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Summary of key information from various task force reports, working group updates, and discussions within ERCOT for February 2007. Includes details on new task forces, reports on economic deployment, renewables, and transmission, and discussions on emergency interruptible loads.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WMS Report TO TAC February 2007

  2. In Brief • Two Working Group Reports • Three Force Reports • Dissolved one Task Force (NNS) • Added one Task Force (RTTF) • Emergency Interruptible load • Two staff reports

  3. Working Group ReportsCMWG & DSWG • Competitive Constraint determination due in March • Updates on PUC Demand Side Project

  4. Task Force ReportsGATF • Addressing point by point the inputs to the ERCOT Reserve calculation • Will develop a new procedure for the calculation

  5. Task Force ReportsNNSTF • Finalized changes to the Nodal Non-Spin Deployment Procedure • Partial deployment • 100% of marginal unit • Economic ranking based on DAM LMPs • Ranking process TBD • Economic Deployment & UnDeployment • Final product sent to ROS for review

  6. Task Force ReportsRTTF • Renewables and Transmission Task Force

  7. ERCOT Staff Presentations PRR to resolve inconsistencies between RPRS and OOMC treatment New CREs proposed by staff

  8. Task Force ReportsEILTF • Emergency Interruptible Load Task Force (EILTF) • Discussed the 4 PRRs • Discussed the Value of the Service

  9. Motion on EILS • At this time, WMS is confident that an EILS is a necessary component for ERCOTs tool box in EECP events.

  10. Motion on EILS • At this time, WMS is confident that an EILS is a necessary component for ERCOTs tool box in EECP events. • 0 votes for • 15 votes against • 2 abstentions

  11. Jan. 18 PRS Preview • PRR 701 • Alternative/supplement to EILS? • PRR 702 • Capacity model • PRR 703 • WMS-endorsed energy only model • ERCOT PRR • Bilateral contract capacity payment model

  12. Assignment from PRS • Determine • The benefit. • The cost based on the EILS PRRs. • Changes in Market since April 17, 2007.

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