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Join Mrs. Robin Bayer in Room 33 for Grade 4 presentation. Learn about curriculum, expectations, and contact information. Email: rbayer@mtps.org
Back to School Night Frank Defino Central School Mrs. Robin Bayer Room 33 Grade 4 September 2019 Please feel free to write a note to your child while you are waiting for my presentation to begin. rbayer@mtps.org Follow us on Twitter at @rbayer13
I have fifteen years of public school teaching experience. I have previously taught first, fourth and fifth grades. I also have three years experience as a Reading Specialist. I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Long Island University. I then went on to receive my Master’s Degree in Reading Specialization and Basic Skills from Kean University. I have been married for 22 years and I have a 16 year old son, and twins who are 14, all of whom attend Marlboro High School. In my free time I enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I am looking forward to a productive, exciting and enjoyable year with your children. Mrs. Bayer - rbayer@mtps.org
*Welcome Parents* My door is always open. Please feel free to call the office or email me anytime you have a question or concern. Email is the quickest way to contact me as I check my email multiple times throughout the day. My email address is rbayer@mtps.org Please make sure to also check my teacher page daily as this is where I post homework, announcements, and other important information. You can access my teacher page through the Marlboro Township School District Home Page. http://dces.mtps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=811967&type=u
Student Responsibilities: *Organization is key! *Children should pack their own bags. *Homework should be completed independently. *Classwork should be completed in a timely manner. *Study early for upcoming tests and quizzes
Character Education *Bullying-zero tolerance policy *Conflict resolution skills *Get along well with others *Cooperative learning in classroom
Behavioral Expectations Students are held to extremely high standards: *1st infraction: verbal warning *2nd infraction: phone call home *3rd infraction: lose 5 minutes of recess *4th infraction: vice-principal or principal intervention
Tests and Quizzes Students will be given 5 days notice for upcoming tests and 3 days notice for upcoming quizzes. Final grades are a combination of quizzes, tests, CAs, supplementals and independent practice activities. Tests - 40% Independent Practice (HW) 5% Quizzes - 25% Supplementals - 25% District Writing Tasks/CAs - 5%
Homework Policy According to district policy, homework is expected to be completed and returned the next school day. Your child will receive a 2 indicating full credit for a completed assignment that was handed in on time. If an assignment is turned in one day late, your child will receive a 1 and if the assignment is not turned in, your child will receive a 0 indicating no credit was given. In order to be given a 1 for partial credit, your child must make sure they notify me that they are handing the assignment in late, it will be their responsibility to make sure I see that it has been completed. Of course, if extenuating circumstances occur, please email me and we will discuss.
Daily Schedule: 8:20-8:40 Homeroom 8:40-10:40 ELA 10:40-11:10 Flex Time 11:10-12:10 Math 12:15-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:20 Reading/Bathroom Break 1:20-2:00 Special 2:00-2:40 Social Studies/Science
RELATED ARTS SCHEDULE 1:20-2:00 Monday: Health Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Media Thursday: Gym Friday: Music
MATH The students are using the 4th grade math program entitled enVision 2.0. Some of the topics we will be covering this year are: • multiplication and division • generating and analyzing patterns • place value and rounding • addition and subtraction of whole numbers • line plots • geometry • fractions and decimals v
Math continued... Students should take home their math notebook AND their math workbook every night. If for some reason they are unable to log into Pearson, they may complete the corresponding homework page in their workbook and that will be accepted with full credit. * number sense (multiplying by one digit numbers) *developing fluency - (multiplying by one digit numbers) *fraction equivalence and ordering *extending fraction concepts *measurement units and conversions *lines, angles and shapes
ST MATH Students are required to complete two 22 minute sessions per week at home. Students are to be on the program for at least 22 minutes each session in order for their work to count towards their growth percentage. I am looking for student improvement of 10% at the end of every month. I will be sending home a log for ST Math, so the students are able to track their progress at home. ST Math Logs are due at the end of every month. Parent/ guardian initials will be required so we can work together to ensure your child is practicing the skills to be successful this school year. This will count in Genesis as a homework assignment.
Literacy Goals *to provide students with strategies to help them make sense of text *to provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively and to develop both socially and emotionally *to teach students how to be active readers and writers *to teach students how to cite evidence from text in order to prove an answer
Guided Reading We stress a love of all different genres of reading. Students will be exposed to short stories, articles, passages, novels, etc. Skills focus on comprehension and understanding of stories and articles, vocabulary, and literal as well as critical thinking skills. Unit Tests/Common Assessments Assessments are difficult to study for. Students should be able to apply skills taught.
Grade 4 - ELA READING WRITING *Close reading by drawing evidence from and quoting text. *Summarize key details of stories, poems and nonfiction text. *Identify author’s argument to persuade reader. *Integrate information from multiple sources. SPEAKING/LISTENING *Synthesize ideas from classmates *Modify communications for intended audiences *Opinions with supporting evidence/facts logically grouped. *Using story elements in writing *Produce on a computer LANGUAGE *Expand/combine sentences to improve style *Use transition words to compare and contrast (on the other hand..similarly)
LITERACY: Your child will be assessed using the following 5 components: Making Meaning Being a Writer Writing based on the district’s rubrics Grammar Vocabulary
MAKING MEANING- Center for the Collaborative Classroom Making Meaning lessons are designed to deepen teacher understanding of effective instruction and illuminate student thinking about literature, supporting the development of critical thinking and a lifelong love of reading. Making Meaning provides a full year of research based instruction that helps teachers deepen their understanding of best practices for teaching comprehension and vocabulary. The curriculum intentionally combines academics with social and emotional learning to create an environment in which students learn to collaborate, agree and disagree respectfully, and take responsibility for their own learning. Carefully selected nonfiction and fiction read aloud trade books provide a rich rewarding experience as students encounter increasingly complex texts and build their vocabulary.
Writing-Written Expression By the end of fourth grade the children are expected to write FIVE good paragraphs using transition words, details, descriptive writing, district prompts and incorporating various types of writing. These types of writing include narrative, expository, persuasive and descriptive.
Google Classroom Classroom is available to anyone with Google Apps for Education, a free suite of productivity tools including Gmail, Drive and Docs. Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly, including time-saving features like the ability automatically make a copy of a Google Document for each student. It also creates drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized. Students can keep track of what’s due on the assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn’t completed the work and provide direct, real time feedback and grades right in Classroom.
Mrs. Bayer's Teacher Page All of my homework assignments can be found on our homework board as well as on my teacher page. The students know to copy their homework assignments into their assignment pads during morning homeroom. Any assignment that is due will be posted on the homework calendars of the specific subject on my teacher page, NOT in Google Classroom.
Achieve 3000 *www.kidbiz3000.com *students have individual and unique passwords *lexile levels *programmed to meet individual needs *assigned at home twice a week (at home use does not impact Lexile Level) *Achieve homework folder (return every Monday-signed)
BEING A WRITER Center for the Collaborative Classroom The Being a Writer program provides a writing-process approach to teaching writing that interweaves academic and social emotional learning for students of all academic and learning levels. Using authentic children’s literature and mentor texts, the program provides support for creating a Collaborative Classroom environment where teachers facilitate student discussion, provide a model for the respectful exchange of ideas, and help students to develop their own voice.
Grades and Report Cards on Parent Portal *Grading System-using numerical scoring/percentages *No letter grades on report cards on Genesis *Grades include homework, tests, quizzes, projects, supplementals, and some class activities/assignments SUPPORT FOR PARENTS ON GENESIS: https://parents.marlboro.k12.nj.us
PARCC WRITING: Essays and responses to poems and picture prompts LITERACY/LANGUAGE ARTS: Reading Passages and written responses to literature Use Study Island and Achieve 3000 to prepare *We practice and prepare in class all year.
WHAT IS A CLOSE READ? A CLOSE READ is defined as a careful and purposeful reading or rereading of a passage using text dependent questions. Close reading requires the reader to: *read the passage multiple times *focus on what the author says *search for answers in the text *provide evidence-based answers
TCI: Social Studies/Science A science and social studies curriculum that enables educators to engage students in a diverse classroom. Social Studies Alive!-Teaches students about the world around them and how our cultures were created through interersting and engaging activities and lessons. Bring Science Alive!-Guides young learners to observe ways that plants and animals-including humans-impact their environments. Students investigate how forces affect the way objects move, and how weather changes over time in recognizable patterns.
What do I do if my child is absent? My teacher page is updated daily with any homework or assignments that are due. It is a good idea for your child to have a “homework buddy” in class. Someone that can copy down any homework and then share with your child what they missed in class. You may also call the front office to request homework. You can always email me for assistance.
THANK YOU FOR COMING! I am looking forward to a productive year with your children. Please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any concerns you may have. rbayer@mtps.org Find me on Twitter: @rbayer13