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Explore Klein tunneling theories and observations in graphene for massless particles, including behavior at sharp and smooth barriers. Discover applications, resistance studies, and conductance oscillations in ballistic n-p junctions.
KleinTunnelinginGraphene 物理学院 谷平凡 1500011413
Contents • TheoriesofKleintunneling • Kleintunnelingformasslessparticles • KleintunnelinginGraphene • Sharpbarrier • Smoothbarrier • EvidencesfortheobservationofKleintunneling • Resistance of a smooth ballistic n-p junction • Conductance oscillations and magneto-resistance across a ballistic n-p-n junction
QuantumTunneling:WKBApproximation I II III
KleinTunneling • 1929,proposedbyOscarKlein. • If the potential is of the order of the electronmass, V∼mc2, the barrier is nearly transparent. Moreover, as the potential approaches infinity, the reflection diminishes and the electron is always transmitted. • Application:Rutherford‘sproton-electron model for neutral particles within the nucleus.
KleinTunnelingforMasslessParticles T=1? R=0? Matching between electron and positron wavefunctions across the barrier.
ObservationofKleinTunneling • Directobservation:V/cm. • Positronproductionaroundsuper-heavynucleiwithchargeZ ≥ 170. • Evaporationofblackholesthroughgenerationofparticle–antiparticlepairsneartheeventhorizon.
KleinTunnelinginGraphene • Masslessrelativisticelectrons. • Holesbehaveasa condensed- matter equivalent of positrons. • Thespinindexisusuallyreferredtopseudospin. • Thebarriercanbeeasilyproducedbygatevoltage.
KleinTunnelinginSingleLayerGraphene The matching between directions of pseudospin σ for quasiparticles inside and outside the barrier results in perfect tunneling. Pseudospin:S=1/2
KleinTunnelinginBilayerGraphene • Massive quasi-particles with a finite density of states at zero energy. • Holesbehaveasa condensed- matter equivalent of positrons. • Thespinindexisusuallyreferredtopseudospin.
KleinTunnelinginSingleLayerGraphene The charge conjugation requires a propagating electron with wavevector k to transform into a hole with wavevectorik (rather than −k), which is an evanescent wave inside a barrier. Pseudospin:S=1
TunnelinginNonchiralParticles The drastic difference between the three cases is essentially due to different chiralities or pseudospins of the quasiparticles involved!
Application:HighOn-offRatioFET • Local gates and collimators used in electron optics in 2D gases areneeded. • Singlelayergraphene: • 90°:low resistance and no significant changes in it with changing gate voltage • 45°:higher resistance anda number of tunneling resonances as a function of gate voltage. • Bilayergraphene: • 90°:highresistance • 45°:resonances as a function of gate voltage.
FabricationoftheDevice • Two layers of PMMA with different molecular weights are spun on the flake. • Two different exposure doses were used in the areas of the span and pillars of the bridge. • The ‘lift off’ removes PMMA leaving the bridge with a span up to 2 μm sup- ported by two pillars.
TransportMeasurementacrossthePotentialBarrier Ballisticmodelcalculationresults. Experimentresults. Diffusivemodelcalculationresults.
TransportMeasurementacrossthePotentialBarrier • Characteristic length of the junction:2t=40nm. • Meanfreelengthofthreesamples:100nm,75nm,45nm. • (b)、(c)、(d)representtransfercurveofS1,S2,S3,respectively. • Dottedlinesareresultscalculatedbasedonballisticmodel,whilepointsbasedondiffusivemodel.
Fabry-Perot Interference in Graphene Heterojunctions • TheconductionoscillateswithincreasingVtg. • The net backreflection phase exihibitesaπ-shiftwithincreasingmagneticfield.
PhaseShiftofOscillation • They-momentumisn’ttoolarge. • Thecurvedtrajectoriesdominatetheoscillation.
PhaseShiftofOscillation Thephaseshiftsat0.3T,inagreementwiththetheoreticalestimation!
Conclusion • Thebarrierisnearlytransparentforaparticleifitissufficientlylarge,whichiscalledKleintunneling. • Kleintunnelingiscausedbythematching between electron and positron wavefunctions across the barrier,whileingraphene,holesplaytheroleofpositrons. • Theresistance of a smooth ballistic n-p junction,theconductance oscillations and magneto-resistance across a ballistic n-p-n junction confirmtheKleintunneling. Thanksforyourlistening.
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