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Welcome . OETC Conference January, 2014. Jackson Local School District. District Planning Overview : Janet Thompson, Technology Director jthompson@jackson.sparcc.org Preparing for PARCC and Common Core Testing Grades 3 – 5 Carolyn Lindesmith, Technology Assistant
Welcome OETC Conference January, 2014
Jackson Local School District District Planning Overview: Janet Thompson, Technology Director jthompson@jackson.sparcc.org Preparing for PARCC and Common Core Testing Grades 3 – 5 Carolyn Lindesmith, Technology Assistant clindesmith@jackson.sparcc.org Lori Morton, Gifted Teacher lmorton@jackson.sparcc.org
District Overview • Located in Massillon, Ohio • Approximately 6,000 Students • Six Buildings (4 elementary, 1 MS & 1 HS) • Five technology support staff • Approximately 3,000 Computers
Background/District Vision • In 2010, we formed a Technology Planning Committee comprised of staff, students, parents, and administration. The top technology needs identified included: • Cloud Computing (Google Apps ~ Bearworks) • Provide wireless capabilities in all of our buildings • Adopt a BYOD initiative at our MS & HS. • Enterasys was our vendor of choice: • Functionality • Active Directory Integration • Cost effectiveness
Background/District Vision • A filtering appliance was needed in order to effectively manage the BYOD initiative. We selected the Palo Alto Firewall Appliance : • Integrates with the Enterasys system/devices • Provides traceability & usage reporting • Enables us to control the various types of bandwidth usage
Background/District Vision • The Technology Committee’s Vision has proven to be on target and has facilitated curriculum planning district wide. • Becky Gribble, Elementary Curriculum Director, has been a visionary and identified the need to begin preparing students in grades 3-5 with the technology skills critical for the 21st Century. Elementary Technology Classes began in the Fall of 2012 for grades 4 & 5 and the Fall of 2013 for grade 3.
PARCC Planning Spring 2013 • We utilized both the PARCC Assessment Administration Capacity Planning Tool & the MCOECN Tech Readiness for online Assessments Planning Tool • Computer deficits were identified at our Middle School and Elementary Buildings. • Upgrades are necessary district wide
Elementary Buildings • Created six new stationary labs using student computers from grades 3-5 classrooms. • Purchased a mobile lab of 32 for each elementary. • Mac to PC transition in our elementary buildings.
Middle School • Summer 2013: • Created two additional stationary labs of 30 computers each. • Moved a mobile lab of 30 laptops to the Middle School. • Future Plans: • Upgrade existing Windows XP computers with Windows 7 during this school year. • Create two more stationary labs of 30 computers each this coming summer.
High School • Upgrades and replacements are planned: • Open labs - 6 • Laptop Carts - 10 **off lease Windows 7 PC’s with 6 year warranty
Key Points • Curriculum and Technology work closely continually adapting the District’s technology focus to support the ever increasing learning requirements. • Questions?
“We are teaching elementary students to become experts at manipulating the devices because we want them to be able to focus on concepts and think critically without undue attention to the technology. The goal is to help students become as proficient with a computer as they are with the books and pencils they currently use to take tests, most importantly, technology allows teachers to provide individualized lessons to students so that each child receives the instruction they need.” Becky Gribble JLSD Elementary Curriculum Director
Curriculum Initiatives Curriculum Director developed three week rotations in Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts for grades 3-5. Cat Book - Common Core used to develop content http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118108221.html Agendas incorporate various technology skills: typing, researching, collaborating on projects through Google Drive, emailing, website navigation, creating fiction and non-fiction stories, and learning through video clips.
Tech Class Overview • This is the option Jackson adopted. . . other districts may develop other methods of preparing for PARCC. • All students in grades 3-5 go to a computer lab every day for approx. 45 - 50 minutes. Scheduling remains a challenge, but the classes have become a priority due to PARCC.
Tech Class Overview (cont.) • Flexible content based on classroom instruction. Stress tech skill and shorten tech project if necessary. • Objectives and Assessments included with each lesson. • Rubrics supplied when appropriate.
First Nine Weeks, Weeks 1-5 Internet Safety/Etiquette - BrainPop http://www.brainpop.com/ Typing - Using Typing Web, http://www.typingweb.com/ Sumdog for free typing games, national typing contest http://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in Web Scavenger Hunt pre- and post-tests (local and nationwide resource search) (* Explore more lesson plan examples tomorrow)
Grade 3 First Nine Weeks Grade Three, First Nine Weeks, Weeks 1-5 Grade Three, First Nine Weeks, Weeks 8-9
Applications Kidspiration Downloaded option - Mind Node Comic Life Online option - ReadWriteThink.org
Library Collaboration Tech classes go hand-in-hand with our school’s library. • InfOhio • World Book • TrueFlix • Big Universe • Printed books that relate to Common Core
Integrate Curriculum with Tech Tools Use technology applications like Kidspiration, LibreOffice, Comic Life, and Google Earth. Use technology web resources like Google Apps, Storybird, Typing Web, Blogging using the Teacher’s Schoolworld Websites, BrainPop, Big Universe, InfOhio, World Book Online, TrueFlix, Super Science, United Streaming, Primary Resource Sites, and Read-Write-Think. (*Explore more in-depth tomorrow)
Online Testing http://nextgen.apps.sparcc.org Math: Grades 3-5, Protractor Resources-Link One Math: Grades 3-5, Calculator Resources-Link Two http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ Language Arts: English Language Arts/literacy http://www.parcconline.org/ Math: Grade 3, Flower Gardens (fractions) *We dedicate at least three weeks prior to testing for these lessons. Questions?
Tech Agenda Examples 2013-14 Third Grade, Third Nine Weeks, Weeks 1-5 Google Docs introduction • Google Docs Assessment • Project Assessment
Tech Agenda Examples (con’t) Grade Five, Second Nine Weeks, Weeks 4-7 Daylight Hours Spreadsheet
Website Navigation Holiday Scavenger Hunt Test Prep Sites (lessons span the month of March proceeding testing; 3-5 math, reading/language arts, science)
Software Examples - Lori Show how to use different programs - Tagxedo, Storybird, Read Write Think, (Bio Cube, Trading Card) etc., United Streaming (similar to Learn 360), BrainPOP, TV 411,