1. Analysis of Real-Time Quantitative PCR Brent Kerbel
MSc. Candidate
Dr. Suraj Unniappan’s Lab
Comparative Neuroendocrinology
2. Agenda What is qRT-PCR
Primer Optimization
Plate design
Expression calculation
Statistical Analysis
Data Presentation
3. What is qRT-PCR?
4. Uses Sensitive and reliable quantitative method for gene expression analysis
Detect absolute or relative expression levels
Quantity of PCR products in the exponential phase is proportional to quantity of initial template
Template = cDNA or genomic DNA
5. Uses Sensitive and reliable quantitative method for gene expression analysis
Detect absolute or relative expression levels
Quantity of PCR products in the exponential phase is proportional to quantity of initial template
6. Amplification Step
7. Cycle of Threshold (Ct) Value used to calculate absolute or relative expression
Cycle at which the fluorescence of the PCR reaction mixture is greater than background fluorescence
8. Primer Quantification
9. Primers Required One primer set for a reference gene
Each gene of interest (GOI) needs its own primer set
10. Reference Gene Highly expressed in all cells
Provides an indication of the amount of template present before the PCR
Used to “normalize” the qRT-PCR
Accounts for the variations of template quantity prior to PCR
Allows you to proceed as if all samples had the same amount of template at the beginning of the PCR
11. Normalization
12. Primer Optimization Required to optimize amplification efficiency (E)
Makes life easier when calculating expression
2 steps
Optimize annealing temperature using gradient PCRs
Optimize primer concentration
Calculate E
Create standard dilution of cDNA and plot Ct values
E = 10 -1/slope of standard curve
Calculate % Efficiency = (E-1) x 100% Ideal reaction
E = 2 (PCR product doubles during each cycle; 2-fold increase in number of copies per cycle)
%Efficiency = 100%
Ideal reaction
E = 2 (PCR product doubles during each cycle; 2-fold increase in number of copies per cycle)
%Efficiency = 100%
13. Plate Design
14. Plate Design Each sample must be run in duplicate for the reference gene and GOI
Duplicate Ct values are average for statistical analysis and presentation
Single plate strategy
Ideally, all primer pairs for GOI and reference genes on all samples would be analyzed on single plate
Multiple plate balanced strategy
At least one sample from each treatment on a plate
Multiple plate unbalanced strategy
Without at least one sample from each treatment on a plate
Ensure that treatment comparisons of greatest interest are seen more frequently on same plate
15. Plate Design Each sample must be run in duplicate for the reference gene and GOI
Duplicate Ct values are average for statistical analysis and presentation
Single plate strategy
Ideally, all primer pairs for GOI and reference genes on all samples would be analyzed on single plate
Multiple plate balanced strategy
At least one sample from each treatment on a plate
Multiple plate unbalanced strategy
Without at least one sample from each treatment on a plate
Ensure that treatment comparisons of greatest interest are seen more frequently on same plate
16. Single Plate Design
Required: n=3 required for each treatment group (including control)Required: n=3 required for each treatment group (including control)
17. Calculating Normalized Expression
18. Three Methods Livak method
Assume amplification efficiencies near 100% and within 5% of each other
Reference gene method
Variation of Livak method but simpler
Normalized Expression = 2[Ct(reference) – Ct(target)]
Pfaffl method
Use if amplification efficiencies of the target and reference gene are not the same
19. Statistical Analysis
20. Transformation First transform normalized expression
Ct’ = log2(Normalized Expression)
Data is nonlinear
Typically suffers from heterogeneity of variance across biological replicates within treatments and across treatments
Conduct stats on Ct’ and corresponding standard error of Ct’
Stat test dependent on sample size and plate design Samples are paired
Each sample provides material for GOI and reference gene
Samples are paired
Each sample provides material for GOI and reference gene
21. Analysis Two-sample T test
Following single-plate experiment with only two treatments
Following single-plate or balanced-design experiment across a number of plates
Can assess the variation due to multiple different treatments and the interaction between them
Automatically accounts for block effects (i.e. Inter-plate variation)
22. Unbalanced Design Requires modeling to estimate the means one would have expected if the design had been balanced
Modeling called Residual maximum
Refer to Hellmemans et al. 2007 for more information
ANOVA can be used on data after modeling
23. Common Problem Low Transcript Number
High Ct values (27=Ct =30)
Large errors
Variance and heterogeneity not removed after log transformation
Non parametric tests (all require balanced design)
Friedman’s ANOVA (accounts for block effects)
Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA (does not account for block effects)
Mann-Whitney test (for only two treatments in one block)
24. Presentation Normalized expression must first be corrected for block effects (for multiple plate design)
Balanced design
Sample Ct’ in a block – average Ct’ of the same block
Graph the mean normalized expression and corresponding standard error of the means for each treatment relative to the control
Rescaled so that control equals 1
Control/control; treatment/control
25. Conclusion Optimize primers and design experiment so that you can run a high efficiency PCR on one plate or a balanced multiple-plate design
Use the reference gene method to calculate normalized expression
Normalized Expression = 2[Ct(reference) – Ct(target)]
Log transform normalized expression for statistical analysis
Ct’ = log2(Normalized Expression)
Use two-sample T test or ANOVA to determine statistical significance.
Present mean normalized expression as a ratio relative to the control
26. Sample qRT-PCR Analysis
27. Sample qRT-PCR Analysis
28. Two-Sample (one-tail) T test 1 = treatment mean
2 = control mean
S1 = SEM treatment
S2 = SEM control
n1 = sample number treatment
n2 = sample number control
df = n1 + n2 – 2 ? 4
29. Two-Sample (one-tail) T test
31. References Bio-Rad. 2006. Real-time PCR applications guide. Pg. 4-6, 40-44.
Hellemans J, Mortier G, De Paepe A, Speleman F, Vandesompele J. 2007. qBase relative quantification framework and software for management and automated analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data. Genome Biology. 8(2):R19-R32.
Patterson HD, and Thompson R. 1971. Recovery of inter-block information when block sizes are unequal. Biometrika. 58(3): 545 - 554
Pfaffl M. 2001. A new mathematical model for relative quantification in real-time RT-PCR. Nucleic Acids Research. 29(9): 2002-2007.
Rieu I. 2009. Real-Time quantitative RT-PCR: Design, calculations and statistics. The Plant Cell. 21: 1031-1033.
Yuan JS, Reed A, Chen F and Stewart CN Jr. 2006. Statistical analysis of real-time PCR data. BMC Bioinformatics. 7: 85-97.
32. Primer Design Primers should be:
150-300 bp
17-28 bp long
G + C: 50-60%
Tms between 55-80 C
Avoid complementarity of forward and reverse primers (avoid dimers)
Prevent mispriming by avoiding runs of 3 or more C’s or G’s at 3’-end
Avoid hair-pin structures (self-complementarity)
End in G, C, GC or CG
Use online primer design freeware
IDT (http://www.idtdna.com/Scitools/Applications/RealTimePCR/)
BioSearch Technologies (http://www.biosearchtech.com/realtimedesign)