverty Level $467 for the 50-64.99% Poverty Level $300 for schools falling below 50% poverty for the first time in 2015-2016
Supplemental Funds… • are those funds which are granted to schools for specific program purposes and which are over and above the general revenue funds the schools receive to support the core program. • must be used to support and enhance the District’s core program. • must be clearly tied to the overarching goal of improving academic outcomes for participating students. Supplemental funds may not be used to replace or supplant the funds and instructional program the District provides the school, as supplement not supplant fiscal requirements remain in place and have not been waived by the USDE.
Single Plan for Student Achievement/SPSA • The SPSA is a written plan developed by the school community describing the school’s program and how resources will be used to meet the supplemental educational and related needs of participating students. • California Education Code 9 Section 64001 requires that a School Site Council (SSC) develop the SPSA. • The purpose of the SPSA is: 1) to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance 2) to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of state achievement standards, and 3) to ensure that all students succeed in reaching academic standards set by the State Board of Education.
SPSA & Developing a School Budget • The school budget must be based on the identified needs of participating students as determined by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment and as described in the SPSA. • The budget should demonstrate an alignment between the planned supplemental instructional program and the planned expenditures. • If a school is unable to demonstrate that all participating student groups are showing signs of academic improvement, the school must re-evaluate the use of its categorical budgets and expenditures. • Budgets should be developed with recommendations from appropriate committees, e.g. ELAC. Their written recommendations must be brought to the SSC for review and approval.
Developing a School Budget-Title I School Level Decision Making • STEP 1/DATA: Was data used to identify students’ areas of need? • STEP 2/NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Is the expenditure based on the needs of students, with priority given to low-achieving students? Is the activity research-based and specifically described in the plan & linked to student needs identified in the plan? • STEP 3/EVALUATION: Is there a plan to monitor the implementation of the SPSA/activities & evaluate the effectiveness of the selected expenditures/activities? Is the cost reasonable? • STEP 4/APPROVAL: The proposed expenditure is based on data and a needs assessment, is linked to the SPSA, and is sound and compliant.
2016-2017 Budget Development Resources at lausd.net “Offices” • Available at School Fiscal Services Estimated Rate Sheets General Funds Program Manual Budget at a Glance – Excel version • Available at Federal & State Education Programs Program and Budget Handbook Latest Title I Ranking • Available at Multilingual & Multicultural Ed. Dept. 2016-2017 Title III (7S176) Allocation Opt-Out Form ELAC Recommendation Form
2016-2017 Budget Information This is a resource to assist schools in designing an effective instructional program for participating students.
2016-2017 Budget Information Services for which the student is the direct recipient or beneficiary of the services. Budget at a Glance – Direct Services • The listed items are the most popular ones and are now in alphabetical order. • For Title I/7S046 & 7E046, Title III/7S176, and QEIA/14310.
2016-2017 Budget Information Personnel and supplies that are administrative in nature and do not have a direct relationship to instruction • 7S046 only -10% maximum on indirect services • 7E046 – only for Clerical Relief/X-time & Professional Expert • 14310 – only for Campus Aide & Sr./Office Technician
Description for Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) see page A37
2016-2017 Pages B1-B10
2016-2017 Pages B11-B18
2016-2017 Budget Guidelines KEY Reminders for Title I/7S046 • Certificated positions with may only be budgeted on “C” basis. • The minimum funding for supplemental itinerant support personnel is 0.1 FTE (1/2 day). • A reasonable amount can be budgeted in SIM for FY 2016-2017. Specific items must be described in the SPSA. There is a review process for SIM items purchased in the Shopping Cart. • When funding for Toshiba Contracts in the budget item “Other Non-instructional Contracts”, an unrestricted general fund accounting line should be identified as the default account. • The minimum allowable funding for certificated out-of-classroom personnel is 0.50 FTE (2 ½ days). • Test preparation materials may not be purchased with TI funds. • Parent training allowance is not an allowable expense.
2016-2017 Budget Guidelines KEY Reminders for Title I/7S046 • First time purchases of software licenses must be budgeted as Supplemental Instructional Material/SIM. • Renewal of software licenses must be budgeted as Software Licenses Maintenance. • Program funds cannot be used to purchase Administrator positions, TSP Advisor, Campus Aide, School Supervision Aide, Custodian, and Deans. • Title I resources may not be used to reconcile Procurement Card (P-Card) expenditures except for Admission Fees, SIM, and Conference Registration Fees. • School Advisory Committee Expenses may not be budgeted. • Custodial Overtime and Clerical Overtime are NOT ALLOWED. • Clerical Relief and Clerical X-time can be budgeted.
2016-2017 Budget Guidelines Restricted Items in 7S046Leave Amounts in Pending Distribution (in parenthesis in SPSA Budget Item column) • General Supplies Technology ($499 and under, including tax, shipping, & other ancillary costs) • Non-Capitalized Equipment, Classroom & Other ($500 to $4,999) • Equipment, Other, Capitalized (above $5,000) • M/O Supplies: limited to $1 per student per Title I intervention session • Professional Expert, Certificated & Classified • CPA X-time, beyond 9 days
2016-2017 Budget GuidelinesNEW Review Process for 7S046 • For the 2015-2016 school year, there has been a new review process when purchasing Supplemental Instructional Materials/SIM with 7S046 through the Shopping Cart. For 2016-2017, this process will include other budget items. Schools must adhere to additional protocols in order for Title I funds to be utilized. Schools must upload the required documentation in the Shopping Cart. The items are: • Admission Tickets • Contracted Instructional Services • Other Books/books for the library & professional learning books for teachers • Other Non-Instructional Contracts (Not Toshiba) • Staff Conference Attendance
2016-2017 Budget GuidelinesNEW for 7S046 • Administrative salaries/Administrator X for intervention supervision and/or site-based PD facilitating or attendance on unassigned days and/or Saturdays cannow be purchased during budget development; the amounts must be reasonable, and preapproval must be secured from the LD Superintendent prior to the beginning of any activity. • Schools may budget “Other Books” during Budget Development, including reference books (dictionaries & encyclopedia sets) for the school library for Schoolwide Title I schools. • Contracted Instructional Services may be funded to incorporate the arts in supporting the academic achievement of students not meeting grade level standards in ELA and mathematics, for elementary and secondary. • Admission tickets are no longer a restricted item but can only be purchased for approved District sites that are described in the SPSA. • Teacher Auxiliaries for Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA can be budgeted during Budget Development.
2016-2017 Budget GuidelinesNEW for 7S046 • The Intervention/Prevention Support Coordinator replaces the Intervention Support Coordinator; this new position includes responsibilities that support students with disabilities. • The EL/SEL Instructional Coach is a new position created to address the needs of ELs and SELs. • Auxiliary teacher time for class size reduction or intervention may be budgeted during budget development; remember to include the subject area and the grade level. • Schools may only be able to purchase Teacher Release Day which replaces Day-to-Day Substitute and PD Teacher Regular. • Schools may purchase clerical positions from the combination of office technician/senior office technician position, and a detailed description in the SPSA must indicate how this position supports the Title I program. • There is no longer a $1,500 limit on parent conference attendance in 7E046. • Items that are closed and can not be budgeted include: 1-Professional Development/registration fees 2-Teacher, Replacement 3-Teacher Auxiliary, Intervention
Funding to Serve English LearnersAll Schools receive TSP resources to meet LCAP EL Goals Proportionality TSP 10183 Supplemental Title III 7S176
Funding for EL Students : Title III Fundspay for supplemental services above and beyondTitle I and General Funds EL Title III EL Title III Title I Fundspay for supplemental services above and beyond “General Funds” Title I (Includes Els) Title I (Includes Els) All students are entitled and MUST receive services provided by“General Funds” before supplemental services can be considered General Funds General Funds
Title III Program • The District receives Title III (Federal) funds to provide direct services to ELs above and beyond the core program requirementsas outlined in the United States Code (USC) and California Education Code (EC). • To design, implement, and monitor instruction for the academic and linguistic achievement for ELs • Title III funded activities must be: (1) based on the identified linguistic and academic needs of EL, (2) accurately and explicitly documented in the SPSA/SPSA Update and (3) must aligned with the Title III achievement accountabilities.
Title III Program • Title III funds require the input from parents of English Learners. • “The signature of the ELAC Chairperson on the Single Plan Assurances page indicates that the committee had the opportunity to participate in the budget development process and provide written recommendation regarding the SPSA and EL Programs.” 2016 – 17 Program & Budget Handbook, Appendix A, pg. C-6.
Title III Program To meet the AMAO targets, schools must use their Title III funds to provide direct services to ELs. 29
Title III-7S176 Funding Priorities • Professional Development for designated/integrated ELD • Targeted Intervention Services • Parent Outreach and Training 2016– 17 Program & Budget Handbook, Appendix A, pgs. C-1 and C-2
Budget Process Analyze EL Data to determine EL’s needs. Conduct “Needs Assessment” Analyze EL Student Data Share data with ELAC School submits the SPSA and budgets to the Local District for Approval Share data with ELAC. ELAC makes recommendation(s) to SSC and Principal Budget Development Process SSC makes decision & submits written decision to ELAC ELAC submits written recommendation to SSC School develops the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and aligns Title III budget items. Local District EL Coordinator signs Budget Worksheet and submits to Fiscal Specialist for processing Budget Worksheet with necessary signatures is submitted to Local District with Justification and SPSA Page ELAC’s recommendation(s) are shared with SSC. SSC makes decision.
ELAC Recommendation Form This form will show reviewers/auditors that ELAC was part of : “Needs Assessment, SPSA and Budget Development Process.” • Needs Assessment • SPSA • Budget Development
2016 – 2017 Budget at a Glance 2016 – 17 Program & Budget Handbook, pgs. A-(27 - 28)
2016 – 2017 Budget at a Glance(Indirect Services) Title III does not allow for Indirect Services expenditures 2016 – 17 Program & Budget Handbook, pgs. A-(27 - 28) 7S176 Estimated Rate Sheet has additional allowable expenditures
Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) and General Supplies • SIM and General Supplies are not allowable expenditures under Title III (7S176)
Title III Updates • Staff Training Rate, Certificated is to pay a regular status teacher who attends a non-mandated Master Plan-related training outside the basic assignment. • PD Teacher X Time is to pay a regular status teacher who attends a mandated Title III allowable Master Plan-related training outside of the basic assignment. • Teacher Release Day is to pay a regular status teacher who attends a Master Plan-related training/planning/data analysis/classroom observation during the basic assignment. • Parent Training Allowance is not allowable.
Title III Updates Teacher Release Day (Budget Item # 10377) Will replace these two budget items • Day to Day Subs (Budget Item # 10559) – closed • PD Teacher Regular (Budget Item # 10370) – closed
Title III Approval of Restricted Positions/Services • Contracted Instructional Services • CPA X Time, Tutoring* • Instructional Coach X Time, Tutoring* • Title III Coach X Time, Tutoring* • Title III Coach X Time • Travel/Conference Attendance *Tutoring must be provided on Saturdays
Pre-Approval Process • To budget restricted budget items with Title III funds, MMED pre-approval is needed. The following needs to be submitted: • Completed form for Approval of Restricted Positions/Services • Copy of the manual Budget Adjustment Request • Provide a copy of the applicable SPSA page (from the EL programs section of the SPSA) • ELAC Minutes that address the item requested • The above documentation needs to be submitted to the EL Programs Compliance Coordinator for review. If the documentation meets EL program requirements, he/she will forward it to MMED for final approval. • Funds for the requested service are to be placed in Pending Distribution until final approval. 2016 – 17 Program & Budget Handbook, Appendix A, pgs. C-3 and C-4
EIA-LEP Carryover REMINDER 2015-2016 • 7V883 – ELD standards implementation Professional Development • 7T053 – Intervention for ELs having scored at the Intermediate level for 3+ years • These funds must be spent by 6/30/16
Objectives • Explore Appendix B of Program and Budget Handbook • Explore Budget Development best practices
The Cycle of Continuous Development Please remember that the budget is developed to support the strategies outlined in the SPSA
Main Points To Consider For Budget Planning • Main Points: • Ensure that recommendations are made by the English Learner Advisory Committee. • Title I funds are used to strengthen parent capacity. • Funds allocated for parent activities may not be used for other purposes. • The school planning sheet for parent involvement activities is developed with parent recommendations. • Categorical funds are to supplement, not supplant, educational services for parents. • A differential may be provided to a register-carrying teacher only for the purposes of coordinating schoolwide parent engagement.
Budget Planning Sheet (7E046) Budget Planning Sheet 2016-2017
7E046 Items X Time must support parent involvement and must occur outside of regular work hours. This is for short-time (less than 6 months) assignments. Parent Conference Attendance is only allowable within 45 miles from the address of the school. Mileage rate for 2016 is 54 cents per business miles driven. This is a payment to persons working on special projects that are non-repetitive on a temporary basis and that are customarily not performed by a classified or certificated employee in the scope of his duty. The person must be a current or retired employee of the District. Adifferential may be provided to a register-carrying teacher only for purposes of coordinating parent engagement activities.
7E046 Items • Unclassified position. • Assignments limited to 720 hours per year and may not work more than 8 hours per day. • Community Rep A hourly rate $14.88, Total $10,714. • Community Rep C hourly rate $16.71, Total $12,032. • Classified position with benefits. • 8 hours per day. • Total cost with benefits $61,637. • Classified position with benefits. • 6 hours per day. • Different total cost based on bilingual (Armenian, Korean, Spanish). • Total cost with benefits $45,529.
7E046 Items Computers and projectors can be budgeted. School must provide location and calendar of usage to support parent engagement. Costs must be below $500 per item including all shipping, tax and additional charges. Non-Capitalized Equipment is equipment costing $500 or more, up to $4,999 with shipping, tax and all additional costs per item. Translation equipment must be used to support parent engagement. Note: These are Pending Distribution items and may not be budgeted during Budget Development.
7E046 Items These contracts are with vendors providing instructional programs/services for parents. These contracts are with people who are experts in their fields and must be non-District employees, who cannot perform the work of District employees, to provide services for a school. Only the Procurement Services Division can contract with these people for a school. Note: Custodial Overtime, Custodial X-Time, Custodial Relief and Clerical Overtime are no longer allowable.
7E046 Items Supplemental Instructional Material (SIM) is for parent activities ONLY; no office supplies allowed