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Safety Stand Down – Together We Will Make the Difference

Learn how cooperative efforts in the oil and gas industry can reduce injuries and control risks. Discover strategies for joint evaluation, communication, and continuous improvement to ensure a safer work environment.

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Safety Stand Down – Together We Will Make the Difference

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  1. Safety Stand Down – Together We Will Make the Difference

  2. Safety Stand Down Introduction • Working together in a cooperative and collaborative manner will improve work place health and safety in the oil and gas industry • Together, we will make the difference in reducing injuries and illness • Together, we will make the difference in controlling the risks and hazards that we face every day

  3. Safety Stand Down Why Our Industry • Since 1990 there has been a significant increase in the use of contractors • Over the past 10 years a large number of experienced workers, supervisors, managers and contractors have retired • A shift in responsibility and risk from the operating companies to the contractor population • An increase in the understanding of the legal obligations has forced all parties to change their approach to working in a contract environment

  4. Safety Stand Down What can we do to ensure we are working together to make a difference? • Plan for Safety • Prepare • Two-Way Communication • Stop work to manage change • Joint Evaluation • Continuous Improvement

  5. Safety Stand Down Plan for Safety • Describe the work to be complete – ensure all parties understand the work to be done • Allow contractors to obtain a full understanding of the work required • Specify H&S Requirements before the work begins • Cooperative identify the risks • All parties need to have input into the work schedule

  6. Safety Stand Down Prepare • Select the employees and contracts that have the necessary experience, qualifications and capability to undertake the activities in question safely • Document and communicate purpose and responsibilities • Clarify expectations and set all people and parties up for success

  7. Safety Stand Down Two Way Communication • Provide all stakeholders with the most current information so that they may choose wisely to take on the work or decline • Hold pre-job meetings to answer questions and determine how risks and hazards will be controlled • Encourage and reward pro-active efforts to prevent injury or illness – for example audits, training, or inspections

  8. Safety Stand Down Stop Work to Manage Change • There is a strong correlation between incidents and changes on the worksite • Hold on site meeting before the work begins and on an ongoing basis at the start of the various stages of the work being performed. • Have a plan to manage change and implement it – when work place parties know they can stop unsafe work the and have a plan and process to deal with the issue they are more productive

  9. Safety Stand Down Joint Evaluation • Evaluate the workplace with a 3600 perspective • Accept the assistance of qualified contractors to identify opportunities for improvement and increased safety • Improve worksite safety through a sharing of the actions to take to reduce injury or illness

  10. Safety Stand Down Continuous Improvement • Hold a post job meeting to discuss all aspects of the work or project • Instill a process to learn and improve the system to prevent injury and illness • Use learning to improve the training, competence and qualifications of your organization, personnel and contractors

  11. Safety Stand Down Conclusion • Cooperation and collaboration are the key to improving workplace health and safety performance • Communication and control of risks and hazards is most effective when all workplace parties conduct those action together • Working together to comply with legal obligations and meet workplace agreements will make the difference in injury and illness prevention

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