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Happy Grandpa’s Day!. ”Grandpa, my favorite thing about you, is your love for me. I felt so special when you came all the way from Oregon to be at my baby blessing. I love you.” Kelly (1). “I love you Grandpa Bullock because you’re my Grandpa.” Halli (3).
”Grandpa, my favorite thing about you, is your love for me. I felt so special when you came all the way from Oregon to be at my baby blessing. I love you.” Kelly (1)
“I love you Grandpa Bullock because you’re my Grandpa.” Halli (3)
”I like you Grandpa because you are so nice. You gave me a lizard that I like to scare people with and you always give me yummy candy!”Madison (3)
“I love you Grandpa because you are always really funny. I like it when you come to my house to see us and when you come to our games.” Lizzy (11)
“I love you Grandpa because you do lots of fun things like watch movies like "The Shaggy Dog" with us. You are fun to play board games with and do puzzles with. It's fun when you come over because you always buy us lots of cold cereal. I miss you so much and I am so happy you are coming back next year. You are the best.”Natalie (8)
“I love you grandpa because you drive to Washington just to come to our sports games, and you also wear Woodinville Falcon stuff!”Kacie (12)
“I love you grandpa because you "da man", and you wear a blue T-shirt that says so for everyone to see! Grandpa, you are an absolute STUD...if only I were 68 AND not related!!” Jamie (16 today!!!!)
“There are so many things I absolutely love about you grandpa. One of them is that you’re always on the grandkids’ side! I love going to your house because it’s so much fun, I mean come on, what 17 year old junior girl in high school…LOOKS FORWARD to going to see her grandpa and would rather hang out with him, then her friends! Dang it G pa…you’re the man!” Lindsi (17)
“I love you Grandpa because you’re funny and nice and you don't know how to say taco. When you come back from your mission I want to play "Sorry" with you and Grandma.” Emily (6)
“I like you grandpa because you come to my basketball and soccer games.”Brady (12)
“I love you Grandpa because you let us stay at your house, and I have lots of fun there. You make really good breakfasts.”Sam (7) “I love you Grandpa because you are so strong. No other grandpa in the world could do the wheel.”Mary (13)
”I like you Grandpa because my Daddy thinks I look like you! You were a great tour guide/driver for my family when we visited you on your mission. When I grow up, I want to be a missionary just like Grandpa!” Brody (10 mos.)
”I love you grandpa because you make the best french toast at family reunions.” Bryant (18)
“I love you Grandpa because without you we wouldn't know how to make all those yummy pies. You used to play football for BYU, and you can do the wheel. You are the toughest grandpa around.” Connor (11)
“Goo Goo Ga Ga...I love you Grandpa because before you went on your mission you came and cleaned my Mom's house like it's never been cleaned before (or since!) Two weeks later I was born and it was great to come home from the hospital to a clean house. I can't wait to meet you in a year.”Ryan (1)
“I love you Grandpa Bullock for a lot of reasons, but one is that you have always treated me like an adult, and have always "included" me when the "older" people were doing things. You’ve respected me, and I really look up to you as a wise and great man to follow.”Jeff (20)
“I love you Grandpa because you have a funny sense of humor! You always make us laugh and are a great French Toast cook. You used to call me "Mario Jason" because I played Mario a lot. Or the time last year when you teased me because a couple girls came to our house wearing wigs and you answered the door. I miss you a lot and look forward to having you back!” Jason (13)
“I love you grandpa because you love to play sports with us and you like to watch old cowboy movies with me.”Blake (12)
“I love you grandpa because you are a great french toast maker and you come to my basketball games.”Taylor (14)
“I love you grandpa because I have more hair than you do!”Trey (4 mos.)