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Learning Points. To become familiar with abnormal CSF patterns associated with distinct acute and chronic CNS infection syndromesTo be aware of the typical clinical syndrome for meningitis, encephalitis, and brain abscessTo know the major causes of community acquired bacterial meningitisTo becom
2. Learning Points To become familiar with abnormal CSF patterns associated with distinct acute and chronic CNS infection syndromes
To be aware of the typical clinical syndrome for meningitis, encephalitis, and brain abscess
To know the major causes of community acquired bacterial meningitis
To become familiar with diagnosis and treatment of herpes simplex encephalitis
To recognize major causes of the chronic meningitis syndrome
3. Learning Points To understand the clinical presentation, epidemiology, and pathophysiology of Lyme Disease
To understand the importance of PCR in the diagnosis of CNS infections. To understand which disorders use PCR to make a diagnosis
To understand the significance of Intrathecal Antibody production
To understand and be able to explain the concept of Antigens in CSF. To understand which Antigens can be assessed and for which diseases
4. CSF: CNS Infection Document abnormalities consistent
with infection syndrome
Provide pattern based approach to differential diagnosis
Suggest/identify specific agent
5. CSF Pattern Analysis Press Cells Glu Prot Syndrome
?? ?? ?? ?? septic meningitis
(polys) (bacterial)
?or- ? - ? aseptic meningitis
(<100 or encephalitis
monos) (viral)
??,?or- ? ? ?or ?? chronic meningitis
(monos) (mycobacterial,
6. Polymerase Chain Reaction Major molecular diagnostic
Can detect organism-specific
nucleic acid (DNA, RNA)
qualitative and quantitative
single pathogen or families
can be automated (fluorescent
fragment analysis)
direct detection (branched DNA with
multiple binding sites) can avoid
target amplification
7. Polymerase Chain Reaction Positive very early into infection
Extremely sensitive
Diagnostic test of choice for many
viral CNS infections (esp herpes
8. CSF PCR In Neurologic Infections Disorder Agent Sensitivity
HSV encephalitis HSV –1 98%
CMV encephalitis, CMV 80- 95%
TSP/ HAM HTLV –1 93%
PML JC ?76%
TB meningitis M. tuberculosis 90%
Whipple’s disease T. Whippelii NA
9. PCR: Cautions Does not necessarily indicate active
May represent incidental finding
Subject to false positives and
negatives; requires rigid controls/
Low yield with tissue tropic/ low
organism infections
10. Intrathecal Organism Specific Antibody Production Indirect evidence for CNS infection
(may also reflect local activation)
Requires paired CSF/ serum sample
Multiple assays: serial dilutions,
indirect/ direct ELISA, reference
Always occurs in setting of a
polyspecific response
11. Intrathecal Organism Specific Antibody Production May persist months to years
Antibody index: CSF/ serum
antibody quotient: CSF/ serum Ig
quotient (> 1.4 is abnormal)
Specific OCB antibodies:
antigen-based immunoblot
12. CSF Antigen Assays LA cryptococcal antigen test most
useful (83%-98% sensitivity)
Bacterial antigens should be used
not as sensitive as culture; gram stain
just as sensitive
proposed when gram stain negative,
initial tests negative, partially treated,
immunocompromised hosts
not useful with normal CSF parameters,
hospital acquired infections
Remain + 1-10 days into therapy
13. CSF Antigen Assays ? Other antigens (histoplasma polysaccharide,cysticercus,
14. Inflammation of the meninges
Clinical features: headache, fever,
stiff neck (and altered mental status
especially in septic meningitis)
Infectious and noninfectious causes
15. Acute meningitis
septic (bacterial)
aseptic (largely viral)
Recurrent meningitis
Chronic meningitis
noninfectious Meningitis
16. Bacterial Meningitis Life threatening illness
5-10 cases per 100,000
25,000 cases annually in the US
up to 10x higher in less developed
17. Bacterial Meningitis Demographics in the US have
marked ? in H. influenzae cases
occurs in young adults vs. children
? in S. pneumoniae resistant (p’lln,
cephalosporin) strains
? p’lln resistant N. meningitidis in
specific regions (Spain, South
18. Bacterial Meningitis Etiology changes based on age
neonatal (S. agalactiae group B strep,
E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes)
infants/ children (N. meningitidis,
S. pneumoniae)
adults aged 15-50 (S. pneumoniae
45-50%, N. meningitidis 30 to 40%,
L. monocytogenes 8%, staphylococci,
gram neg enteric bacilli, H. influenzae)
adults aged >50 (S. pneumoniae, enteric gram neg; L. monocytogenes,
H. influenzae)
19. Bacterial Meningitis Etiology based on other factors
traumatic head injury (S. pneumoniae)
neurosurgery (gram neg bacilli,
Shunt (coag neg staph, Staph aureus)
20. Nationwide survey of Netherlands
(696 episodes)
S. pneumoniae (51%), N. meningitidis
95% of patients had at least 2 of 4
clinical features
14% comatose, 33% focal deficits
Mortality 21%
? in pneumococcus vs. meningococcus
*NEJM 2004; 351:1849 Adult Bacterial Meningitis*
21. Nationwide survey of France
Over one month of age:
N. meningitidis 55.3%,
S. pneumoniae 33.4%
About 50% of pneumococcus
isolates ? susceptibility to penicillin
Mortality rate 10.8% meningococcus,
7.6% pneumococcus
*Clin Infect Dis 2005; 41:1059 Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis*
22. Clinical Presentation Fever, headache, stiff neck
Other features: nausea, vomiting,
photophobia, lethargy
Progressive deterioration in level of
23. Clinical Presentation Complications: cerebral edema,
hydrocephalus, arteritis, septic
venous sinus thrombosis,
intracerebral hemorrhage, seizures,
cranial nerve palsies (VIII), septic
shock, DIC, renal failure, SIADH,
central DI, adult RDS
Purpuric/ petechial rash on trunk,
legs suggests meningococcemia
24. Management Blood cultures
? Neuroimaging
CSF analysis
Adjunctive (dexamethasone) and antimicrobial therapy
25. Neuroimaging Focal neurologic deficit
New onset seizure
Abnormal LOC
Immunocompromised state
26. CSF Analysis Opening pressure > 180 mm H2o
? ? ? WBCs (neutrophil
? ? ? glucose
< 40 mg/dl (58%)
< 0.31 CSF to serum glucose ratio
? ? protein
27. CSF Analysis Gram stain (+ 60-90%)
> 105 CFU/ ml +; ? 103 CFU/ ml 25%+
Bacterial antigens
partial therapy
nondiagnostic workup
28. CSF Analysis PCR
broad range screen
specific primers (S. pneumoniae,
N. meningitidis, E. coli,
L. monocytogenes, H. influenzae,
S. agalactiae )
reserved for postop neurosurgical
patients (? 4 mmol/l should be
treated empirically)
29. CSF Predictors Of Bacterial Meningitis
Glucose < 34 mg/dl (esp <20 mg/dl)
CSF to blood glucose < 0.3
(esp <0. 23 mg/dl)
Protein > 220 mg/dl
WBC > 2,000/mm3
Polys > 1,180/mm3
30. CSF In Treated Bacterial Meningitis With IV antibiotics
> 24 hrs culture, gram stain
3 days: glucose close to normal
in 80%
7-10 days: abnormal but ? WBC
in 50%; 50% normal CSF
31. Aseptic Meningitis 11 to 27 cases per 100,000
Benign, self-limited
Inflammation of meninges, ependyma, choroid plexus
headache, fever, meningismus
Enteroviruses are major pathogens
No pathogen established in ? 33%
32. Viral Meningitis Pathogens Enteroviruses
Other herpes viruses
33. Enteroviruses Nonenveloped RNA viruses; over 70 human pathogens; worldwide distribution
40% to 60% of all viral meningitis cases, most paralytic poliomyelitis cases, a small number of encephalitis cases
Children predominate for aseptic meningitis, but meningitis as a complication is higher in adults
34. Enteroviral Meningitis Summertime
Family unit illness
Abrupt onset without prodrome
Initial CSF neutrophil pleocytosis
35. Chronic Meningitis Varying combinations of headache,
fever, stiff neck, ? confusion,
disorientation, lethargy
Associated with abnormal CSF
pattern (? mononuclear WBCs,
? protein, ? glucose)
Symptoms/ signs and CSF
abnormalities persist ? 4 weeks
36. Chronic Meningitis Infectious
M. tuberculosis
Other fungal pathogens (coccidioides,
histoplasma, candida)
37. Inflammation of brain parenchyma
Acute/subacute febrile illness with
headache, altered level of
consciousness, disorientation,
behavior/language disturbance,
focal/diffuse parenchymal signs
May involve additional areas
(meninges, spinal cord, nerve root) Acute Encephalitis: Definition
38. Accounts for 18-29% of acute
neurologic infections
1,000 to 20,000 cases per year
(esp. July-September)
Incidence 0.07 to 12.6 cases per
100,000 per year
Most common in children under age
10 (16.7 cases per 100,000 child
years) Acute Encephalitis: Epidemiology
39. Most adult cases aged 15 to 30;
unusual after 40
More common in males (60%)
Most patients (> 60%) previously
healthy Acute Encephalitis: Epidemiology
40. Causal agent identified in 15-73%
of cases
Infectious (80%)
viral (90%)
nonviral (10%)
Noninfectious (20%)
41. Arboviruses
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Adenovirus Acute Encephalitis: Viral Causes
42. Bacteria
M. tuberculosis (TB)
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Whipple disease
Histoplasma Parasites
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Mycoplasma Acute Encephalitis: Nonviral Infectious Causes
43. Child or young adult
History in terms of days
Acute change in behavior or level of consciousness
Recent/current febrile illness
Specific features
44. Fever (almost 60%)
Mental status changes (more than
Focal vs diffuse neurologic findings
Meningeal features (at least 30%)
Systemic findings
Skin lesions
45. Blood studies
serologic tests
Cerebrospinal fluid
Neuroimaging (especially contrast
46. Abnormal in up to 95% of patients
Mild to moderate mononuclear
pleocytosis, ? protein, normal
Culture possible for enteroviruses,
mumps, LCM, listeria, Western,
Eastern and Venezuelan
equine encephalitis Acute Encephalitis: CSF
47. Direct inspection for amoebae,
trypanosomes, stains for TB
Useful special tests:
intrathecal organism-specific antibody
antigen detection
nucleic acid detection (PCR) Acute Encephalitis: CSF
48. HSV-1 Ubiquitous agent, 90%+ of adults
Most common cause of non -
epidemic fatal viral encephalitis
Year round and all ages , but
especially <20 and >40
2000 cases each year
Responds to IV acyclovir for 14
to 21 days (30mg/kg/day ÷ q8h)
49. HSV-1 Primary infection, reinfection,
Characteristic focality
orbitofrontal, temporal cortex, limbic
localized inflammation, necrosis,
inclusion bodies
50. HSV Encephalitis: Clinical Features Fever
Early headache
Temporal lobe involvement (90%)
Early behavioral changes,
seizures (40%), hemiparesis(33%),
? level of consciousness
51. HSV Encephalitis: CSF ? Pressure
? RBC (50%), ? WBC, ? protein
PCR + 98-99% (remains + several
days into Rx)
Intrathecal antibody production
(> 7days)
? Viral load has worse prognosis
52. HSV Encephalitis: Neuroimaging FLAIR enhances early detection
Early : gyral edema with
hypointense T1 and hperintense
T2 lesions in temporal lobe,
cingulate gyrus
53. HSV Encephalitis: Neuroimaging Involvement may be unilateral
MRI may worsen despite clinical
Limbic involvement correlates with
cognitive sequelae
54. HSV Encephalitis: EEG Diffuse slowing
Unilateral or bilateral temporal
periodic discharges
Slow wave complexes (2-3/second)
55. Brain Abscess Focal intracerebral infection
begins as cerebritis of injured
tissue, develops into pus
collection surrounded by
vascularized capsule
0.3-1.3 per 100,000 annually
56. Brain Abscess Predisposing features
parameningeal infection
pulmonary or cardiac disease
neurosurgery/ cranial trauma
organ/ bone marrow, stem cell
HIV infection
57. Brain Abscess Clinical presentation involves
headache (77%), fever (53%),
focal neurologic deficit (36%) with
? LOC (53%), nausea/ vomiting (51%)
Differential diagnosis: GBM,
metastasis, encephalitis, subdural
epyema, epidural abscess,
infarction, sarcoidosis,
tumefactive MS
58. Brain Abscess Evaluation
Blood: CRP more helpful than ESR,
WBC; blood cultures + ~10%,
(up to 86% + with listeria)
CSF nonspecific (LP generally not
stereotactic brain biopsy
Antimicrobials ? surgery
59. Abscess Therapy Broad spectrum, high dose
antibiotics for > 6-8 weeks
3rd generation cephalosporin +
metronidazole (community acquired)
meropenem + vancomycin (postop,
Minimally invasive, closed-needle
drainage (local anesthesia,
CT guidance)
60. Abscess Therapy Medical therapy alone
cerebritis stage
small (<2-3cm) or surgically inaccessible
(esp. brainstem)
stable neurologically but poor medical
Surgery for neurologic deterioration,
or if abscess size does not
? within 1-4 weeks
61. Abscess Therapy May follow serum CRP in abscesses
which have been excised/ aspirated
CT may enhance for several months
post Rx
progressive deterioration/ impending
herniation with edema/ mass effect
62. Abscess Therapy Complications
obstructive hydrocephalus
ventricular rupture (mortality > 80%)
brain edema
63. Abscess Therapy Mortality as low as 5%
seizures (12%)
focal neurologic deficits (18%)
antibiotics up to 5 days postop for
penetrating craniocerebral injuries
prophylaxis for craniotomy
64. Lyme Disease Multisystem infection caused by
bacterial spirochete (Borrelia
Bacteria present in infected ticks of
Ixodes ricinus family
Three species (B.burgdorferi sensu
stricto, B.garinii, B.afzelii)
Passed to humans, other mammals
when tick attaches to skin and feeds
Reinfection possible
65. Epidemiology Endemic in > 15 states (reported from 49
states), Europe and Asia; 50 countries
Three US foci
northeast (Maine-Maryland)
midwest (Wisconsin, Minnesota)
west (northern California, Oregon)
92% of cases from 9 states
(CT, RI, NY, PA, DE, NJ, MD, MA, WI)
Forested areas of Europe
middle Europe (Germany, Austria, Slovenia)
Scandinavia (Sweden)
66. Lyme Disease: Neurologic Involvement Approaches 40% of symptomatic
Occurs at all disease stages
I CSF + for spirochetes (pre-meningitis)
II Meningitis (aseptic), Meningoencephalitis
(cerebellar ataxia, myelitis)
Cranial neuropathy (VII)
Acute painful radiculoneuritis
III Encephalopathy
Chronic polyradiculoneuropathy
67. Summary Neurologic infections involve a
diverse array of acute and chronic
There are special aspects to CNS
infections that impact on diagnosis,
management, prognosis and
Accurate diagnosis and treatment
minimize morbidity and mortality