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BASIC INDICATORS OF IDGC OF THE NORTH-WEST, JSC ACTIVITIES in Q2 2011 info bulletin. CONTENTS. EQUITY CAPITAL STRUCTURE. As of 11 May 2011, the Company's Equity Capital was 9,578,592,313 RUB. “Norilsk Nickel” Mining and Metallurgical Company, JSC 2.56%. Energosouz Holdings Limited
EQUITY CAPITAL STRUCTURE As of 11 May 2011, the Company's Equity Capital was 9,578,592,313 RUB. “Norilsk Nickel” Mining and Metallurgical Company, JSC 2.56% Energosouz Holdings Limited 5.65% ENERGYO SOLUTIONS RUSSIA (CYPRUS) LIMITED 7.50% Other natural persons 7.87% IDGC Holding, JSC 55.38% Other legal entities 13.46% THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 7.58%
IDGC OF THE NORTH-WEST, JSC IN THE STOCK MARKET 120.00 110.00 100.00 Market capitalization calculated based on MICEX, JSC data as of: 30.06.2011 was 11,017,296,879.3 RUB. — IDGC of the North-West, JSC — Composite MICEX index — Power Industry MICEX index 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 18-Feb 11 19-Mar 11 19-Apr 11 18-Jun 11 19-May 11 19-Jul 11 18-Aug 11
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS on 16 June 2011 • Approve of the Company’s 2010 annual report, 2010 annual accounting statements including the Company profit and loss statement (profit and loss accounts). • Approve of allocation of the Company profit (loss) in 2010 financial year as follows (thousand RUB): • Not to pay dividend on ordinary shares of the Company following the 2010 results. • Elect the Board of Directors of the Company composed as follows: • Aleksey Vladimirovich Demidov • Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Inozemtsev • Aleksey Vladimirovich Korshunov • Mikhail Yuryevich Kurbatov • Aleksey Valeryevich Kurochkin • Aleksandr Markovich Kukhmay • Aleksandr Albertovich Popov • Taras Vyacheslavovich Shevchenko • Tatyana Petrovna Dronova • Remes Sеppo Yuha • Roman Alekseyevich Filkin
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS on 16 June 2011 • Approve of RSM Top-Audit, LLC as Auditor of the Company. • Approve of restated Charter of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • Approve of restated Regulations on the Procedure of Preparation for and Arrangement of the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • Approve of restated Regulations on the Procedure of Convention and Arrangement of Sessions of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • Approve of restated Regulations on the Management Board of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • Not to pay additional reward for work with the Board of Directors of the Company to members of the Board of Directors of the Company who are no civil servants following the results of activities during 2010, the amount whereof have been calculated in accordance with Clauses 4.2., 4.3 of Regulations on Payments of Rewards and Compensations to Members of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC approved of by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC on 29 May 2008 (Minutes No. 1 dated 11.06.2008).
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 08.04.2011 • One approved of the Company's corrected Business-Plan (including the corrected investment program) for 2011. • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 21.04.2011 • One approved of the Energy Savings and Enhanced Energy Efficiency Program of IDGC of the North-West, JSC for 2011–2015. • One considered the report of General Director on the Company’s credit policy in Q4 2010. • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 29.04.2011 • One decided on convention of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in the form of a meeting on June 16, 2011, considered issues related to preparation for arrangement of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. • One preliminarily approved of the 2010 annual report of the Company. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company approve of the 2010 annual report of the Company. • One approved of the 2010 annual accounting statements of the Company including the Company profit and loss statement (profit and loss accounts) and presented them for approval by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company approve of allocation of the Company 2010 financial year profit (loss) as follows (thousand RUB): • Unallocated profit (loss) in the reporting period: - 807,102 • To allocate to: Reserve Fund - • Production development - • Dividend - • Coverage of losses from previous years - • One recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company take the following decision: Not to pay dividend on ordinary shares of the Company following the 2010 results. • Presented for approval to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was restated Charter of the Company. • One suggested that the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC approve of restated Regulations on the Procedure of Preparation for and Arrangement of the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One suggested that the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC approve of restated Regulations on the Procedure of Convention and Arrangement of Sessions of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One suggested that the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of the North-West, JSC approve of restated Regulations on the Management Board of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One suggested that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company approve of RSM Top-Audit, LLC as Auditor of the Company.
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 18.05.2011 • One approved of the Company Annual Integrated Procurement Program for 2011. • One introduced changes in the personal composition of the Central Tender Commission of the Company. Sergey Gennadyevich Titov, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of IDGC of the North-West, JSC, was made member of the Central Tender Commission of the Company. • One determined the position of the Company representatives with regard to voting at sessions of boards of directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC subsidiary companies, in particular – on issues as follows: • - approval of reports on achievement of KPIs target values and performance of business-plans of SDCs in Q4 2010 and in 2010; • - preliminary approval of and recommendation to SDCs annual general meetings of shareholders on allocation of such SDCs profit (loss), on the amount of dividend payable on such SDCs shares and procedure of such dividend payment following the results of 2010 financial year. • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 31.05.2011 • One approved of the schedule plan of measures for reduction of the amount of overdue receivables for electric energy transmission by IDGC of the North-West, JSC and settlement of disputes having arisen as of 01.04.2011. • One approved of the following in-house documents of the Company: • - Regulations on the Control Environment and Risks of the Company’s Business-Process “Commercial Accounting and Sales of Electric Energy Transmission Services”; • - Regulations on the Control Environment and Risks of the Company’s Business-Process “Procurement Management”; • - Regulations on the Control Environment and Risks of the Company’s Business-Process “Sales of Technological Connection Services”; • - Regulations on the Control Environment and Risks of the Company’s Business-Process “Operational Activities”. • One approved of IDGC of the North-West, JSC executive staff organizational structure. • One decided on the Company’s nominating candidacies for election as Auditors at annual general meetings of shareholders of subsidiary companies of IDGC of the North-West, JSC.
DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS • DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 15.06.2011 • One approved of the report on performance of the Company's Business-Plan (including the investment program) in Q1 2010. • One approved of the report on purchase of electrical power engineering facilities unsubject to endorsement by the Board of Directors of the Company in December 2010 and in Q1 2011. • One approved of restated Regulations on Material Incentives for General Director of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One approved of restated Regulations on Material Incentives and Social Benefits for Top Managers of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One approved of and enacted (from 01.08.2011 ) the List of Positions Qualified as Included in the Category of Top Managers of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. • One determined the position of the Company representatives with regard to voting at sessions of boards of directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC subsidiary companies, in particular, on issues of approval of reports on achievement of KPIs target values and performance of business-plans of SDCs in Q1 2011.
BASIC FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS With revenues from sales of products and services the plan performance percentage in H1 2011 was 94.4%. The plan underperformance is due to the regulating agencies having downscaled the tariff rates since 01 May 2011 pursuant to Resolution No. 1172 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27.12.2010. Gross and net profit plan over-performance in H1 2011 was predetermined by reduction of electric energy transmission costs. In connection with revision of tariff balance decisions by regional regulating agencies involving downscale of tariffs and gross revenue required, one plans to correct the 2011 business-plan following the tariff regulation results.
STRUCTURE OF REVENUES FROM SALES OFSERVICES 2011 plan Revenues from transmission of electric energy – 96.9% Revenues from technological connection – 1.8% Revenues from other activities –1.3% Arkhenergo – 15% Vologdaenergo – 19% Karelenergo – 12% Kolenergo – 16% Komienergo – 19% Novgorodenergo –10% Pskovenergo – 9% Actual in H1 2011 Revenues from transmission of electric energy – 97.7% Revenues from technological connection – 1% Revenues from other activities – 1.3% Arkhenergo – 16% Vologdaenergo – 18% Karelenergo – 12% Kolenergo – 15% Komienergo – 20% Novgorodenergo –9% Pskovenergo – 10% Structure of revenues per region
PRIMERY COST The total prime cost of the services provided by the Company in H1 2011 was 92% of planned expenses (saving = 1,204 mln RUB or 8%). Expenses on provision of electric energy transmission services were 13,457,984 thousand RUB or 98.2% of the total amount of expenditures on provision of services and production of products. As far as major expense items are concerned, the greatest portion of the electric energy transmission services prime cost is accounted for by payment to FGC UES, JSC for services of electric energy transmission across the UNEG grids (31.7%), salaries and wages (27.5% unified social tax included), purchase of electric energy to compensate for losses (14.4%) and payment of territorial grid companies’ services (4.2%). The portion of expenses on payment for services provided by FGC UES, JSC and territorial grid companies and compensation for losses amounts in total to 50.3% of the electric energy transmission services prime cost.
Total investment activity parameters
TOTAL INVESTMENT ACTIVITY PARAMETERS AS PER FUNDING SOURCE 2011 plan Actual in H1 2011 Proprietary sources – 71% External sources – 29% Proprietary sources – 70% External sources – 30% • All the targeted investment objectives and tasks set by the Investment Program of IDGC of the north-West, JSC for Q2 2011 were basically achieved / solved: • The capital expenditures plan being 1,510, 997 thousand RUB one actually assimilated 1,623, 884 thousand RUB of investment or 107%. • Fixed assets commissioning plan being 703,890 thousand RUB, one actually commissioned 952,054 thousand RUB of fixed assets or 160%. • Capacities commissioning plan being 214.61 km and 19.06 MVA, one actually put into operation 446.49 km of transmission lines and 48.46 MVA of transformer capacities. • The major cause of over-performance of the plan for capital expenditures assimilation and fixed assets commissioning was performance of works for technological connection of consumers.
PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED Vologdaenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC completed works for reconstruction of 35 kV Gazovaya overhead line (OL) (dismantlement of a 0.99 km OL section, construction of 1.147 km), 35 kV Lesnaya OL – branch line from Sheksna-Gaz substation (SS) (dismantlement of a 1 km OL section, construction of 1.113 km), 10 kV Podolets OL with the line removal outside Sheksna-Gaz CSS-21 territory (dismantlement of a 0.96 km OL section, construction of 1.106 km) for connection of Sheksninskaya compressor substation (CSS) of the North European Gas Pipeline (NEGP) of Gazprom Invest Zapad, LLC. The works were performed in accordance with a contract for performance of technological connection of Gazprom Invest Zapad, LLC / Sheksninskaya NEGP CSS to IDGC of the North-West, JSC power grids. The amount of fixed assets commissioned was 16.350 mln RUB, in physical terms – 3.366 km of transmission capacities. In June 2011 Kolenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC completed work for «Reconstruction of the Scheme for Connection of Capacitor Batteries to 6 kV SS No. 40A Bus Section». The reconstruction was performed in accordance with the requirements of SO of UES, JSC branch – Regional Power System Dispatching Administration for the Murmansk Region to ensure quality of electric energy transmitted. The amount of fixed assets commissioned was 19.313 mln RUB, of capacities commissioned – 20.40 MVA. In June 2011 Vologdaenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC completed works on facility “Construction of an Overhang of 35 kV OL Leading from 220/35/6 kV Promyslovaya SS to 35/6 kV Bagan SS, 35/6 kV Severny Bagan SS Involving Extension of 220/35/6 kV Promyslovaya SS” (PES production unit). The works were performed within the framework of the grid organization discharging their obligations under the contract concluded with RN-Severnaya Neft, LLC for technological connection of Severny Bagan oil field facilities. As a result of the project implementation the following works were performed: - one constructed 4.04 km long 35 kV OL; - one reconstructed 220/35/6 kV Promyslovaya SS. Implementation of project “Construction of an Overhang of 35 kV OL Leading from 220/35/6 kV Promyslovaya SS to 35/6 kV Bagan SS, 35/6 kV Severny Bagan SS Involving Extension of 220/35/6 kV Promyslovaya SS” enabled reduction of operational costs, improvement of consumer power supply, increase of revenues due to connection of a new consumer to electric power grids of Komienergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC.
CUSTOMER SERVICING CENTERS On 18.01.2011, pursuant to Order No.16 of IDGC of the North-West, JSC “On Putting into Industrial Operation Automated Systems “Complaint and Reference Accounting” and “Additional Services Accounting”” automated systems “Complaint and Reference Accounting” and “Additional Services Accounting” were accordingly put into pilot and industrial operation on 18.01.2011 and 01.04.2011 within the program of a automated system for design and technical preparation of production. As of 01.07.2011 there were 23 CSCs operating with the branches of IDGC of the North-West, JSC employing 69 persons; additionally, 75 specialists in charge of customer care organization perform customer servicing center functions with the production units. The dominant topic of applications to CSCs is the technological connection procedure. During H1 2011 CSCs workers gave 31,450 consultations (including 748 ones upon written requests and 30,702 oral ones), collected and forwarded for consideration 478 complains and collected 10,136 applications for technological connection to IDGC of the North-West, JSC grids (having assisted in their execution). In accordance with the Consumer Satisfaction Analysis and Estimate Standard, interactive questionnaire ESTIMATE OUR WORK was posted of the sites of all the branches of IDGC of the North-West, JSC since November 2010 for monitoring of consumers' opinions and suggestions on servicing quality improvement. Following the results of H1 2011, the aggregated coefficient of consumers' satisfaction with the electric energy transmission and the technological connection services was accordingly 6.28 points and 5.77 points (against a 10-point scale). During the six months of 2011 the brunches, through mediation of CSCs, provided 6,653 paid services amounting to 27,628 thousand RUB.Performance of construction and assembly works accounts for a significant portion of revenues from paid services. Among other additional paid services provided by the branches through mediation of customer servicing centers are: maintenance and repair of consumers' electric plants, street illumination grids maintenance, transportation services. A high-demand service is replacement of metering devices that has priority importance, enabling the Company to provide consumers with high quality accounting of electric energy expenditure and significantly contribute to energy saving development regionally. Further extension of the list of additional paid services provided through mediation of CSCs is an important instrument of customer-oriented policy aimed to increase additional incomes of the Company. 17