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Invitation to EMSU 2008: Universities Facing Global Challenges for Sustainability

EMSU 2008 aims to engage universities in facing global sustainability challenges through online surveys, workshops, and a conference. Join us in the journey towards a sustainable future.

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Invitation to EMSU 2008: Universities Facing Global Challenges for Sustainability

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  1. EMSU NODES Invitation to RCEs and others to participate in EMSU 2008 12 December 2007

  2. Introduction • EMSU history • EMSU 2008 overview • EMSU nodes • Activities • Benefits • Criteria • Commitments 6. Calendar 7. Contacts

  3. 1. INTRODUCTION • Universities have a catalytic role in creating new knowledge and attitudes to face the current global challenges to sustainability. • EMSU 2008 aims to share experiences and provoke debate on the role of universities in facing these challenges, through online surveys, workshops in different parts of the world, an active web portal and a 2 day conference in Barcelona, October 2008. • We invite you to participate in the EMSU process and this presentation explains how.

  4. 2. EMSU HISTORY 4 international conferences on universities and sustainability (EMSU: Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities) 2006 >Transforming ideas into action: building sustainable communities beyond university campuses (University Wisconsin-Stephens Point, USA) 2004 > Sustainable Development Education: Holistic and Integrative Educational and Management Approaches For Ensuring Sustainable Societies (Tecnólogico de Monterrey, México) 2002 > The role of higher education in Sustainable Development (Rhodes University, South-Africa) 1999 > Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (Lund University, Sweden)

  5. 3. EMSU 2008 Overview Global changes In the context of the vision for a new knowledge culture to build sustainable societies, EMSU2008 is focused on 5 key global changes • Climate change and resource scarcity • Production and consumption patterns • Governance and changing responsibilities • Poverty reduction and equity • Urban systems Universities facing sustainability EMSU2008 aims to explore new cultures and attitudes to face these changes in the following areas of university activity: • Education • Applied and interdisciplinary research • Organizational change and outreach • Operations

  6. EMSU2008 ORGANIZERS Scientific committee (SC): Don Huisingh (EMSU I, JCP), Mark Hazell (EMSU II, Rhodes), Francisco Lozano (EMSU III,Tec Monterrey), Victor Phillips (EMSU IV, UWSP), Rietje Van-Dam (Lieden, OU, UNU-IAS, RCE Rhine Meuse), Johan Woudstra (THU), Maria Rosa Rovira, Pere Ysern (UAB), Miquel Barceló, Didac Ferrer (UPC) Local organization committee (LOC): Didac Ferrer (UPC), Pere Ysern (UAB), Heloise Buckland (RCE Barcelona), Carme Hidalgo (UAB), Francisco Esteban (UPC) EMSU Regional Coordinators (to be defined)

  7. EMSU Target audience “People interested in universities facing global changes for sustainability” • Universities: professors, researchers, managers, green campus offices, student networks, university decision-makers, university networks • University stakeholders: NGOs, community groups local and regional government, schools, colleges, businesses, professional organisations • RCEs: Regional Centres of Expertise in education for sustainable development involved with universities in their regions

  8. EMSU Nodes “Groups of people in different parts of the world participating in EMSU from their region” Benefits: • Survey facilitated to seek opinion on universities role in sustainability in your region • Dissemination of organisations activities via web • Workshop formats to provoke debate on role of university in key global changes • Participation in global network on universities and sustainability

  9. EMSU Nodes “Groups of people in different parts of the world participating in EMSU from their region” Activities: • Survey: Disseminate online survey in your region and feedback results (December - February) • Workshop: Host EMSU workshop in your region with local stakeholders to explore the role of universities in global changes and feedback results (February – July) • Web: Use EMSU web to disseminate information of relevant events, publications and other news about universities and sustainability • Conference: Send contributions (scientific paper, poster, video, photos or other) to conference for review by scientific committee, report back on results of survey and workshop

  10. 1. Survey • We ask EMSU Nodes to distribute an online survey about the role of universities in sustainability within their region. The survey is targeted at students, professors, and others working at the University as well as external organisations (NGOs, government, business, etc) who may have an interest in the university. • We will process the results of the survey for your region as well as globally • Please send the following link in an email (this version in English) to your contacts and ask them to respond to the survey by February. http://emsu.org/survs/index.php?sid=42452&lang=en • If you need the survey translated into your language we can help do this, currently it is in Spanish, Catalan and English

  11. 2. Workshop • We ask EMSU Nodes to organise a workshop on the role of universities in sustainability for University representatives (students, professors and others) and outside organisations • The survey results can be used as a starting point for discussion at the workshop, as well as the documents posted on www.emsu.org • We suggest the workshop of minimum 3-4 hours and to base discussions around the key global changes discussed in the survey and the role of the University in each of these areas in it´s teaching, research, management and external relations • We ask you to send us a report (including one page summary) of the key conclusions of your workshop by June 30th. These will be posted on www.emsu.org and highlights will be selected for the final conference • We will send suggestions for the workshop dynamic.

  12. 3. Web • We hope that www.emsu.org will become a useful resource and space for debate for those working to promote sustainability in Universities • The website is currently being developed and will include a blog on which the survey reports, news, reports, videos, photos, publications, details of upcoming events and any other material can be posted. • The web will also be a key element of the online event opportunities for those not wishing to travel to the final conference, and the contributions to EMSU (scientific papers and others) will be posted on the web • Free open-source software is being used and the intention is for www.emsu.org to be a resource for future emsu events

  13. 3. Conference • We invite all EMSU nodes to share the experience of their survey results, workshops and other contributions at the final conference 15-17 October 2008 in Barcelona • To encourage participation from a wide audience EMSU welcomes scientific papers as well as videos, photos or other artistic contributions to be showcased at the conference • All contributions require to submit a one page summary (or abstract) by February 28 which will be used as a basis for selection by the EMSU Scientific Committee. Selected contributions will be included in the EMSU gallery on the website, as well as on a CD distributed to all assistants • EMSU nodes will also be encouraged to participate in the conference via video-link or other available on-line means.

  14. NODES Criteria • Organisations with network capacity, able to reach university stakeholders in their region • Capacity and experience in organising workshops • Resource to facilitate survey and workshop • Initial selection of 5/10 nodes to cover global regions NODES Commitments • Institutional commitment (agreement from senior management) • Contact coordinator • Translation to local language (if necessary) and distribution of survey • Host workshop and feedback workshop report • Contribute to web (send information about events, reports etc) • Contribute to conference (optional) through paper, poster, video, presentation etc)

  15. CALENDAR Pre/register Registration discount Reg.full price Survey R R Pre/conf workshops B Abstracts Selection Full submission v1 v2 v3 Handover 15-17 Oct Conference Results of survey & workshops to be fed into web and selections presented at final conference R B NODE workshop Brazil

  16. Contact details:2008@emsu.orgwww.emsu.orgskype: heloisebuckland00 34 93 405 4373 (Spain GMT +1)

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