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Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C). Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section. That - Hawthorn Group, Arcadia Formation, Tampa Member. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section. Poorly drained soil with SHWT from 6 to 18inches. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section.

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Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FL Joe Andress(SWS 5721C)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comparing 2 soils in Hillsborough County, FLJoe Andress(SWS 5721C)

  2. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  3. That - Hawthorn Group, Arcadia Formation, Tampa Member Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  4. Poorly drained soil with SHWT from 6 to 18inches Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  5. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  6. Site for Soil A Vegetation: Slash pine, Cabbage palm, Red maple, Fetterbush, Gallberry, Saw palmetto, and few native grassess Soil A Sample Site

  7. Soil A Profile Immokalee fine sand Soil Survey Description A horizon 0-20cm; dark gray(10YR 3/1) sand;loose consist.; Small roots;gradual boundary Bh1 horizon 91-127cm;gray(5YR 5/2) sand;looseconsist.;clear boundary; Reduced matrix E1 horizon 20-33cm;gray(10YR 4/1) sand; loose consist; Clear boundary Bh2 horizon 127-140cm;very dark grey (5YR3/2) sand;looseconsist.;gradual boundary; Reduced matrix E2 horizon 33-43cm;light gray(10YR7/2) sand;loose consist.; gradual boundary SHWT @46cm Bh3 horizon 140-160cm;light reddish brown(5YR3/3) sand;looseconsist.;clear boundary E3 horizon 43-91cm;light gray(10YR6/2) sand; loose consist.; distinct boundary Bw horizon;160-178cm;reddish brown(5YR4/4); Loose consist. Cont. profile on right side Pedon Depth 178cm

  8. A E1 E2 E3 Bh1 Bh2 Bh3 Bw

  9. Moderately well drained soil with SHWT from 42 to 72 inches Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  10. Source: SWFWMD GIS& Mapping Section

  11. Site for Soil B Vegetation: Mostly woods grass and other grasses . Live oak and cedar tress with ornamentals in background

  12. Soil B Ap: 0-25cm; gray(10YR 3/1) sand; loose; small roots; gradual irregular boundary; structureless single grain structure E/A: 53-76cm; light gray(10YR 5/2) sand; loose; 2% Fe nodules & redox conc & dep.; clear wavy boundary;structureless single grain structure Ap EA E/A E Millihopper Series Btg1 Fe nodules from 69 – 102cm Btg2 Tavares Series Pedon Depth @165cm EA: 25-53cm; light gray(10YR 4/1) sand; loose; small roots; gradual wavy boundary; structureless single grain structure.

  13. Soil B E: 76-107cm; light gray(10YR 7/2) sand; loose; 2% Fe nodules & redox conc.& dep.; abrupt smooth boundary; structureless single grain structure Btg2: 135-165cm;blue gray (Gley 1 8/N) sandy clay; friable; redox conc.; mineral rock; weak subangular blocky structure SHWT @102cm Ap EA E/A E Btg1 Btg2 Pedon Depth @165cm Btg1: 107-135cm; dark grey(10YR 5/1) sandy clay loam; friable; redox conc.; clear smooth boundary; weak subangular blocky structure Mineral Rock with chert surrounded by limestone @ 165cm

  14. EA Ap E/A Btg2 Btg1 E

  15. Soil Classification Questions?

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