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Status reports and future work

Status reports and future work. Hisayuki Torii 22/6/2000 PHENIX-J VTC. D Thesis. D thesis title (by Will’s page) Comparison of high pT pi0 production in 200AGeV Au+Au and p+p collisions 野望 Centrality dependence of high pT pi0 production in 200AGeV Au+Au. 狙いは、 Jet Quenching QGP search

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Status reports and future work

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  1. Status reports and future work Hisayuki Torii 22/6/2000 PHENIX-J VTC

  2. D Thesis • D thesis title (by Will’s page) • Comparison of high pT pi0 production in 200AGeV Au+Au and p+p collisions • 野望 Centrality dependence of high pT pi0 production in 200AGeV Au+Au. • 狙いは、Jet Quenching • QGP search • 野望 Dynamical scale in de-confined matter. の測定。 • Hurdles: Jet Quenchingを測定するには • Jet Identification. • The other effects(initial kT, Cronin effect,EMC effect) を抑える必要がある。

  3. Jet Quenching • One of Hard probes for QGP search • 衝突直後の短時間<0.1fm/cでの散乱パートンを使用。 • Au中のパートンの初期状態を使って、pQCDで計算可能。 • 散乱パートンがQGP相を通過する際に、多重弾性散乱により、エネルギー減衰を受ける。 • 散乱パートンはJet Fragmentを起こし、Jetのエネルギー減衰として観測される。

  4. 1-year in PHENIX (MJT’s plot) Xin-Nian Wang, Phys. Rev. C58, 2321 (1998)

  5. Energy loss(dE/dx) model dependence • Phys.ReV.D51(1995)3436 右の図 • Xin-Nian Wang, Miklos Gyulassy, Michael Plumer • Langau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in QCD and radiative energy loss in a quark-gluon plasma • Gluon radiative energy loss • R.Baier, Yu.L.Dokshitzer, A.H.Mueler, S.Peigne, D.Shiff達もいろいろやっているがmodel dependence が大きそうである • N.P.B484(1997)265 R.Baier et al. • T=250MeV dE/dx = 3GeV/fm (L=10fm) • cold matter dE/dx = 0.2GeV/fm (L=10fm) • N.P.B531(1998)403-425 R.Baier et al • 上の2倍 • 最近の理論計算では、dE がHot Matter中Parton の通過する積算距離 L の二乗に比例している。 • LのUncertaintyはかなり大きい。

  6. Size of QGP Uncertainty of dx • ET Measurement give us an information • Bjorken formulae • Energy conserv • QGP formed • (t0, t1) to (e0,e1) • QGP need t0=1fm/c for thermal. • QGP critical energy density e1=1.0GeV/fm3 • Wa98 1fm/c to 2.2-2.9fm/c • The (t0,t1) is too short in WA98. How about at RHIC?

  7. Future work plan • 主にはOffline側のReal Dataを使って、 • まずReal DataでもってPi0 を組んでみる。 • Online calibrationから出てくるCalibration DBをOffline解析に反映させる。 • Offline Energy Calibration(relative,absolute value) • Single photon/pi0 のEfficiencyの見積もり。 • FEE Test bench の立ち上げとTest • 10GeV付近のLinearity Check • 片手間に、Simulation • HijingがもってるJet Quenching on/offのフラグを用いて、Impact Parameterをいくつか振ってHigh pTのSimulationを行い、HijingのOn/offを分けるのに必要なルミノシティーを見積もる。

  8. Online Calibration Energy Calibration Relative (tower by tower) Muon Relative(time dependence) Laser + charge injection + pedestal monitoring Absolute Muon TOF Calibration Slewing correction Offline Calibration Energy Calibration Relative (tower by tower) Uniformity of measured E Pi0, electron, eta, omega Absolute Pi0,electron、j/psi TOF Calibration Slewing correction Clustering Position Calibration (is defined as procedure to make DST from PRDF)

  9. Calibration DB • Offline software development for EMCal • Directed by G.David who’s a boss of offline soft. • Priority 1: Calibration (constant) database for simulation. This is urgent for the reconstruct chain。 • Start to make a database for simulation. • Priority 2: Database Geometry Object(DGO). • The coordinates of sector,SM,Module in a Arm • The position of a Arm. • It seems to take a long time. Just service for soft. • Need I for Doctor thesis? Yes. • Online software development for EMCal • Directed by E.Kistenev who’s a boss of online soft. • Quality information for tower by tower. • With a flag that indicate it’s useful or not for offline. • The reason why it’s wrong.

  10. Simulation • High pT0Simulation • mass production in CC-J • To check: Feasibility for real PHENIX simulation. • Hijing’s Jet Quenching on/off flag with impact parameter dependence. • To check: What’s kind of systematic error for measured energy? • Energy shift by background inside the measured cluster. • Energy shift by energy resolution, linearity. • WA98 estimated this effect by mixed event of real and simulated single photon/pi0 events. • All these effects will be estimated as a efficiency and systematic error.

  11. Physics Analysis (DST analysis) • Efficiency correction • Acceptance • Resolution,noise • Energy shift by contamination of BG • Linearity • Mixed event with real and simulated single pi0. • Efficiency Matrix • classify all systematic errors Measured π0 energy(GeV) Real π0 energy(GeV)

  12. Summary • The theme of Doctor thesis is almost fixed • Working for theoretical uncertainty. • Of physical background • Of dE/dx in medium. • Of length in medium. • ET measurement is necessary to know the maximum length. • Classifying necessary steps for pT distribution of pi0 and systematic errors. • Calibration. (online, offline) • Simulation work • To check feasibility for PHENIX real simulation • To check efficiency • Starting my work above the lists.

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