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Understand classroom expectations including work responsibility, attendance, late submissions, homework policy, supplies, quizzes/tests, extra credit, passes, partners, and lab groups.
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If You Are Absent… • You are responsible for the work you miss when you are absent. You need to ask me about your missing work the day you get back. If you do not make any effort to make-up the missing work, a 0 will be recorded for the grade(s). If you will be absent because of a family vacation, field trip, class, game, etc., I expect you will do your best to complete your work ahead of time.
Late Work • Work needs to be turned in on time. I will not accept late assignments.
Returned Work • Hold on to all of your work until we have finished the unit. It will be good study material and if there is a discrepancy in your grade you can prove me wrong!
Homework Turn-In • Turn all work into your class period folder unless I collect it. Feel free to turn-in assignments early.
What to bring everyday to class… • You need to bring the following supplies with you every day to class: Notebook, 2 Pencils, Assignment Notebook, 1 Pen, and your Science folder. There will be days when you need your calculator, ruler and/or colored pencils too.
Homework • I expect you to be working while you are in class. This greatly reduces your amount of homework. Keep your reading packets with you to work on if you have any down time.
Quizzes/Tests • Be prepared for all quizzes and tests. Quizzes are 1-80 points. Tests are 81 points and above. • There are some retakes, however, the best you may earn is a C. I will sometimes allow you to use a note card for a quiz/test. Do not count on either of these options.
Extra Credit • Points earned from extra credit can be used to help make-up for poor scores, missed assignments or just to increase your grade. Extra credit is offered for most units.
Passes • You must sign-out when leaving the room. Sign-in when you return. Take a Hall Pass with you when you don’t have a regular pass.
Partners • Choose your partners wisely. Once you have started an assignment together, you will be expected to finish it together.
Lab Groups • All lab groups will consist of two students unless I give you permission or require you to work in a larger group.
All work must be done in pencil. • All correcting must be done in pen.
When turning an assignment in: • 1. Your work should be done in pencil. • 2. Put first and last name in the upper right hand corner of all assignments. Put your class period below your name. • 3. Staple multiple pages of an assignment together.
When correcting an assignment: • 1. Use a pen to correct all papers. • 2. Sign the bottom of the paper you are correcting. • 3. All scores should indicate the number correct. This score should be circled and placed at the top center of the front page. Example: ½ points round up so 22 1/2 /25 is 23/25.
Consequences for not meeting expectations may result in a loss of points, loss of lab privileges and/or a responsibility slip.