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Welcome. 09-10. Goal Learn the basic rules, standards, classroom procedures, interventions, voting. Week of:. 8/17/09. Semester exam meter chart. Big Six - PPT. INTRO 1 st class (orientation ppt. second class Monday, locks and testing) Big 6 3 rd class with the start of testing
Welcome 09-10
Goal Learn the basic rules, standards, classroom procedures, interventions, voting. Week of: 8/17/09 Semester exam meter chart Big Six - PPT INTRO 1st class (orientation ppt. second class Monday, locks and testing) Big 6 3rd class with the start of testing Goals for the day, week, month and quarter! Check board! Locks procedure! Intro Fit exam! Vote on skills and Grading! Use handouts! Web site! Hw-website and email! Fitgram test! Walk Thur! Info to computer! Warm up / Procedure / Locks / Squads / Watches how to use / challenge Rotc and others DoDEA standards / Grading vote / Field trips / Class competition Feed back / Friday Activity Day / Best from you and me, I will not quite on you Comments: Extended Learning; Go over stretching; tardies, class incentives Review handbook, policies, rules for class!
Goal Learn the basic rules, standards, classroom procedures, interventions, voting. Week of: 8/24/08 INTRO 1st class (orientation ppt. second class) Locks, review all, test online on basic rules, start chapter one, worksheet one test one, 1 big loop Th and Fri with soccer and volleyball. Web Quest-start next Tues. Feedback to me, PPT to help students, dress out procedure, website, current events in the lab for all classes R1- Monday fit testing 1.5 mile, rest, jump rope, cool down. Warm-up 2 laps, walk to field Start soccer skills use soccer players as coaches, game 3 teams of 10. Stretch cool down. Comments: Take it slow work on disciple and stretching. Mile, Pacer, sit, push, reach, shuttle run, pull ups
Goal Warm-up done 100% correctly. Web quest and Big Six Review online web site data Week of: 8/31/09 Monday- Fit testing locks, R2, R3, G5-loop and pulse. R1-Pacer basketball G6- sit-ups, G7 –loop and pulse. Ball- Warm-up, soccer tournament with skills, stretch PEF- Activity 1-1, and a poem show R2 website, review Chapter 1 worksheet, Chapter 2 test 2 due Th and fri, warm-up, find the egg, soccer, volleyball, online test due Monday the 7th. Standards:Pe1b1, Pe1b2, Pe1b8 ,Pe2a, Pe2b2,Pe2c1, Pe3b1, Pe3c6 Comments: If time permits find the egg!
Goal Big six web quest Week of: 9/7/09 Big six all classes Web quest start New sports let students pick Ball- Warm-up, inside basketball and soccer! PEF- Chapter 3 game and report, start web quest, groups for big six- IQ test- traffic jam- book review questions, get ready for midterm in the lab, pick your activity. Standards: Pe1cPe2a7, Pe3b,Pe3c9, Pe3c12, Pe3c2 Comments: Review data from testing, big six! Skill cards??
Goal Work together! Activity period must be active! Week of: 9/14/09 Monday- Fit test, record, locks R2, change R1- circuit, basketball Problem solving Report Essay Game Collage Test Crossword Word search Poem Circuits PEF- Online test Lab 14, 15 Th, Fri- No book, warm-up play games or tournament style, stretch (with Debbie's class) R1- Warm-up, basketball, volleyball, flag vote, stretch. Monday- Fit testing locks, R2, R3, G5-loop and pulse. R1-Pacer basketball G6- sit-ups, G7 –loop and pulse. 14th R1- circuit, PEF loop and chin ups Standards: Pe1cPe2a7, Pe3b,Pe3c9, Pe3c12, Pe3c2 Comments: Use camera, loud speaker system, PE certificates!
Goal Big Six! Week of: 9/21/09 Web quest start all PEF classes Problem solving Report Essay Game Collage Test Crossword Word search poem Ball control- Warm-up, flag real rules, two games (tournament), stretch! PEF- Web Quest, chapter 4 sheet and test, Flag bocce ball, stretch. Thursday and Friday – finish chapter 4, Choice time again with ROTC if possible! Class games- capture flag, ultimate Frisbee Standards: PE1b4,PE1b6,PE2a1,PE2a7PE2b8,PE3a Comments : Field trips, class competition! Switch to partners for Web quest! Pick another activity!
Goal Web Quest to Partners! Vote Thursday! Week of: 9/28/09 Problem solving Report Essay Game Collage Test Crossword Word search poem R1- Squads, warm-up, flag or basketball depends on weather, stretch PEF- chapter 5 lab work in MC lab. Th and Fri Squads, Warm-up (1 small loop), web with partners, capture the flag with Debbie, stretch Send kids to mc for a learning session Thursday and Friday – Choice time again with Debbie if possible! Monster circuit Standards: PE1b4,PE1b6,PE2a1,PE2a7PE2b8,PE3a Online testing Comments: use camera, pick new activity, online test, field trips, class competition, exam loops
Goal Tournament style to a new level. Week of: 10/05/09 Online testing Chapter 6 and Big six R1- Monday circuit (10 of each minute, push, sit, rope) total 15 minutes T-Fri- Warm-up, Basketball (dribble drill, games), cool-down 2 on 2 volleyball tournament using soccer nets and cones, working on standards, personal goals, each class is on their own from start to finish. They fill out the matrix and go from there. PEF-Monday fit testing (sit, jump rope, push), web quest T-Fri- Chapter 6 worksheet and test worksheet, Volleyball tournament Standards:PE1b5,PE1b7,PE2b2,PE2b6,PE2c,PE3a,PE3a5,PEc10: Comments: Fitness testing! Vote tournament style
Goal Last four classes on your own! Week of: 10/12/09 Food parties PEF- Chapter 7 and review for major test next week Warm-up, web quest, baccie ball or flag R1- Warm-up, flag, stretch Two great classes one free make-up Th and Fri Mat ball Standards: PE2b1,PE2b5,PE2c,PE3c,Pe3c Comments: Complete make ups, fit testing, and web quest.
Goal Fit test, make-ups, web quest Week of: 10/19/09 Challenge other classes to join R1 in mat ball Tournament play with EL for championships Less running for being good Problem solving Report Essay Game Collage Test Crossword Word search Poem Movies pef Dvd’s Cross Fit Training Circuits Last week of the qrt. 1 Monday R1-dodge ball PEF- fitness testing R1- Warm-up, dribble pro, basketball games Final exam Thursday PEF- Web questing test, Final exam in lab Tues and Wed. Hang up more records and use for awards day for fit test, pacer, wts, 400 etc for PE and conditioning Vote on another web quest Comments: Make-ups for class and fit test! Food parties!
Goal Week of: Food parties 10/26/09 Online testing and survey for extra-credit Problem solving Report Essay Game Collage Test Crossword Word search Poem Movies pef Dvd’s Cross Fit Training Circuits Start Qrt 2 R1- warm up, dribble pro, knock out, basketball game, stretch PEF- hut chapter 8, warm-up, condition period, bocce ball tournament, stretch Challenge other classes to join R1 in mat ball Comments: El for championships
Goal Work together during activity time Week of: 11/2/09 R1- Monday Pacer test, dodge ball Tues to Thur- Warm-up, dribble pro, knock out, games, Mat ball for fun, stretch Start cross training (21’s or sets of 10 for 3 or 4 exercises inside of one minute, 20 minutes) PEF- Fitness test, Tues to Thurs- Chapter 9, Warm-up (1 small loop), condition period (pop corn), rest water, bocce ball tournament, stretch EL- championships Standards: Pe1a1, Pe1b1,Pe1c1,Pe2a1,Pe3a Comments: PE certificates and nutrition party
Goal Work and help each other during activity play! Week of: 11/09/09 PEF: Warm-up, condition, games, stretch Lab Th and Fri chapter 10 plus collage of chapter 8a nd 9 Ball: Warm-up, dribble pro, knock out, games, stretch Warm-up, dribble pro, knock out, games, matt ball Standards:PE1b5,PE1b7,PE2b2,PE2b6,PE2c,PE3a,PE3a5,PEc10: Comments: Start Team Builders! Add in games! Bowling! Dancing! Cross train!
Goal 4 square, bad, basketball Week of: 11/16/09 Monday: R1- warm-up, 21’s, dodge ball PEF- Warm-up, pacer, chin, sit, push R1- Warm-up, dribble pro, knock out, games, stretch Th- Devilpups challenge teams of 6 two classes pizza for the winners. PEF- Chapter 11,warm-up, condition period, followed by 4 square, badminton, basketball, stretch Comments: Keep working hard during activity period. Students have their choice of skills, game, tournament.
Goal Fun time Week of: 11/23/09 R1- Devilpups challenge teams of 6 two classes pizza for the winners. Second class for challenge, hang up results, pizza for winners at EL PEF- fun time, warm-up (circuit), condition period (circle run), pilo polo against Bryant's class, stretch Comments: Start full review on chapters 1-14
Goal Class games! Week of: 11/30/09 Monday: PEF- Pacer and jump rope R1- Jump Rope circuit R1- Basketball, with warm-up, dribble pro, and knock out, stretch PEF- Review Chapters 8-11, Pillow polo, midterm exam in lab Standards:PE1b7, PE2a7, PE2b3, PE2c1, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Get back into school shape! Square dance
Goal Have fun! Week of: 12/07/09 Monday: Warm-up, pacer, walk, basketball R1: Warm-up, basketball, 4 square, badminton, volleyball Second class: Matt Ball PEF: Hut chapter 12; Warm-up, basketball, 4 square, badminton, volleyball Second class: Matt Ball Square dance Smart board Go read standards as a class and have each student talk about one to the class Standards:PE1b7, PE2a7, PE2b3, PE2c1, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Keep classes where they are with participation. We are doing outstanding!
Goal Finish fit testing! Week of: 12/14/09 Final exam written: write a poem about class, survey, pick a standard and explain it. Monday fitness testing- Push, sit, chin, jump rope Square dance Team builder R1- Fun time, basketball, dodge ball, wts. Smart board PEF- Chapter 13, fun time, games Standards:PE1b4, PE1a1, PE2a1, PE2b, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Fun but must be active!
Goal Prepare for final exam! Week of: 1/04/10 Monday Warm up Pacer all classes cool down R1: Warm-up, games, Qrt 2 final exam against ROTC PEF: Warm-up, condition, games, stretch Chapter 14 Team builder Square dance Do not touch wires in locker rooms. Standards:PE1b4, PE1a1, PE2a1, PE2b, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Standards look and discuss, did we complete them?
Goal Circuit training! Week of: 1/11/10 Monday: Warm-up, pacer, basketball, cool down. Finals during class plus fitness test. Standards:PE1b4, PE1a1, PE2a1, PE2b, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Increase warm-ups if needed!
Week of: Goal Intro to the max! 1/19/10 Classes for the first day second semester! Intro using in-focus Rules, web quest, homework, what to expect, semester exam, standards, incentives, reports, PowerPoint, testing (online and regular), Conditioning period (circuit training, cross training), weight room, Activity period (skills, team fun play, tournament competition play), team builders. Orientation PPT-Thursday Lab for PAN Passwords and login DVD Jump Rope Web quest Voting after testing! Pan add names to calendar, parents emails, web quest dvd. Comments: What I expect from you and what you will get from me. Give info about the new gym situation.
Goal Work out the kinks to testing! Week of: Pan and PEF notes on my website, online testing, online homework Gaggle for homework drop Monday- Warm-up, pacer, cool down, stretch, passwords! R1- warm-up 1 mile, circuit, muscle chart, exercises for each muscle, safety factors, free lift time. PAN- week one , vocab, worksheet form web, warm-up, condition, game, cool down, stretch PEF- Chapter one class work due, warm-up, condition, web quest, game, cool down, stretch Standards:PE1b4, PE1a1, PE2a1, PE2b, PE3a3, PE3c10 Comments: Problem see me now do not wait, check grade speed
Week of: Goal Intro to the max! 2/1/10 Monday- All classes fit testing and recording. PAN- Squads, presentations, Week 2 info, basketball, badminton, walking, stretch R1-Start cross training (21’s or sets of 10 for 3 or 4 exercises inside of one minute, 20 minutes), burn outs, cool down PEF- Chapter 2 book work, web quest, basketball, volleyball, cool down, stretch Team builder Big six Comments: What I expect from you and what you will get from me.
Goal PAN – presentations Follow directions! Week of: 2/8/10 Black History Month paper Monday- All classes fit testing: Pacer and sit-n-reach R1- Max curl, power program, update sheets, read web PAN- 1st: Lab work on nutrition projects, analyze three foods, problem solving, big six 2nd: No hut, warm-up, condition, game, cool down, stretch PEF- 1st: Lab chapter 3, book questions, collage on fitness, web quest routine 2nd: No hut, warm-up, condition, web quest, game, cool down, stretch Black history month Short essay on a famous black athlete prior to 1980 R1- Onslow wide weight testing Smart board Square dance Team builder Comments: 2/23 progress reports
Goal Participate on your own! Week of: 2/15/10 R1-Squads, warm-up small, condition, wts, circuit training! R3/G7- Chapter 4 review for mid term, warm-up, condition, webquest, game, cool down, stretch PAN- Week 4, show nutrition ppts, review for midterm, warm-ups, games, cool down, stretch Square dance Collect Black History papers from the web Comments: Finish testing, increase warm-ups! Pictures and movies create ppt!
Goal Testing review procedure Go over incentives Week of: 2/22/2010 Monday: Warm-up, 1 mile for time, cool down, stretch R1-Squads, warm-up small, condition, lifting, cool down PEF: Chapter 5, review mid term, warm-up, condition, web quest, bocce ball, cool down, stretch PAN: Week 5, review mid term, class competition, bocce ball, cool down, stretch Comments Team builders, projects, big six
Goal Review new procedure! Week of: 3/1/2010 Bench contest other schools- Start process R1- 80% weights check papers, 20% jogging, stretch PEF: chapter 6 Squads, warm-up, condition period, web quest games outside, cool down, stretch. PAN: Week 6 Squads, warm-up, condition periodnutrition presentations, activity, stretch Arms out contest Team builders: List yourselves by name, birthday, control each other with shoulders or vocal commands, charades. Survey Pan Comments: Online testing must improve!
Goal Terra Nova Week of: 3/8/10 Arms out contest Square dance Terra Nova testing *** Fun Week *** Quia student section for feedback Tell students how to do it All classes jog one big loop, activities (bocce ball, horse shoes, crochet, golf, flag, soccer, and lifting. IDOL contest Arms out contest Make a poster on good eating Make a slogan for eating correctly Team builders: List yourselves by name, birthday, control each other with shoulders or vocal commands, charades. PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Dr. mix up and arms out contest!
Goal Get ready for Qrt 3 final Week of: 3/15/10 Monday all classes 1 mile jog run. R1 Squads, warm-up, lifting, stretch PAN / PEF- Squads, hut (review the last 7 weeks with worksheet), warm-up, condition, web quest, game (croquet and golf), cool down, stretch PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Start 3 big loops- Dr. mix up, Quia student section for feedback Tell students how to do it
Goal Finish up Qrt. Without any minuses Week of: 3/22/10 R1 - Squads, warm-up, condition, lifting for a final Qrt 3 grade PAN/ PEF- Lab first class for project; second class Squads, hut, warm-up, condition, game, stretch. Quia student section for feedback Tell students how to do it Peanut hunt or candy hunt PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Try new activities! Dr. mix up, big big circuit, and arms out contest!
Goal Get ready for Qrt 4 Week of: 3/31/09 R1 - Squads, warm-up, condition, vote softball or soccer, stretch. PAN- Squads, hut, warm-up, condition, game, stretch. Online test, Track meet extra credit Eating party for the class Film web quests Pe certificates R3/G7-Squads, warm-up, condition, vote on web quest, Dr. mix up, big big circuit, and arms out contest, game, stretch. PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Dr. mix up, big big circuit, Qrt with pre planning for 4
Goal Prepare for final weeks! Hardworking classes projects no tests! Week of: 4/12/10 R1: warm-up, lifting, activity, stretch PAN and PEF: Chapters 9/10, weeks 9/10, no hut, change warm-up, kickball, cool down, stretch. Next week softball soccer boys with boys and girls with girls, toppleball, flag and ultimate Frisbee. Comments: Dr. mix up and capture the flag using entire field. No final exam of 8 laps if you receive 10 pluses or 30 points. PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A
Goal Big loops 2 per week good pace! Week of: 4/19/10 Next week softball soccer boys with boys and girls with girls, toppleball, flag and ultimate Frisbee. Monday: fit testing 1 mile run with good gym warm up Review Big Six PAN / PEF: Warm-up gym, 2 big loops, cool down, softball boys, soccer girls, switch next week. Homework- week 11 and chapter 11 due end of last class. Comments: Dr. mix up and capture the flag using entire field. No final exam of 6 laps if you receive 10 pluses or 30 points. PESK1, PESK3,PESK10, PESK8, PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A, PEG1e, PEG1d
Goal Walking for 45 minutes! Walls of death outside! Week of: 4/26/10- Frisbee golf all classes Fit test papers due Monday: All classes push ups, 1 mile, record! Show excel sheet this week. R1: One loop, lift, flag, shower! Hand in papers for midterm. PAN/PEF: Lab project due at class end (website has project) email to print. Fun class: Warm-up, cone run, softball, soccer, cool down, stretch PESK1, PESK3,PESK10, PESK7, PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A, PEG1e, PEG1d Comments: Dr. mix up and capture the flag using entire field. No final exam of 8 laps if you receive 10 pluses or 30 points.
Goal Final get ready! Pre-test 1 mile to 2 mile runs! Week of: 5/3/10 Iron Dog Mark Monday: All classes warm-up (5,25,25,5) mile outsideR1- max R1: 1 loop walk, weights with guest, flag, cool down PAN / PEF: Week / Chap 12 homework due at class end Th and Fri Warm-up gym (5,25,25,5), cone run under 4, Flag, softball, walking, soccer Online test Monday 5/10 PESK1, PESK3,PESK10, PESK7, PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A, PEG1e, PEG1d Comments: No final exam of 6 laps if you receive 10 pluses or 30 points.
Goal Final get ready! Pre-test 1 mile to 2 mile runs! Brochure in 4 weeks Week of: 5/10/10 Golf, Frisbee golf, dance Monday: R1 lifting contest military endurance test PAN/PEF warm up(5-25-25-5) , mile run, cool down PAN/PEF: Week 13 for homework, online test due Monday Change, gym, Warm-up, to the pole to run, activity, cool down, sit and rest PESK1, PESK3,PESK10, PESK7, PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A, PEG1e, PEG1d Comments: Everyone must read the instructions for the brochure
Goal Self-discipline to ensure a good learning atmosphere Week of: 5/17/2010 Monday: R1 lifting contest military endurance test PAN/PEF warm up(5-25-25-5) , mile run, cool down RAIN: same but open weight room! Circle run! PAN/PEF: Week 14 for homework, online test due Monday Change, gym, Warm-up, to the pole to run, intro toToppleball, choice time flag, volleyball, basketball, soccer, cool down, sit and rest PESK1, PESK3,PESK10, PESK7, PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A, PEG1e, PEG1d, PANPE2, PANPE2d, PANPESk9 Comments: Review projects! Keep up the good work, plan for partial final and 4th quarter exam.
Goal Week of: 5/24/10 Warm-up: 5-25-25-5 Monday: warm up, basketball, cool down All classes learn Toppleball PAN and PEF: Lab Thursday and Friday, final and start semester exam Monster outside circuit PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Review all grades with semester exam!
Goal Week of: Warm-up: 3 laps Next week 4 laps 6/1/09 All classes: Squads, warm-up, soccer / walking / softball, stretch Semester exams are based on class activity. The better the activity the less big loops. PAN- Lab for the week Big Six - PPT PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Field trip golf for R1 May 22
Goal Happy last week Week of: 6/08/09 Finals: Warm-up, 1-8 loops, eating tracker and brochure with completed written test! PESK1, PSK3,PE1,PE2B, PE1A, PE1C,PE1E, PE2A Comments: Monster circuit outside
1/25- Pacer 2/1- sit, push, sit and reach 2/8-Pacer and sit-n-reach 2/22- mile for time 3/8- mile 3/15 mile Qrt 4 4/12- push, sit, mile or ½ 4/19-mile 5/3- 1 mile 5/10-1 mile muscle chart, exercises for each muscle, Burn outs (5 ways), bench and squat max by 2/5 Power progrom- 2/8 Circuit training 2/15 2/22 review muscles, endurance, power, maintenance