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e du phoria ! Fore thought

e du phoria ! Fore thought. Trailblazer Training: Module 1. Trailblazer Roles. BECOME: LEADERS for the use of Forethought LEADERS of teacher ongoing support LEADERS and advocates for the District Mission and Vision of an aligned curriculum system

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e du phoria ! Fore thought

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  1. eduphoria!Forethought Trailblazer Training: Module 1

  2. Trailblazer Roles • BECOME: • LEADERS for the use of Forethought • LEADERS of teacher ongoing support • LEADERS and advocates for the District Mission and Vision of an aligned curriculum system • LEADERS who will build campus capacity LEADERS

  3. pace scope and sequence

  4. Why are we changing From Curriculum Central Online (CCO)?

  5. FORETHOUGHT A Curriculum Management System a computer-based system that seamlessly links and aligns all teaching, learning and assessment components so that teachers and administrators are able to focus on teaching and meeting the needs of each and every student.

  6. FORETHOUGHT But what does that REALLY mean? • A TRUE CURRICULUM ONLINE where now: • ALL curriculum documents • Resources • Calendars • Scope and Sequence • Year at a Glance • EVERYTHING curriculum… • is online, in the same place, with your lesson planner built right in so that all of the above is at your fingertips, based on you and your teaching assignment

  7. FORETHOUGHT All curriculum documents, resources, your lesson planner in ONE SYSTEM All Content Area curriculum in a CONSISTENT FORMAT Everything is web-based and ACCESSIBLE 24/7 EVERYTHING ALIGNED: Standards, Resources, Assessments COLLABORATION features: share lesson plans and Team Planners USER-FRIENDLY!

  8. FORETHOUGHT Sneak Peek

  9. What is An aligned curriculum system?

  10. Forethought:a common lesson planning template Planning for Learning MISCONCEPTIONS

  11. Collaboration and creativity will be encouraged. • 1. This new system is going to take away all of my creativity. Forethought will provide teachers an easier way to access lessons that have proven successful. • 2. I am not going to be able to use any of the lessons that I have created over the years. Teachers still have the autonomy to determine the most appropriate way to present the content to students. • 3. I am going to have to say and do exactly what every other teacher in the district will be doing.

  12. Forethought is designed with the teacher in mind. The standards, unit maps, student data, resources, assessments and other components of lesson design are right at your fingertips. • 4. This new system is going to make lesson planning very difficult. It is assumed that you would stay relatively close to the pace so that your students would arrive at the finish line at the appropriate time. However, there is no expectation that every teacher in the same content area will be on the same page on the same day. • 5. I am not going to be able to move ahead or fall behind even one day with this new system. • 6. I am going to have a very limited number of resources to use with this new system. All of the resources that are currently included in CCO will be available in Forethought. The system is intuitive and very user-friendly. Even the least tech-savvy among BISD teachers will easily be able to maneuver through the entire system. • 7. I am going to have to be very tech savvy to navigate this new system.

  13. That Was Then, This is Now

  14. Objectives for today’s training • Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan(Checkpoints) • Getting into Forethought:learn how to Log into the system (Key in theIgnition) • Creating Your Schedule:set up your schedule according to your teaching day(Roadmap) • Using the Lesson Planner:learn how to use the simple, user-friendly, web-based lesson planner (Engine Start-up)

  15. Objectives for today’s training • Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan(Checkpoints) • Getting into Forethought:learn how to Log into the system (the Key to Ignition) • Creating Your Schedule:set up your schedule according to your teaching day(Roadmap) • Using the Lesson Planner:learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (Engine Start-up)

  16. Planning for Teaching FRONTWARD DESIGN = LOOSELY ALIGNED The Teacher…

  17. Planning for learning BACKWARD DESIGN = DEEP ALIGNMENT The Teacher… Look at the end result first. Then decide how students will provide evidence of their learning, and finally design instructional activities to help kids learn what is needed to be successful.

  18. Not aligned to Standards/Student Performance Objectives • Emphasis is on the teacher and teaching, not the standard and what student should know and be able to do. • Planning for Learning is: • BACKWARD DESIGN • Teacher: • Studies the Standards for assessment and performance requirements • Plans the formative and summative assessment • Designs lessons with the end result in mind. • a Results Orientation • Planning for TEACHING is: • FRONTWARD DESIGN • Teacher: • Chooses Topic • Plans Lessons • Plans Assessment at the end of Unit. • a Methodology Orientation • Deeply aligned to curriculum • Based upon what students need to know and be able to do • Emphasis is on what students are doing to meet the performance standards (formative and summative assessments) instead of what the teacher is doing

  19. Planning for learning What would be the components of a quality lesson plan where the goal is PLANNING FOR LEARNING?

  20. ON THE RIGHT TRACK: Planning for learning Quality work products for students Strategies to engage students Curricular Standards Aligned Resources Evidence of learning Structures to enhance learning


  22. the bisd forethought Lesson Plan Template The Standards/TEKS Structures, Strategies, Resources, Assessments Clarifying Statements,Procedures,Accommodations/Notes/Reflections Handout 8

  23. 3 Levels of Curriculum Alignment Written Curriculum Delivery Design School System School Classroom Articulation Coordination Tested Curriculum Taught Curriculum Delivery

  24. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Content Standard(s)/Process Standards The Standards are our Focus. These are our rail tracks. A defined course and the ride controls the pace. The Standards are the ‘what’

  25. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Procedure, Strategies, and Structures Yousteer your car and make decisions about how you will make your way around the track. You can steer left to right or look at street signs and the landscape. However, you must make sure that your steering appropriately addresses the destination and doesn’t jump the rail tracks (the Standards). The HOW.

  26. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Accommodations, Modifications, Extensions Youconsider the destination and who is in the car with you.You make decisions about your passengers’ needs during the trip and what you will do to accommodate those needs.

  27. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Resources Your teaching tools. Consistent across the district and are aligned to your Standards.

  28. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Evidence of Learning(Assessment) Regular Maintenance and State Inspectionsto make sure all parts of your car are functioning properly. Our Forethought curriculum will contain sample assessment items, both formative and summative. Assessment items ensure that your level of instruction matches the cognitive rigor of the Standards.

  29. Planning forlearning: the components of effective lesson design Notes/Reflections Your road trip photos and travel journal. You can add important information before departure or reflect on your trip. What parts of your trip with your passengers went well and what might you do differently next year to make your journey even better? Our Road Trip

  30. Objective 1: points to remember • In planning for learning, we deeply align lessons based on performance/assessment standards. • Planning for learning is critical to the alignment of the full teaching and learning process. • Forethought is the intuitively powerful tool we will use to plan deeply aligned learning. Objective 1: Planning for Learning (Checkpoints We Use Along the Way)

  31. Objectives for today’s training • Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan(the Checkpoints) • Getting into Forethought:learn how to Log into the system (theIgnition Key) • Creating Your Schedule:set up your schedule according to your teaching day(the Roadmap) • Using the Lesson Planner:learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (the Engine Start-up)

  32. Objective 2: LOGGING INTO FORETHOUGHT (the Key to Ignition)

  33. Logging into eduphoria! • 1. Birdville Homepage: Click on “Staff” • 2. Click on “Eduphoria” • 3. Log in with your BISD Credentials (how you login to your school computer)

  34. CLICK ON“My Profile” • Click “My Profile”. • Go through each screen and enter all of your information, or, make sure it is correct

  35. Notes: • If you teach at more than one campus, check both campuses. • If you change campuses, be sure to update your profile.

  36. Note: • Check allsubjects that you teach.

  37. Note: • Check allgrades that you teach.

  38. Note: • This is your security question just in case you ever forget your login or password.

  39. Objective 2: points to remember • Very Important! • Anytime you change roles, campuses, grade levels, or subject areas: YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR PROFILE. Objective 2: LOGGING INTO FORETHOUGHT (the Key to Ignition)

  40. Objectives for today’s training • Planning for Learning: review the elements of a good lesson plan(the Checkpoints) • Getting into Forethought:learn how to Log into the system (theIgnition Key) • Creating Your Schedule:set up your schedule according to your teaching day(Roadmap) • Using the Lesson Planner:learn how to use simple, user-friendly web-based lesson planner (the Engine Start-up)

  41. Objective 3: Creating Your Daily Schedule (our Roadmap)

  42. Objective 3: Creating Your Schedule Note: Handout #10 contains tips for creating your Forethought lesson planner schedule. What is a Forethought Lesson Planner “Schedule” ? Includes: Events, Classes/Courses for Which You Need to Plan Each Day.

  43. Daily Schedule Examples Primary Secondary English 1 English 1 Homeroom Lunch Conference English 2 English 2 English 1 • Calendar • Reading Workshop • Writing Workshop • Recess • Math • Lunch • Science • Social Studies • Specials Daily Event Not Tied to Standards Content Area Subject/Course Tied to Standards

  44. Let’s Get Started Begin setting up your schedule

  45. CLICK ONForethought

  46. Setting Up Your planner The first time you login, the Set Up My Planner Wizard will appear. This will guide you through the process of setting up your schedule of courses.

  47. Setup my planner wizard Enter the name of your schedule. Suggestion: Name, School, School Year Click Next.

  48. Adding Entries – These are Your preps, subjects, or “boxes in the Lesson Plan book” Add entries to your schedule Click “Add an Entry”

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