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Analysis of safety incidents from Period 5, including accidents and improvements. Details on injuries, causes, and actions taken.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Safety PBR Period 5
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Current safety performance Period 5 (to date) • Current LTIFR: 0.35 as of today for period end glidepath • 3 X NLT (to mid week 4) • 2 X OCC (Period 5) • 2 x LSR breaches (1 x WAH BCOT and 1 x Speeding BCOT) • This year to date 18/19 P1-P5: • 1 RIDDOR Accident • 1 x Lost Time • 23 x No Lost Time • 12 x OCC
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Accidents in period • 23/07/2018 NLT Queenstown Road Catchpit fall • A Technician from Swanley Works Delivery Team jarred his ankle left leg, and wrist on his right arm, after stepping down a catch pit which didn’t have the lid secured in place. The IP was walking at night to remove earthling straps lineside The IP didn’t require any first aid or need to go to the hospital. The golden hour process has been followed and the WDM is in contact with the IP for updates on his condition. • IP has suffered mild discomfort but was able to complete his normal duties on the night and reported for his next shift.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Accidents in period 24/07/2018 Pelling foot crossing Dyer and Butler late report- Metal splinter in eye PPE in use at the time of injury: Blast helmet with back visor and pull offs (pictured) , Tyveks overalls worn under the boiler suit and Welders gauntlets used whilst blasting . After undertaking blasting on the metal work of Pells footbridge the IP removed his blast helmet and felt discomfort in his eye, the eyes was irrigated on site. The IP declined to visit hospital as they felt the irritation had been removed. The IP attended work the next day but symptoms continued. At the end of the shift they attended Brighton eye hospital where they removed a splinter of metal- he had to return 2 days later to have rust particles removed. Cause reported as being splinter present in helmet on putting on at start pf work or fallen from hand when wiping face on removal.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Accidents in period • 25/07/2018 NLT Building swarf in eye Osborne Sub contractor • Whilst using a hole saw to cut an aperture in the metal clad MDU building wall to install an air conditioning unit a small piece of metal swarf went past the gap between his safety glasses and face and into Michael's eye. The hole being drilled was 22mm in diameter and around the same level as his eyes. His face was about 18 inches away. • The eye was washed out with eye bath, no further discomfort and no further treatment required. • The IP was able to attend his next shift with no issues. • The IP was wearing incorrect eye protection and the details of the work being undertaken was not detailed in the WPP (Work package plan did not provide an adequate description of the work involved. Drilling of a hole into the metal cladding with a hole saw was not covered) • Action: WPP's must be site specific and provide information about the methodology and sequence of work to be followed. All future WPP's prepared by Airtemp must be site specific. Airtemp briefed by Osbornes.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Incidents in period • 05/08/18 Tamper struck rail head and damaged DC Feeder at Stewarts Lane 736a&737b pts. • A Unimat Tamper that was ordered failed at Hither Green and was substituted with a Compact Tamper which causes increased issues with tamping S&C. • The Welding Manager attended site and FUSE Rail repaired the damaged cable and the railw as declared fine for Line Speed. • Previous actions from cable strike incidents were in place, all Site Check List paperwork was complete and all cables were marked up. • 08/08/2018 Gossops Lane Lamp post cable damaged when removing tree roots. Cable surveys undertaken and permits to dig in place. • 29/07/2018 Osborne Hither green unsafe working on Station canopy WAH (LSR) • Team were planned to be undertaking Steelworks to Hither green station footbridge completing painting of newly installed steel stiffeners. • The weather was inclement so painting was unable to be completed, the team made a decision to complete others work on site outside of the WPP and TBS. • They were reported by a third party working on the station canopy without any at height controls and undertaking activities while the footpath was still open to the public-UNDER INVESTIAGTION.
Works Delivery Safety Improvement Group outputs Improving health and safety performance across Works Delivery
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Knife Policy Overview H&S regulations stipulate that the use of knives must be risk assessed and that the most suitable knife for the task must be used. Knives can be broken down in to Level 1 and Level 2 tools. More detail can be found in the previously issued SE Route Guidance Policy on Knives (link at bottom of page). Level 1 tools: bladeless/concealed cutters, fully automatic blade retraction knives (NWR safety knife), specialist tools for specific tasks e.g. cable cutters Level 2 tools: carpet knife, electricians knife, manually operated blade retraction knives e.g. Stanley knife The SE Route Safety Team have undertaken a review of all the knives available on I-store and I-procurement and have come to the following conclusion: 1. The use of the safety knife is approved (URLT/001259) - right photo 2. If any other knives aside from the safety knife are being used, these need to be discussed with your local/Route Workforce HSE Advisor and the HORHSe and a risk assessment completed for approval to be considered. 3. Fixed blades e.g. electrician’s knife, are only to be used for specific tasks in which their use has been approved. 4. Storeman are only to be ordering the safety knife in the first instance unless other knives have been risk assessed and approved by the Safety Team. https://networkrail.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/SouthEastSafetyInitiatives/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B5C8F905D-53AC-40EF-B9F9-3DBB55E2972F%7D&file=SE%20Route%20Knife%20Policy.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Knives Policy • Risk Assessment • Before individuals use a hand knife on any task they must: • Wherever possible, seek to eliminate the risk by removing the use of hand knives from all or part of the task. • If the requirement for using a knife cannot be eliminated for a particular task then a more proactive control must be taken to make sure that the safest type of knife for the task is used. • Level two tools (see below for level identification) should be limited to specific activities where it has been assessed that no other reasonably practicable tool is available. These tools require a specific risk assessment and/or task briefing sheet. • A two level approach is to be adopted to ensure that the correct tool is identified for the task. The policy provides a hierarchy of controls that are to be worked through when assessing a task that requires cutting. This will ensure that the safest system of work is it is identified and used that has the lowest risk level. • Policy is attached to the briefing email.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Level 1 cutting tools Level one tools Used for generic tasks such as cutting boxes, bags, straps, cutting polythene and terram E.g. bladeless and concealed cutters, fully automatic blade retraction or task specific solutions The use of an auto retracting/release blade is to be limited to generic tasks where an alternative is not available and mitigations are in place to reduce the risk to as low as possible.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Level 2 cutting tools • Level two tools • This includes all open fixed blades including manually operated blade retraction (which become fixed once open) • Should be limited to specific activities where it has been assessed that no other reasonably practicable tool is available • Specific risk assessment/task briefing sheet is needed – for each tasks where an open fixed blade is the only option, a task briefing is to be completed specific to the task being undertaken.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Level 2 cutting tools • Using level two open fixed blades • For each task where an open fixed blade is the only option a task briefing is to be completed specific to the task being undertaken. This assessment must be undertaken prior to the task being carried out. • The task briefing sheet is to be completed and signed by the authorised person as detailed in the construction phase plan. It must clearly identify the task to be undertaken and detail the control measures that have been identified during its use.
SOUTH EAST ROUTE - KNIVES • Approved for use-These are to replace all retractable blades • Please hand in retractable blades for safety knives
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer • South East Route Team Updates
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Significant Route incident Tonbridge-Contact with conductor rail On the 23rd of July a serious incident occurred between Paddock Wood and Tonbridge on the Up Main (XTD). A team of contract staff were shovelling ballast in the 4ft when the shovel from one individual bridged the gap between the conductor rail and running rail causing an arc and two track circuits to drop. There were no conductor rail shields in place. The team reported this immediately and were advised to return to the depot. There were no injuries sustained to any of the team members however the IP concerned did have some singed hair on his lower arm.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Significant Route incident • On the 5th Aug 2018, whilst moving strail unit at Roffey Road Level Crossing contractor’s thumb was caught between chain and the strail unit, this resulted in a burst blood vessels and skin abrasion. • The contractor was acting as Machine Controller and was in charge of all lifting movements undertaken by the Machine Operator and controlled RRV. • Under Slightly different circumstances the Injured Party could have suffered a life changing injury. • What communication method do we use when undertaking lifting operations on the infrastructure? • Is communication between Machine Controller and Machine Operator always clear? • Do you have access to RRV Duplex Communications • : • Where personnel are required to undertake activities involving on-track machines or on-track plant on or about Network Rail managed infrastructure, mobile voice communication systems shall be provided for the Machine Controller and Machine Operator. Any such system shall be a full digital duplex communication system and as a minimum provide instant simultaneous communications, voice clarity and durability.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Safety Bulletin It has been reported that on Tuesday 24 July 2018 at approximately 10:32, a member of staff (a contract lookout) gave a user permission to cross a user worked crossing equipped with a telephone (UWCT) in a vehicle. Signs are in place to inform users of the correct process for using the crossing. It is believed that the lookout was trying to be helpful, but had clearly not considered that there is a specific safe use procedure at this crossing, as at many others. At this particular crossing the signaller must protect every vehicle crossing by placing the signals at danger. The crossing does not have sufficient sighting for vehicles to use it during normal operations. A similar near miss happened during construction work last year at another level crossing when a user wrongly understood from site staff that it was safe to cross.
Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer SE Safety Improvement group The SE Route Safety Team is committed to reducing the number of accidents and injuries sustained by our frontline teams. Take a read of the information enclosed to find out what we are doing to improve safety. (Copy attached to Period Safety Brief)
WorksDeliverySouthEastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819WorksDeliverySouthEastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 SouthEastRoute WorksDelivery Driver,PassengerandpublicSafetyPlan Driver discussion slides Period 5
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery 30-Mar-18 Driving at Work The aim of this pack, is to help you have a team discussion on driving at work and the requirements and issues/risks. There are a number of slides following with detail on key rules and requirements. Firstly we would ask you take time to consider what is driving at work and how do you manage this as a key work activity
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery 30-Mar-18 When are you driving at work Please discuss when you are driving at work and why? Driving in a works vehicle? Driving to site? Driving to and from depot? Driving from or to home, when could this be at work? Within a depot or site?
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery 30-Mar-18 When are you driving at work Please discuss when you are driving at work, who and why? Please consider as a group, do you plan driving as a work activity like you would other work activities? i.e. do you, review competence of appointed driver to drive and appropriateness, do you review if you are using best vehicle for task, do you review the route, the time, review the fatigue risks, do you know if the drivers eyesight is compliant with dvla standards, check the state of the vehicle, consider breaks, do you consider driving and being a passenger whilst driving for work as a work activity?
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery 30-Mar-18 When are you driving at work Please discuss. Do you know the speed limit for the road and vehicle your in at all times? Do you know how to load the vehicle safely? Are you aware of stopping and breaking distances for the speed you are doing?
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery 30-Mar-18 LifeSaving Rulesand driving • Itis importantthatwealldrivesafely • Driving safelyincludesfollowing theLifesavingRules
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 NetworkRail CommitmentstoDriverSafety SafeDrivercontrolmeasures NetworkRailshall: • conductdrivinglicencechecksforanyauthoriseddrivers,atleastannually. • introduceaVehicle TrackingSystem(VTS)infleetvehiclestoprovidelive incabdrivingdatatoassistdrivers • provideguidancetothosedrivingonbehalfofNetworkRailthroughthe maintenanceoftheDriversHandbookincludingdrivingbehavioursandan awarenessoftheNetworkRailLifesavingRules • providealternativemeansoftransportoraccommodationtoavoiddriver fatigue • providesupporttoanyonewho raisessafetyconcernsregardingdriving • useanonymisedVTSdatatoidentifytrendsindrivingperformanceand identify,trialandimplementadditionalcontrolmeasureswere required
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery LineManagersresponsibility Linemanagersshall: • sourcealternativetransportationoraccommodationtoallowdriversadequaterestwheretheyare sufferingfromfatigueandareunfittodriveinaccordancewithindustryguidance(ManagingRailStaff Fatigue–OfficeofRailandRoad); • identifyalldirectreportsthatarerequiredtodriveforbusinessjourneysandcompletetheauthority todriveprocess,asdescribedintheDriversHandbook; • carryoutvehiclelicencecheckswith alldirectreportsthatdriveonbehalfofNetwork Rail,atleast annually; • providecopiesoftheDriversHandbooktoalltheirdirectreportsrequiredtodriveonbehalfof NetworkRail; • selectvehiclesthatareappropriate,asperthedriver’slicencecategories,experience,journey, conditions,andthetask; NOTE:Thisincludesvehicletype,size,seating,weightconstraints,ancillaryequipment,towingandloadingcapability. • requestthatalldriversreverseparkNetworkRailvehicleswheredriversdetermineitispossibleand safetodoso; • conductinspectionstoconfirmthatseatbeltsarebeingwornandthatVTSisbeingusedcorrectly; • monitorandmanagedrivinghoursinaccordancewithlegislation(Drivers‘hoursandtachographs rules:goodsvehicles(GV262)); • monitorandmanagedriverfatigueinaccordancewiththeNR/L2/ERG/003;and • confirmthatalldriversare awareoftheirresponsibilitiesasdetailedinthenextslides. WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery DriversResponsibility ThosedrivingonNetworkRailbusinessshall: • notdriveiftheyfeelunfittodosoe.g.duetosicknessorfatigue.Inadditiondriversshallmakethemselves awareoftheeffectsofmedicationontheirabilitytodrive; • notdriveiftheyfeelitisunsafetodosoduetoadverseweatherconditions • complywithNetworkRail’sLifesavingRules; • followtherequirementsoftheHighwayCode; • complywithNetworkRail’sDriversHandbook; • completeadriverdeclarationwhenadvisedbytheirlinemanager; • notifytheirlinemanageriftheyfallbelowtheauthoritytodrivestandardasdetailedintheDrivers Handbook; • completedailyinspectionsoftheNetworkRailvehiclebeingdrivenandreportfaultsinaccordancewiththe DriversHandbook; • maintainthesafetyandcleanlinessofvehiclesinsideandoutforallvehicleusersandthirdparties; • usetheVTSsysteminstalledinNetworkRailvehicles.DriversshallnottamperwiththeVTSsystem; • wearaseatbeltwhentravellinginanyvehicle,onanyroad(publicorprivate),andcheckthatallpassengerswearaseatbelt; • neveruseahandheldorhandsfreephone,orprogrammeandothermobiledevice,whiledriving; • reversepark wheretheydetermineitispossibleandsafetodoso; • notsmokeinvehiclesincludingE-cigarettes;and • notuseamotorcycleforbusinessjourneys. WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 DriversResponsibilitycontinued… DriversshallnotifyNetworkRailofthefollowingoncetheyareinapositionofsafety: • iftheyareinvolvedinaroadaccidentor trafficoffence; • iftheyarestoppedbyanenforcementagency,VehicleandOperatorServicesAgency(VOSA),TradingStandardsorthePolice;or • iftheyhaveanysafetyconcernsregardingtheirvehicleordriving.
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 DriversHandbook AllWorksDeliveryNetworkRaildriversmust bereceiptoftheNetworkRailDrivers Handbook. AllDriversmustfamiliarisethemselveswith thecontentsandsigntheDriverscodeofconductonthefinalpagebeforedrivingon behalfofNetworkRail. Thedriver'shandbookcontainsbasicguidance fortheuseofroadvehiclesofgrossvehicleweightsupto3,500kgonNetworkRailbusiness andsetsoutall therules,processesand regulationsthatall driversmustfollowtoplay theirpartinminimisingroadrisk.If youdriveavehicleover3,500kg,youmustalso familiariseyourselfwiththecontentsofTheLGVdriverhandbook. NetworkRail DriversHandbooklink
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 Youmusthavetheadequatelegalentitlement todrivetheNetworkRailvehiclethatyouhave beenassigned.It isanoffencetodriveavehicleonapublichighwaywithoutavalid drivinglicenceforthetypeofvehiclebeing driven. Youmustalso notifythe DVLAifyou haveorincuranymedicalimpedimentthatmay affectyourdrivingability.Non-disclosureisan offencethatwillbedealtwithbytheDVLA,whichcanincludelicencerevocation. Selectavehiclethatis appropriateforyour drivinglicence,thejourney,conditions,andthe task.Considervehicletype,size,seating,weightconstraints,ancillaryequipment,towing andloadingcapability.NetworkRailprohibits theuseofmotorbikesforbusinessjourneys underanycircumstances.The followingtableoutlinesthemaximumsizeofvehiclethatcan bedrivenonthe stateddrivinglicenceentitlements. All driversofvehiclesover3500kgmusthaveaDriver’sCertificateofProfessionalCompetence(DCPC)qualification.SeetheLGVHandbookforguidance.
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 VehicleOverloading Vehicleusersmustensurethatvehiclesarenotoverloadedandthatvehiclesareloadedina waythatdoesnotposeadangertothedriverorotherroadusers.You mustnotdrivea vehiclewheretheconditionoftheloadisdangerousand you mustabidebymaximumaxle weightsandmaximumgrossvehicleweightsforthe vehicle.Finesofupto£5,000canbe imposedonthedriverandNetworkRailforeachoffencecommitted.Ifinanydoubt,askyour line manager. WhatcanIdotopreventmyvehiclefrombeingoverloaded? ✔DO–KnowthepermittedGrossLadenWeight(GLW)ofyour vehicle ✔DO–Knowwhatmaterialsyou arecarryingandthe weightoftheoverallload ✔DO– Distributeyourloadappropriatelytoavoidoverloadingaxles ✔DO–Obeytheon-boardweighingindicatorfittedwithinthe vehicle IfanyNetworkRailprovidedvehicleisstoppedbyanyauthorisedpersonandisfoundtobe overloaded,you mustinformyourLineManager,SCO24:7(01908723500)andtheRS RoadFleetTeamandRouteRoadVehicleComplianceManagerwithoutdelay.Thiswillbe treatedasasignificantincidentandcouldbetreatedasadisciplinarymatter.
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 SafeLoadingofVehicles ✔DO–Adheretoanyspecificloadinginstructionsdisplayedatanysites ✔DO–Ensurethatloadsarerestrainedanddistributedsafely,aswellasbeing withinweight limits ✔DO–Beawareofproducttypeandfreeflowingproperties(e.g.water,clay,ballast) ✘DON’T–Overload yourvehicleeven ifitisnottravellingonthepublichighway ✘DON’T– Driveanyvehicleifyou suspectitmaybeoverloaded.Instead,speakwiththesitemanager toarrangeinspectionofload. TofindoutmoreseethedocumentVehicleSafeLoading
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 DailyVehicleChecks Allvehiclesshouldhavea dailyfirstusecheckasa minimumtoensurethevehicleisinsafeworkingorder. Thesechecksaremandatoryforallvehicletypesandit isthedriver’sresponsibilitytocompletethecheck thoroughlyanddiligently.Itisthelinemanager’s responsibilitytoreviewthesechecksandensurethey aretakingplacetoanappropriatestandard. Itisanoffencetouseanun-roadworthyvehicleonthepublic highway;thismayincurfines,penaltypointsorbothon your licence.Driversmustpromptlyreportanydefectsor symptomsofdefectsthatcouldadverselyaffectthesafe operationofvehicles.Reportsmustberecordedand provisionshouldbemadetorecorddetailsofanyrectification workdone. FormoreinformationseetheRouteServicesRoadFleet SafetyInformationpagedocuments:
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery Driver vehiclechecks Any vehicleusedshould befitfor purposeandina legal androadworthycondition.Driver’smust complete vehicledailychecks,theseareto be recordedbythe companyanditberecordedthatdrivers arecompleting these checks. Any defects thatarefoundonthevehiclechecksmust bereported,recordedandrepairsactioned.These checks canberecordedby manualsheets or via electronicsystemsandmustbemade availableif requestedbybodiessuchas thePolice,VOSAorHSE. Ifa vehicleis foundtobedefective,whichis usually followinga roadside check or accident,thepenalties carryheavyfinesandcanleadto custodial sentencesfor Driver’s,Transport Manager’s and CompanyDirectors. WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 DrivingTimes Allvehicleswitha maximumpermissibleweight exceeding3.5tonnes,oralightervehicletowingatrailer wherethegrosscombinationweight ofthetwoexceeds 3.5tonnes,fallunderthedrivers’hoursandtachograph regulations.For moreinformationonthedrivingandrest periodsrequiredseetheLGVhandbook: https://www.nr-rs.co.uk/roadfleet/driving Whendrivingavehicletoandfromyourplaceofwork, inaccordancewithNR/GN/INI/001:doortodoortime shouldnotbeplannedtoexceedamaximumof14hrs. Worktimeshouldnotbeplannedtoexceed12hrsin any24hrperiod,with theexceptionofdesignatednight workersasdefinedbytheworkingtimeregulations.For moreinformationseetheRoadFleetSafetyInformation document:GuidanceOnTheManagementOfDoor- To-DoorWorkTimeTravel
WorksDeliveryDriver,Passengerand PublicSafetyPlan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery WorksDeliverySouth EastDriver,PassengerandPublicSafetyPlan1819 RoadFleetHelpline08456006767 TheNetworkRailRoadFleetHelplineis available24hoursaday,7daysaweek includingpublic holidays. • Forroadaccidents, press1 • Forvehiclebreakdownincluding OnTrackPlant,press2 • ForMOT and servicebookingsincluding OnTrackPlant,press3 • Fortyrerelatedissues, press4 • Forglass damage,press5 • Forenquiriesrelatedtoshorttermhirevehicles,press6 • Toheartheseoptions againpress8,orholdtospeaktoanadvisor Website:https://www.nr-rs.co.uk/roadfleet/ Connect:http://connect/communities/NDS/Roadfleet.aspx
WorksDeliveryDriver,PassengerandPublicSafety Plan ImprovinghealthandsafetyperformanceacrossWorksDelivery A betterrailwayforabetterBritain 30-Mar-18I28