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Cognition. Princeton Review Crack-a-lackin Tasha Wright. Sensory Memory. =gateway between perception and memory very limited Iconic=visual (1/10ths of a second) Echoic=auditory (3-4 seconds). Sensory Memory Dos. Based on how you perceive things Ex. Jump rope: at many points at once
Cognition Princeton Review Crack-a-lackin Tasha Wright
Sensory Memory • =gateway between perception and memory • very limited • Iconic=visual (1/10ths of a second) • Echoic=auditory (3-4 seconds)
Sensory Memory Dos • Based on how you perceive things • Ex. Jump rope: at many points at once • =visual persistence
George Sperling and partial report G Z E P R K O D B T X F • Paired with different pitched sounds • Better with lower pitch • Short-term visual (iconic) memory
Short-Term Memory • Few seconds to about a minute • Acoustically coded • Seven parts (+/- 2) • Ex. Telephone numbers • Chunking=grouping items
Rehearsal • Maintenance=simple repetition for the short term • Elaborative=organization and understanding for long-term use • Can decay by interference
Remembering Lists: • Primacy=remembering the first items • Recency=remembering the last items (fades in about a day) • serial position effect
Long-Term Memory • Semantically encoded memories=encoded in the form of word meanings • can be semantically plus visually or acoustically encoded • Ex. Song lyrics
Episodic memory=events that we ourselves have experienced • Semantic memory=fact based memory • Procedural memory=skills and habits
Types of LTM • State-dependent memory: more likely to be recalled if the attempt to retrieve it occurs in a situation similar to the situation in which is was encoded • Flashbulb memories: very deep, vivid memory in the form of a visual image associated with a particular emotionally arousing event • Working memory: the part of LTM that is currently in use
Memory Changing • Reconstruction=fitting events together that seem likely • can be caused by source amnesia • Framing=repeated suggestions and misleading questions that create false memories • problems in trials
Language • Arbitrarywords don’t sound like the ideas they convey • Additive structurewords into phrases, phrases to sentences, sentences to paragraphs, etc. • Multiplicity of structurecan be analyzed in many ways • Productionnearly endless combination of words • Dynamicconstantly changing and evolving
Phonemes=smaller units of speech sounds • Morphemes=combination of phonemes • Grammar=set of rules of language • Syntax=organizing morphemes into meaningful language • Semantics=word choice
Acquiring Language • (Infants) Holophrases=single terms that are applied to a broad category of things • Ex. All women are “mama” • this is overextension • (2 year olds) Telegraphic speech=lack many parts of speech • Ex. “mommy food” • (3 years old) Know over 1,000 words • overgeneralization errors • Ex. I goed to store
Noam Chomsky and Transformational grammar • Surface structure of language v. deep structure of language • Propose innate language acquisition device • used to explain why all cultures languages and learning is so similar
B.F. Skinner • Behaviorist • Said it was operant conditioning • learning and reinforcement
Concept • =a way of grouping or classifying the world around us • Typicality=the degree to which an object fits the average • Prototype=typical picture that we envision
Superordinate concept=very broad; encompasses a large group of items • Ex. Food • Subordinate concept=smaller and more specific • Ex. Bread
Cognition=thinking • Reasoning=drawing of conclusions from evidence • Deductive reasoning=drawing logical conclusions from general statements • Inductive reasoning=the process of drawing general inferences from specific observations
Creativity and Problem Solving • Creativity=the process of producing something novel yet worthwhile • Divergent thinkingif many correct answers are possible • Ex. Brainstorming • Convergentproblem can only be solved by one answer
Heuristics=intuitive rules of thumb • Algorithms=systematic, mechanical approaches that guarantee an eventual answer to a problem • Insight=sudden understanding • Ex. Wolfgang Kohler and chimps. Bananas outside cage, 2 sticks inside • Mental set=fixed frame of mind • Functional fixedness=tendency to assume that a given item is only useful for the task for which it was designed
Confirmation bias=looking only for information to support your view • Hindsight bias=after the fact, saying you knew what the outcome would be • Framing=the way a question is phrased