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Status and further work

h. E xpert G roup on T echno- E conomic I ssues. Status and further work. Paris, April 4 th , 2003 Nadine Allemand (Citepa) & Bernd Calaminus (IFARE). List of Experts. Officially nominated National experts from ( 19 ) : Armenia, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany,

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Status and further work

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  1. h Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues Status and further work Paris, April 4th, 2003 Nadine Allemand (Citepa) & Bernd Calaminus (IFARE)

  2. List of Experts • Officially nominatedNational experts from (19): • Armenia, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, • Georgia, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, • Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, • United Kingdom • Other experts from industry and technical bodies: • CEFIC, CONCAWE, EURELECTRIC, CPIV, UIC, CEPE, • INERIS, EIPPCB, CIAM, RIVM, …

  3. Sectoral Panels • Approach the work sector-wise: For the elaboration • of background documents, organisation of panel meetings • Waste incineration (example) 14 June 2002 • VOC solvent / chemical industry 4 Nov. 2002 • Petroleum industry / distribution 5 Nov. 2002 • Ferrous / non ferrous metals 28 Nov. 2002 • Mineral products 29 Nov. 2002 • Off road 16 Dec. 2002 • Combustion / waste incineration 17 Dec. 2002

  4. Core steering group meeting held on January 23, in Paris Participants : UNECE, WGSR, MEDD, ADEME, CIAM, EGTEI secretariat, National expert from UK and I Objective : Set up a strategy to better cope with the very tight time schedule imposed by CAFE

  5. Core steering group meeting held on January 23, in Paris Main decisions • 1 - Focus on priority sectors proposed by CIAM: • Emission sources covered by the EC solvent directive • Paint uses (non industrial uses) • Industrial processes (stressed on PM controls) • Industrial combustion • Small boilers in residential and commercial sector (PM from wood combustion) • Off-road sources Vaste field –> consequently concentrate on the biggest emission sources: A list of activities has been selected in consultation with CIAM

  6. Core steering group meeting held on January 23, in Paris Main decisions List of activities : See the list

  7. Core steering group meeting held on January 23, in Paris Main decisions 2 –No secondary panel meetings as previously scheduled, but elaboration of the working documents in close cooperation with experts from industry and administration and organisation of restricted meeting with expert Consensus on : • Sector representation including abatement measures • Emission data • Cost data Validation by national experts required

  8. Core steering group meeting held on January 23, in Paris Main decisions • 3 –Simplification of the approach judged too complex by many Parties • and experts • Reduction of the number of reference installations • Focus on viable reduction techniques and combination Further modification of working documents: • Indicate RAINS data for information and comparability • Increase tracability of bibliographic references

  9. Proposal for further planning Stepwise delivery of draft working documents, from now till May 31 Delivery of the first part of the tool including a restricted number of sectors on May 15 Second part of the tool (covering additional sectors) byJune 15

  10. Questions to be answered for the further development of the tool Country specific or sector/technology specific ? • Wages • Prices of consumables : electricity, limestone, ammonia… Flexible or fixed parameters • Plant factor • Retrofit factor • Fixed operating costs: fixed percentage of investment Prescribed default parameters • Applicability factor

  11. Questions to be answered for the further development of the tool How to deal with aggregated country information (case of Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden…) Activity levels : absolute values and/or shares Other questions

  12. Proposal for further planning Stepwise delivery of draft working documents, from April 7 till May 31 Delivery of the first part of the tool including a restricted number of sectors on May 15 National experts are then invited to start introduction of data (on the basis of working documents and the first part of the tool) Second part of the tool (covering additional sectors) byJune 15 Finalisation of the expert work : July 31 Delivery of data to CIAM on September 30, after validation by EGTEI

  13. Assistance of the EGTEI secretariat offered to national experts (Phone, email and if necessary local assistance)

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