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Title I Programs in the Jackson County School District

Title I Programs in the Jackson County School District. An Overview. What Title programs do we have in the JCSD?. Title I – A Title II Title III Title IV Title V. What are allowable expenditures for Title funds?.

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Title I Programs in the Jackson County School District

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  1. Title I Programs in the Jackson County School District An Overview

  2. What Title programs do we have in the JCSD? • Title I – A • Title II • Title III • Title IV • Title V

  3. What are allowable expenditures for Title funds? • Title I – Schoolwide is based upon schools with 40% or higher of free/reduced lunch rate. The purpose is to implement programs that increase student achievement through efforts that impact the whole school. • Title II monies may be used for professional development, class-size reduction, recruitment, and retention.

  4. Allowable Expenditures cont. • Title III is used to supplement services for English Language Learners. • Title IV is utilized for drug prevention, awareness, character education, and safe and orderly schools. • Title V is very flexible and can support other federal programs or can be used for such items such as school nurses, computer technicians, or media resources.

  5. Allowable Expenditures continued….. • Remember that all Title programs relate to No Child Left Behind and, as such, are tied to accountability, assessment, parental involvement, research-based programs, and highly qualified staff; therefore, if a district does not meet all the mandates of NCLB, sanctions will be imposed on the district.

  6. Who determines how Title monies are spent in Jackson County? NCLB mandates that the following guidelines be set aside for district use: • Parent Involvement – 1 % of annual budget if the district receives over $500.000. • Professional Development – 5 % of budget must be used for professional development activities. • Administrative – No more than 20 % of budget may be spent on administrative costs.

  7. NCLB Mandates Continued… • Equitable Services for Private School Students – We must ensure that students living in the JCSD but attending private schools receive and equitable amount. • Individual schools and the district as a whole conduct needs assessments to determine how the remainder of funds are spent.

  8. What schools are served by Title I and II in the JCSD? • East Central Lower Elementary • East Central Upper Elementary • St. Martin East Elementary • St. Martin North Elementary • St. Martin Upper Elementary • Vancleave Lower Elementary • Vancleave Upper Elementary

  9. Why were these schools chosen as Title Schools? Based on the free/reduced rankings and needs assessments, it was felt that the elementary schools could gain the most benefit from supplementary funding. Research has proven that if schools reach children early and remediate as needed, the chances of academic problems at the secondary level will decrease.

  10. What were the allocations for the 2007 – 2008 School year? • Title I - $1,272,481.00 • Title II - $340,732.00 • Title III - $29,132.25 • Title IV - $35,958.00 • Title V - $13,452.00

  11. What were the “set-asides” for Title I for 2007 – 2008? • Private Schools - $11,924.00 • Professional Development - $63,624.00 • Parent Involvement - $12,725.00 • Administrative - $117,031.00 (Administrative includes salary for bookkeeper, 50% of secretary’s salary, 60 % of curriculum director’s salary, supplies, materials and any district wide initiatives.)

  12. Allocation for each Title I school based up the March 07 enrollment - $458.60 per pupil • East Central Lower - $143,544.00 • East Central Upper - $127,493.00 • St. Martin East - $187,111.00 • St. Martin North - $138,958.00 • St. Martin Upper - $135,289.00 • Vancleave Lower - $175,188.00 • Vancleave Upper - $159,585.00

  13. How are Title I funds spent at the school level? Average expenditures for Title Funds indicated the following percentages: • Salaries for support personnel (teacher assistants) 78 % • Technology (computers, software, technical support and upgrades) 10 % • Classroom supplies (supplemental materials to assist students) 6 % • Parental Involvement Activities (parent training and notification of student progress) 5 % • Professional Development (conferences and materials) 1 %

  14. Title II Class size reduction teachers are placed in grades 3, 4, and 5 to help decrease student/ teacher ratios. • East Central Upper - 3 teachers • St. Martin Upper – 3 teachers • Vancleave Upper – 3 teachers • St. Martin North – 1 teacher • St. Martin East – 1 teacher

  15. Title III Supplemental services are provided for English Language Learners. • Contractual salary for retired ELL teacher • Professional development activities for tutors • Materials and supplies needed by tutors

  16. Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools: • 40 % of salary for family therapist • Research-based programs for character education and drug prevention programs at each school • SmartTrack surveys for grades 6 – 12 (required by NCLB)

  17. Title V These monies were combined with Title II funds to provide class-size reduction teachers.

  18. Projected Allocation for 2008 - 2009 • Title I - $1,272,781.00 • Title II - $344,788.00 • Title III and IV – not known at this time • V – We will not receive any Title V funds.

  19. How is the JCSD measured by the MDE with regard to Title I? • AYP – Adequate Yearly Progress must be shown in the district as a whole and in each subgroup. • AMO – Annual Measurable Objectives

  20. Mississippi Statewide Accountability System – Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Under No Child Left Behind ~ Annual Measurable Objectives for 2005 - 2007

  21. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 3

  22. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 4

  23. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 5

  24. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 3 Reading

  25. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 3 Language

  26. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 3 Mathematics

  27. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 4 Reading

  28. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 4 Language

  29. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 4 Mathematics

  30. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 5 Reading

  31. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 5 Language

  32. JCSD Progress toward Annual Measurable Objectives ~ Grade 5 Mathematics

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