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Bibliographic and Authority Records Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide

This module covers the relationships between various entities in bibliographic and authority records, including works, expressions, manifestations, items, persons, families, and corporate bodies. It explains how to identify and designate these relationships based on RDA guidelines.

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Bibliographic and Authority Records Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Module F:Relationships: in bibliographic and authority records User task: relate

  2. Relationships: two parts The entities being related Work, expression, manifestation, item, person, family, and corporate body Identified by the authorized access point or an identifier or a description (RDA 18.4; RDA 24.4) The type of relationship Identified by a relationship designator RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  3. Relationship designators RDA appendices I, J, and K Not closed lists If needed term is missing, decide on a term and notify PSD LC policy: decisions in some LCPSs; otherwise, cataloger judgment to use RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  4. Entities in relationships: Group 2 to Group 1 Persons, families, and corporate bodies related to a resource -- relationships in bibliographicrecords Creators and others associated with works (ch. 19) Contributors associated with expressions (ch. 20) Entities related to manifestations (ch. 21) Entities related to items (ch. 22) RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  5. Relationships between persons/families/bodies and resources Person Work created was created by Shakespeare Hamlet Usually identify entities by their authorized access points RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  6. [Screen image from the RDA Toolkit (www.rdatoolkit.org) used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)] RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  7. Work & Expression manifested These two RDA core elements (RDA 17.8 and RDA 17.10) covered by identifying the work or expression (the counterpart to AACR2 “main entry” in MARC) LC: ignore these RDA core elements in our current implementation scenario For analytical access points for works and expressions in compilations, see LCPS 25.1 and LCPS 26.1 (and later slides in this module) RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  8. Relationship for entities related to works • Give as authorized access point(s) in bibliographic record • Creator: in 1XXfield (and 7XX field if more than one creator) -- 1st creator is core • Other work relationships in 7XX field -- LC: cataloger judgment • Relationship designatorsfrom RDA appendix I.2 in subfield $e of 1XX/7XX fields • Do not include $e in name authority record RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  9. Relationships with works: examples • Examples of creators: 110 $a Society of Linguists, $e author. 710 $a Linguists International, $e author. 100 $a Glass, Philip, $e composer. 110 $a Virginia, $e enacting jurisdiction. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  10. Relationships with works: examples • Examples of others associated with works(19.3): 710 $a U.S. Geology Society, $e issuing body. 710 $a ABC Institute, $e sponsoring body. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  11. Contributor (RDA 20.2): relationship with expressions A person, family, or corporate body associated with an expression, e.g., Translators Editors of compilations Performers Illustrators Arrangers of music Compilers LC core relationship: first illustrator of resources intended for children (LC policy change: translator not core requirement) RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  12. Relationship for contributors Give as authorized access pointin MARC7XX field in bibliographic record Relationship designatorsfrom RDA appendix I.3 in subfield $e of 7XX field Do not include $e in name authority record RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  13. Example: contributor 100 1# $a Wood, Audrey. 245 14 $a The napping house / $c Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Don Wood. 700 1# $a Wood, Don, $e illustrator. Relationship designator “author” could be given for creator in 100 field. 2) 2nd statement of responsibility is not core; also, it isn’t needed to justify the 700 field. 3) LC policy: give 7XX with $e illustrator RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  14. Example: contributor 100 1# $a Lindgren, Astrid, $d 1907-2002, $e author. 240 10 $a Pippi Långstrump. $l English 245 10 $a Pippi Longstocking / $c Astrid Lindgren ; translated by Tiina Nunnally. 700 1# $a Nunnally, Tiina, $d 1952- $e translator. Relationship designators “author” and “translator” are cataloger judgment. 2) 2nd statement of responsibility is not core; also, it isn’t needed to justify the 700 field if decide to give the 700. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  15. Example: contributor 245 $a Favorite American music / $c performed by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra with Marin Alsop conducting.. 505 $a ... 710 $a Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, $e performer. 700 $a Alsop, Marin, $e conductor.* * Could have used the more general “$e performer” for Alsop. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  16. Entities associated with manifestations (RDA 21.0) A person, family, or corporate body associated with a manifestation, e.g., Producers [applies to unpublished resources] Publishers (e.g., broadcasters) Manufacturers (e.g., engravers, printers) Distributors (e.g., film distributor) LC: cataloger judgment RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  17. Entities associated with manifestations • Give as authorized access pointin MARC7XXfields in bibliographic record • Specific relationship designatorsfrom RDA appendix I.4 in subfield $e of 7XX field -- • Notin RDA appendix because they are elements: “producer,” “publisher,” “manufacturer,” “distributor” -- but may include if giving an authorized access point • Do not include $e in name authority record RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  18. Examples: manifestation 260 $a Bethesda : $b NIH, $c 2008. 710 $a National Institutes of Health (U.S.), $e broadcaster. 260 $a St. Paul : $b West Publishing Company, $c 2011- 710 $a West Publishing Company, $e publisher. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  19. Entities associated with items (RDA 22.0) A person, family, or corporate body associated with an item, e.g., Owners Custodians Curators LC: cataloger judgment RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  20. Entities associated with items • Give as authorized accesspointin MARC7XXfields in bibliographic record • Relationship designatorsfrom RDA appendix I.5 in subfield $e of 7XX field • Do not include $e in name authority record RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  21. Examples: item 500 $a University Library's copy has ms. notes by former owner on endpapers. $5 IaH 700 $a Smiley, Jane, $e annotator. $5 IaH 541 $c Gift; $a John Jefferson; $d 2011. $5 DLC 700 $a Jefferson, John, $e donor. $5 DLC RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  22. Entities in relationships: Group 1 Relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items -- relationships in bibliographic and/or authority records: Related works (ch. 25) Related expressions (ch. 26) Related manifestations (ch. 27) Related items (ch. 28) RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  23. When citing another resource • In MARC 700-730 fields: • Give the form represented by an existing NAR* • If there is no NAR, give the RDA form (follow DCM Z1 guidelines about when to make an NAR) • In MARC 760-787 fields, copy/paste what is in the existing record for that resource and adjust the subfield coding as appropriate * Exception: Do not use AACR2 NAR having “Polyglot” or more than one language in subfield $l for multiple expressions. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  24. Related work (RDA 25.1) Common work relationships: Whole-part Adaptations Supplements Sequential relationships (e.g., earlier and later serials) LC core relationships: Whole-part relationships for works in a compilation Sequential serialrelationships RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  25. Relationship: related work Three methods (RDA 24.4) Identifier (not used alone for now) Authorized access point Description (structured or unstructured) LC: cataloger judgment to use relationship designators in RDA appendix J.2 in subfield $iifMARC content designation doesn’t indicate relationship RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  26. Structured/unstructured description • Structured description = note or linking field: indicate elements by ISBD punctuation or MARC tagging • Unstructured description = note using narrative rather than a formal tagged structure to indicate the relationship RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  27. Whole-part relationships for compilations LC: Give MARC 505 contents note unless contents indicated in another part of the description (e.g., in MARC 245 $a because no collective title present) or unless burdensome LC: Give one MARC 7XX analytical authorized access point; cataloger judgment if additional 7XX fields for other works Don’t give analytical authorized access points for some works: anthologies of poetry, conference proceedings, hymnals, journals, interviews, etc. – LCPS 25.1 RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  28. Whole-part work example Authorized access points for the works: 100 1# $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. 245 10 $a Hamlet ; $b King Lear / $c William Shakespeare. *700 12 $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t Hamlet. *700 12 $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t King Lear. 740 02 $a King Lear. * 2nd indicator in 700 indicates the relationship “Contains” RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  29. Example: serial related works Structured descriptions and three identifiers each: 245 00 $a TCA journal. 785 00 $t Journal of professional counseling, practice, theory, & research $x 1556- 6382 $w (DLC) 2005205756 $w (OCoLC) 55891574 245 00 $a Journal of professional counseling, practice, theory, & research. 780 00 $t TCA journal $x 1556-4223 $w (DLC) 93645762 $w (OCoLC) 26906768 785 indicators 00 = relationship “Continued by” 780 indicators 00 = relationship “Continues” RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  30. Related expression (RDA 26.1) Common expression relationships: Whole-part (e.g., translations in a compilation) Revisions Editions Translations Abridgements LCcore relationships: Whole-part relationships for expressions in a compilation (same policy as for works) Sequential serialrelationships RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  31. Relationship: related expression Three methods (RDA 24.4) Identifier (not used alone for now) Authorized access point Description (structured or unstructured) LC: cataloger judgment to use relationship designators in RDA appendix J.3in subfield $i if MARC content designation does not give relationship RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  32. Whole-part expression example Authorized access points for the expressions: 100 1# $a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- 245 10 $a Two Norwegian novels / $c Per Petterson. 505 0# $a Out stealing horses -- To Siberia. 700 12$a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- $t Ut og stjæle hester.$l English. 700 12$a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- $t Til Sibir.$l English. 740 02 $a Out stealing horses. 740 02 $a To Siberia. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  33. Example: serial related expression Unstructured description for other language edition: 130 0# $a Revista de política y derecho ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe. $l English. 245 10 $a Journal of environmental policy and law in Latin America and the Caribbean. 580 ## $a Issued also in Spanish under title: Revista de política y derecho ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  34. Related expression - example 1 of multiple methods Authorized access point: 100 1# $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- 240 10 $a Digital fortress. $l French 245 10 $a Forteresse digitale. 700 1# $i Translation of: $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- $t Digital fortress. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  35. Related expression - example 2 of multiple methods Structured description in 500 field: 100 1# $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- 240 10 $a Digital fortress. $l French 245 10 $a Forteresse digitale. 500##$a Translation of:Digital fortress / Dan Brown. -- 1st ed. -- New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1998. -- 371 p. ; 22 cm. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  36. Related expression - example 3 of multiple methods Structured description in 765 field: 100 1# $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- 240 10 $a Digital fortress. $l French 245 10 $a Forteresse digitale. *765 0# $a Brown, Dan, 1964- $t Digital fortress $b 1st ed. $d New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1998 $h 371 p. ; 22 cm. $w (DLC) 9703318 * 2nd indicator “blank” = “Translation of” RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  37. Related expression - example 4 of multiple methods Unstructured description in 500 field: 100 1# $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- 240 10 $a Digital fortress. $l French 245 10 $a Forteresse digitale. 500## $a Translation of the author’s novel Digital fortress. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  38. Related manifestation (RDA 27.1) Common manifestation relationships: Reproductions Different formats for same expression (e.g., book vs. CD; book vs. PDF) Special issues LCcore relationships: reproductions RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  39. Related manifestation (RDA 27.1) Two methods (RDA 24.4) Identifier (not used alone in RDA Test) Description (structured or unstructured) Not by an authorized access point now LC: cataloger judgment to use relationship designators in RDA appendix J.4 in subfield $i if MARC content designation does not give relationship RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  40. Related manifestation example 245 00 $a Health statistics for elementary -school children. 260 ## $a Baltimore : $b Johns Hopkins University, $c 2009- 300 ## $a volumes ; $c 27 cm 776 08 $i Also issued as: $t Health statistics for elementary-school children $d Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University, $c 2009- $h CD-ROMs : 4 3/4 in. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  41. Reproductions • LC: Generally, give information about the original in a linking field (MARC 775 field if same carrier; 776 field if different carrier) • Use information as is from the record for the original • If detailed information is not available, give a bibliographic history note in a MARC 500 field RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  42. Reproductions • If a reproduction is a compilation, generally • do notgive MARC 775 or 776 linking fields for each work/expression in the compilation, and • do not give bibliographic history notes for each work/expression in the compilation RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  43. Example: reproduction Structured description including an identifier: 100 1# $a Ringwalt, J. Luther $q (John Luther) 245 10 $a Anecdotes of General Ulysses S. Grant. 260 ## $a Washington, D.C. : $b Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program, $c 1993. 300 ## $a 1 microfilm reel (118 pages) ; $c 35 mm 776 08 $i Reproduction of (manifestation): $a Ringwalt, J. Luther (John Luther) $t Anecdotes of General Ulysses S. Grant $d Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1886 $h 118 p. ; 18 cm. $n Call number of original: E672.R58 $w (DLC) 10032685 RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  44. Related item (RDA 28.1) Common item relationships Reproduction of a specific copy “Bound with” Item added to copy of manifestation in a special collection Relationships that apply only to a single copy of the manifestation -- so, usually local information LCcore relationships: Reproductions Special relationships for rare materials as warranted “Bound withs” RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  45. Related item (RDA 28.1) Two methods (RDA 24.4) Identifier (not used alone in RDA Test) Description (structured or unstructured) LC: cataloger judgment to use relationship designators in RDA appendix J.5 in subfield $i if MARC content designation does not give relationship RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  46. Related item examples 501 $i Bound with: $a ___________. $5 DLC 775 $i Reprint of (item): $t Hiking in Unicoi State Park $d Helen, GA : RST Publishers, 1955 $h 22 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  47. Entities in relationships: Group 2 Relationships between persons, families, and corporate bodies -- relationships in authority records: Related persons (ch. 30) Related families (ch. 31) Related corporate bodies (ch. 32) RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  48. Entities in relationships: Group 2 LC core relationships: Different identities for persons Immediately preceding/succeeding non-conference corporate bodies RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  49. Related persons, families, and/or corporate bodies Relationship recorded in authority record in 5XX field Some relationships in MARC indicated by values in subfield $w -- LC: use in lieu of subfield $i: Different identities for persons Earlier/later non-conference corporate bodies RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

  50. LC: different identities • LC policy for different identities: • 2 identities = uncoded 500 fields in each NAR • 3 or more identities: DCM Z1 yellow page for the 663 field gives information about use of the 663 field with $w nnnc in 500 fields 100 1# $a $a Snodgrass, Quintus Curtius, $d 1835-1910 500 1# $w nnnc $a Twain, Mark, $d 1835-1910 663 ## $a For a listing of the names used by this author, search also under: $b Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 RDA at LC 2011 -- Module F

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