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A summer development and training program for Henry County and Martinsville City Public School teachers on the use and practice of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in mathematics.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A summer development and training program for Henry County and Martinsville City Public School teachers on the use and practice of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in mathematics

  2. A summer development and training program for Henry County and Martinsville City Public School teachers on the use and practice of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in mathematics Welcome

  3. First Assignment: Write down the following questions and today’s date. Your answers are due tomorrow! 1. What is Mathematics? 2. What is Inquiry-Based Learning? 3. What does it take to succeed in a mathematics course?

  4. Interlude

  5. SMI Facilitators Middle School (MS) High School (HS) Catherine Buell, Ph.D. Randall E. Cone, Ph.D. Steven Greenstein, Ph.D. Jacqueline Jensen-Vallin, Ph.D. Meagan Herald, Ph.D. ZahavaWilstein, Ph.D.

  6. Schedule QC NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) QC QC QC QC NC (207/303) QC QC QC QC QC NC (207/303) NC (207/303) NC (207/303) QC QC QC QC QC

  7. SMI Special Sessions on IBL Title: “Part I – Introduction: Getting Medieval with IBL” Abstract: “Are you a knight or a knave? Deciding whether or not coursework is suitable for use as IBL material within a particular mathematics class involves the consideration of several related domains. We explore this decision-making process through examples, discussions, and activities in a series of mathematical puzzles.” Title: “Part II – Being the Guide on the Side” Abstract: “Most traditional teaching methods have teachers acting as the ‘Sage on the Stage,’ but these techniques are not always the best for student understanding or for the retention of ideas. Encouraging the students to be active learners increases their responsibility for comprehending the material and relegates teachers to support roles - but isn't this our goal anyhow? After all, one cannot learn to play piano by watching event the best pianists perform. We will discuss ways to increase student involvement, and ways to turn ourselves into ’Guides on the Side’.” Title: “Part III –IBL's Excellent Adventure: Mathematical Experiments with Technology” Abstract: “Students in chemistry, biology and physics classes get to run experiments, make hypotheses, and test them out -- why can't mathematics students do the same? In this "futuristic" technology-based session we'll explore dynamic and interactive virtual environments and resources that let students generate "data" and discover relationships between mathematical objects.  We'll also discuss how you can create and employ experiments about the content you needs to cover in class.”

  8. SMI Colloquia Title: “Mathematics for Social Justice” Abstract: “There are two ideas that are fundamental to "Social Justice Mathematics" (SJM). The first is that you can use mathematics to teach and learn about issues of social, political, and economic in/justice. The second is that you can learn math through the study of social justice issues - the development of mathematical literacy itself being an incredibly important social justice issue. Thus, there is a point of convergence in the recognition that the development of mathematical literacy – broadly conceived – and the cultivation of critical consciousness are both processes guided by inquiry. In this presentation I'll elaborate on these ideas, talk about my experiences with SJM in the design of curriculum, and engage the audience in a SJM activity.” Title: “A Pathway into Chaos” Abstract: “In 1952, a writer described the essence of chaos in his short story, “A Sound of Thunder". About a decade later a meteorologist noticed interesting behavior in simulations of a computerized model which would lead to a new field of mathematics. After another decade had passed, a biologist created a simple discrete dynamical system that imparted a wide breadth to the emerging mathematics. In this colloquium we will focus on the logistic map, the seemingly simple quadratic with complicated subtleties, and begin to investigate one pathway into chaos.” Title: “P-adic Maniacs: Numbers Behaving....Better Than Usual” Abstract: “In this talk, we will discuss number systems that are not base-10. We will look at the good, the bad, and the down right ugly before meeting the fairest numbers of them all: the p-adics. The p-adic numbers have interesting applications in advanced mathematics as well as insight into how and why we define numbers..”

  9. SMI Competition The competition will take up most of the day on Friday! Today you will get some ground rules about the competition; look in your folders for details.

  10. SMI MS Group (Room 207)

  11. SMI HS Group (Room 303)

  12. Thanks to: The Harvest Foundation Mr. Dewitt House, Assistant Superintendent Ms. Sandy Strayer, Director of Secondary Instruction Dr. Jared Cotton, Superintendent HCPS Dr. Pamela V. Heath, Superintendent MCPS

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