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Draft New EN 12975 ESTESC Webinar 27.03.2017

Draft New EN 12975 ESTESC Webinar 27.03.2017. Dr. A. Bohren, SPF Testing Convenor CEN/TC 312/WG1. Introduction. ISO 9806 is the standard describing how to test . ISO 9806 has replaced the former EN12975-2

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Draft New EN 12975 ESTESC Webinar 27.03.2017

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  1. DraftNew EN 12975ESTESC Webinar 27.03.2017 Dr. A. Bohren, SPF Testing Convenor CEN/TC 312/WG1

  2. Introduction ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren ISO 9806 is the standarddescribinghow to test.ISO 9806 hasreplaced the former EN12975-2 EN 12975 is the standarddescribing the requirements.EN 12975 will replace the current EN12975-1 «Test according to ISO 9806 and fulfil EN 12975»

  3. CE Mark and the EN12975 ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren CEN hasreceviedrequest for standardisation (calledmandatebefore) from THE COMMISSION to elaborate a harmonizedstandardsupporting the European constructionproductregulation (CPR). 305/2011 Collectorsareconsideredasbuildingproducts and fall under the amendment M369/EN to the mandate M129 «Space heating appliance and energy capturing appliances» Passing a testaccording to EN12975 wouldthenbeconsidered a valid option to demonstratecompliancewith the requirements of the CPR. The EN12975 will be the basis for the CE-MARK for Collectors. -> Safety for Building Products

  4. Content of EN 12975 ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren The EN12975 isfurthermorecited in / used for the Ecodesign regulation and the Energy Labelling regulation-> Energeticperformance / rating Collectorsmay fall under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)-> Safety Collectorsmayfall under the Low Voltage Directive (LVD)-> Safety The EN 12975 is the basis for the Solar Keymark-> Performance & durability of the solar thermal collector Bring togetherrequirementsfromseveralsides

  5. EN 12975 «Technical Collector Content»  ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren EN 12975 isverystronglylinked to the new ISO 9806 5.2 Required testsCollectors shall be tested according to Table 1 of EN ISO 9806:2017 …. …The results shall be reported as required in the corresponding clauses and in Annex A of EN ISO 9806:2017.None of the findings of the performed tests shall be rated as major failure according to clause 17 of EN ISO 9806:2017. Basis for Solar Keymark

  6. EN 12975 Challenges in relationwithErP  ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Somecollectorparameters in the Ecodesign / Energylabellingare not existing (anymore) and/orare not defined in ISO 9806. Examples: - Aperturearea- Collector efficiencyηCol- Collector first order coefficient- Collector incidence angle modifier IAM- … Task: Bridging the gapsbetweenErP and ISO 9806Providereasonable «content» for thesedefinitions.

  7. EN 12975 Challenges in relationwithErP  ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Somecollectorparameters in the Ecodesign / Energylabellingare not existing (anymore) and/orare not defined in ISO 9806. Examples: - Aperturearea- Collector efficiencyηCol- Collector first order coefficient- Collector incidence angle modifier IAM- … Task: Bridging the gapsbetweenErP and ISO 9806Providereasonable «content» for thesedefinitions.

  8. EN 12975: Challenges in relationwith CPR ---- SourceM/369 Amendment to M 129 ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren

  9. EN 12975: Declaration of Performance & CE Mark • Performance ≠ Thermal Performance ! • Documentdeclaring the different levels of peformancewithrespect to different propertiesof the productasrequiredby the regulation. • CE Mark = summary of DoPTo beaffixed to the product ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren

  10. EN 12975: Challenges in relationwith CPR  !   ! ?   ---- ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren PVT Collectors !

  11. EN 12975: Challenges in relationwith CPR  !   ! ?   ---- ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren

  12. Firesafety www.sdis-salines.ch/N327/incendie-st-triphon/ www.sdis-salines.ch/N327/incendie-st-triphon/ HELP ! ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Reaction to fire: Collectors which cannot be classified without testing shall be tested according to EN 13501-1 applying the standards therein, as applicable. External fire performance: If required, collectors embedded in the roof shall be tested and classified in accordance with EN 13501-5.

  13. Firesafety • For standard flat platecollectors (metalframe) the risk of fireisalmostnonexisting. • How to avoid «overtesting» of firesafety for collectors? • Isit an option to make «representativefiretests» to avoidtesting of eachmodel/manufacturer. • How to react on the rumorsaboutburningcollectors? • How to distinguish in-roof / on-roof / freestandingcollectors HELP ! ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren

  14. EN 12975: Challenges in relationwith PED  !   ! ?   ---- ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren

  15. Pressure Equipment Directive   ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Depending on the - Volume - Intendedoperatingtemperature- Heattransfer Fluid collectorsmay fall under the PED (requiring CE Mark) or NOT General Classification of the collectors in EN12975:- Class 0: Low pressure collectors (PS < 0,5 bar over atmosphere) - Class A1: Meanders not for steam generation- Class A2: Harps not for steam generation- Class B: Steam Production and Vol >2liter.Further subclasses depending on volume & fluid type. The collectors can be classified.

  16. Pressure Equipment Directive  HELP ! ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Clarify which collectors are not falling under the PED. What is required for the collectors falling under the PED ?

  17. Summary ! ? ! ? ESTESC Webinar, EN 12975, 27.03.17 A. Bohren Draft of the standardiscirculated in TC312/WG1 Open questionsaspresented Plan:- Elaborate a versionthatcanbesubmitted to CEN. Help from INDUSTRY and anybodyelseis WELCOME- Get Feedback (also from CEN Consultants)- Finalise EN12975 in 2017 and submit to CEN for voting- HarmonisationPublication in OJEU Official Journal of the European Union.

  18. THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTE(D)But weare not yetthere… andreas.bohren@spf.ch

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