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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3- 50566: Follow-up Training on ILS/FOA/CB for Leaders of FTUB and its Affiliates. Welcome!. ACTRAV-Turin.
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-50566:Follow-up Training on ILS/FOA/CBfor Leaders of FTUB and its Affiliates Welcome! ACTRAV-Turin
Mr. van der Laan,Director, ILO Subegional Office for South Asia, New DelhiMr. Adyanthaya,Worker Member, ILO Governing Body (INTUC/INDIA)Mr. Ahn Pong-Sul,Senior Specialist, ACTRAV, ILO Subregional Office for South AsiaDr. Tint Swe,Minister of Prime Minister Office of National Coalition Government of Union of Burma Opening Session
Aims of This Session • To get to know better with each other; • To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this training programme; and • To confirmthe timetable of the course and make necessary fine-tunings to it.
Three Basic Rules!!! • Be active and participative in all activities during the course; • Listen carefully to your colleagues; and • Be punctual! Let’s start and finish on time! Any additional rules you like to propose?
Development Objectives This Course is aimed atcontributing to: • Empowerment of FTUB through enhancement of their ability to protect the fundamental principles and rights at work; • Promotion of FTUB’s participation in the supervisory mechanisms of ILS/FOA/CB; • Improvement of fundamental rights and principles situation in Myanmar.
Immediate Objectives At the end of this course, the participants will be able to: • Understand the functioning of the ILO and the role of workers’ organizations; • Understand the fundamental rights and principles at work and how FTUB can try to ensure those rights in Myanmar; • Understand the supervisory mechanisms & how they could be used to put pressure towards better compliance; • Draft comments, reports and complaints to be sent to ILO Supervisory Bodies; • Elaborate national strategies on promotion of ILS/FOA, with making the best use of the ILO instruments; and • Draft an action plan in the field of FOA/CB.
Outputs of this Course • 20 FTUB/Affiliates’ Activists who have capacity of; • Analyzing ILS/FOA/CB situations in Myanmar with specific reference to relevant ILO Conventions; • Preparing workers’ comments/complaints on violation cases; • Proposing policies and strategies on promotion of fundamental rights/principles in Myanmar; • Playing a role in a regional/international network of trade union experts on ILS/FOA/CB. • Work Plans that will contribute to achieving the long-term objectives of the course; • Training materials / curriculum on ILS/FOA.
Time-Table of this Course Day 1: Understanding the current situations • Input from Indian trade union leaders on the role of trade unions • Input from Hiro Ishibashi (ACTRAV-Turin) on ILO/ACTRAV • Input from Ahn Pong-Sul, on ILO/ACTRAV activities in South Asia Day 2 & 3: International Labour Standards - Procedures of ILS (adoption, submission and ratification) - Regular and special supervisory mechanism (Article 22, 24 & 26) Day 4 & 5: Freedom of Association - Provisions of C. 87, C. 98 & other FOA Conventions - Special supervisory mechanism on FOA (CFA) Day 6: Development of Work Plan
International Labour Standard Objective: To understand the procedures and mechanism of ILS so that FTUB can fully participate in, and use, the system to protect and promote rights and social well-being of its members. Issues: • Origins, characteristics, purposes and contents • Procedures of discussion, adoption, submission and ratification • Application of standards • Article 22 Report, Article 24 Representation, Article 26 Complaint • Committee of Experts on Application of Conventions and Recommend. • Conference Committee of Application of Conventions and Recommend. • Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work • The best practices of workers’ participation
Freedom of Association Objective: To understand the main provisions and their interpretations of Convention 87 and 98 and to know the special mechanism of applications, so that FTUB can ensure the rights to Issues: • Rights to establish organizations without previous authorization, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing, to draw up constitutions and their own rules, to elect representatives in full freedom, to strike, to affiliate, to bargain collectively, etc. • Committee on Freedom of Association
Work Plans • Work Plan is: A project proposal that aims to address a specific problem and/or a priority agenda for your organizations (members) and to achieve a certain desired outcome in a specific subject area; • You are expected to implement the work plan upon your return to your country; • It should contain clear “objectives (what you want to achieve)”, “target groups (who you want to change)”, “outputs (what you want to produce)” and “activities (what you must do to achieve it)”; and • It must be implementable (consideration of various important factors, incl. a financial factor).
Evaluation • Daily Summary • End of the Course Evaluation • Post-Course Evaluation • Implementation of Work Plan and After-1year-Ealuation Questionnaire
Daily Summary • Every morning, we will have a brief session in which we review what we learned in the day before; • One participant will be assigned to make a summary of the day, which will be reported in the morning review session. • The daily summary will be used for a summary of the course and for the end-of-course evaluation.
Course Website http://www.itcilo.org/actrav/english/calendar/2004/A3-50566/ • Purpose of the Course Website • Database of resource materials and relevant information • Networking of the participants
Formation of Committees • Programme Committee • Report Committee • Social and Recreation Committee • Course Council
Programme Committee • Assist and encourage participants to be punctual at all times especially for training sessions; • Assist and encourage participants to keep the training room tidy and to see that training aids (projector, white board, flip-chart, etc) are available when necessary; • Assist trainers/resource persons when necessary; • Receive and introduce resource persons at the beginning of their sessions, and give a vote of thanks at the end; and • Set an example of participation within the group and encourage other participants to actively participate.
Report Committee • Summarize each training session; • Summarize and record the proceedings of the training course; • Report their summary of the previous day’s training sessions and proceedings at the beginning of each day (a reporter should be changed everyday); and • Complete a summary report of the training course at the end of the programme.
Social and Recreation Committee • Plan and propose items/events for extra-curriculum recreational activities (in the morning or in the evening), such as sports, games or parties; • Plan and propose short energizers that participants can demonstrate during or between training sessions, such as singing a song, stretching or exercising; and • Plan and arrange social/cultural activities/events during free time and for the farewell night.
Course Council • Shall consist of the Chairperson and Secretary of the different committees and the tutors; • Will meet at least once a day to discuss progress, difficulties, suggestions concerning the programme so as to continuously monitor and improve the learning environment and experience for participants.
Any questions or clarifications? • About Objectives and Goals of the Course? • About Contents of the Program? • About … anything?
Let’s enjoy the programtogether! ACTRAV-Turin