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Putting together a mouse driven application

Putting together a mouse driven application. Divide and conquer. Mouse.asm from 5 th edition in slide notes. Data area INCLUDE Irvine16.inc .data ESCkey = 1Bh GreetingMsg BYTE "Press Esc to quit",0dh,0ah,0 StatusLine BYTE "Left button: "

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Putting together a mouse driven application

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  1. Putting together a mouse driven application Divide and conquer

  2. Mouse.asm from 5th edition in slide notes • Data area INCLUDE Irvine16.inc .data ESCkey = 1Bh GreetingMsg BYTE "Press Esc to quit",0dh,0ah,0 StatusLine BYTE "Left button: " BYTE "Mouse position: ",0 blanks BYTE " ",0 Xcoordinate WORD 0 ; current X-position Ycoordinate WORD 0 ; current Y-position Xclick WORD 0 ; X-pos of last button click Yclick WORD 0 ; Y-pos of last button click

  3. Driver: call HideCursor mov dx,OFFSET GreetingMsg call WriteString call ShowMousePointer ; Display a status line on line 24. mov dh,24 mov dl,0 call Gotoxy mov dx,OFFSET StatusLine call Writestring

  4. Driver continued ; Loop: show mouse coordinates, check for left mouse ; button click, or for a keypress (Esc key). L1: call ShowMousePosition call LeftButtonClick ; check for button click mov ah,11h ; key pressed already? int 16h jz L2 ; no, continue the loop mov ah,10h ; remove key from buffer int 16h cmp al,ESCkey ; yes. Is it the ESC key? je quit ; yes, quit the program L2: jmp L1 ; no, continue the loop ; Hide the mouse, restore the text cursor, clear ; the screen, and display "Press any key to continue." quit: call HideMousePointer call ShowCursor call Clrscr call WaitMsg

  5. HideCursor Show mousepointer procs ;--------------------------------------------------------- HideCursorproc ; ; Hide the text cursor by setting its top line ; value to an illegal value. ;--------------------------------------------------------- mov ah,3 ; get cursor size int 10h or ch,30h ; set upper row to illegal value mov ah,1 ; set cursor size int 10h ret HideCursor ENDP • ;--------------------------------------------------------- • ShowMousePointer PROC • ;--------------------------------------------------------- • push ax • mov ax,1 ; make mouse cursor visible • int 33h • pop ax • ret • ShowMousePointer ENDP

  6. Showcursor/Hide mouse pointer procs ShowCursor PROC mov ah,3 ; get cursor size int 10h mov ah,1 ; set cursor size mov cx,0607h ; default size int 10h ret ShowCursor ENDP HideMousePointer PROC ;--------------------------------------------------------- push ax mov ax,2 ; hide mouse cursor int 33h pop ax ret HideMousePointer ENDP

  7. GetMousePosition PROC ;--------------------------------------------------------- GetMousePosition PROC ; ; Return the current mouse position and button status. ; Receives: nothing ; Returns: BX = button status (0 = left button down, ; (1 = right button down, 2 = center button down) ; CX = X-coordinate ; DX = Y-coordinate ;--------------------------------------------------------- push ax mov ax,3 int 33h pop ax ret GetMousePosition ENDP

  8. Left button click proc ;--------------------------------------------------------- LeftButtonClick PROC ; ; Check for the most recent click of the left mouse ; button, and display its location. ; Receives: BX = button number (0=left, 1=right, 2=middle) ; Returns: BX = button press counter ; CX = X-coordinate ; DX = Y-coordinate ;--------------------------------------------------------- pusha mov ah,0 ; get mouse status mov al,5 ; (button press information) mov bx,0 ; specify the left button int 33h ; Exit proc if the coordinates have not changed. cmp cx,Xclick jne LBC1 cmp dx,Yclick je LBC_exit

  9. Left button click continued LBC1: ; Save the mouse coordinates. mov Xclick,cx mov Yclick,dx ; Position the cursor, clear the old numbers. mov dh,24 ; screen row mov dl,15 ; screen column call Gotoxy push dx mov dx,OFFSET blanks call WriteString pop dx

  10. Left button click last slide ; Show the mouse click coordinates. call Gotoxy movax,Xcoordinate call WriteDec mov dl,20 ; screen column call Gotoxy movax,Ycoordinate call WriteDec LBC_exit: popa ret LeftButtonClick ENDP

  11. Set mouse position • ;--------------------------------------------------------- • SetMousePosition PROC • ; • ; Set the mouse's position on the screen. • ; Receives: CX = X-coordinate • ; DX = Y-coordinate • ; Returns: nothing • ;--------------------------------------------------------- • mov ax,4 • int 33h • ret • SetMousePosition ENDP • ;---------------------------------------------------------

  12. Showmouseposition proc ShowMousePosition PROC ; ; Get and show the mouse corrdinates at the ; bottom of the screen. ; Receives: nothing ; Returns: nothing ;--------------------------------------------------------- pusha call GetMousePosition ; Exit proc if the coordinates have not changed. cmpcx,Xcoordinate jne SMP1 cmpdx,Ycoordinate je SMP_exit

  13. Showmouseposition continued SMP1: mov Xcoordinate,cx mov Ycoordinate,dx ; Position the cursor, clear the old numbers. mov dh,24 ; screen row mov dl,60 ; screen column call Gotoxy push dx mov dx,OFFSET blanks call WriteString pop dx ; Show the mouse coordinates. call Gotoxy ; (24,60) mov ax,Xcoordinate call WriteDec mov dl,65 ; screen column call Gotoxy mov ax,Ycoordinate call WriteDec SMP_exit: popa ret ShowMousePosition ENDP

  14. Divide and conquer • Break the large problem into smaller parts. • The decomposition should be rational, and facilitate final assembly of the parts, but may not be unique.

  15. Sample decomposition: code each of the following pieces • Put a string at a random screen location… erase it when a key is struck and rewrite it elsewhere. Quit on escape key. • Cut/paste code from datetime.asm into leftbuttonclick proc in basic mouse program • Modify timer output to show time in seconds • Modify #3 to show elapsed seconds • Modify mouse program to check screen location of click in rows and columns

  16. Printing a string to a random location…and erasing it • My data area .data string byte 'random string',0 len=$-string blanks byte ' ',0;use to erase string

  17. code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax call clrscr ;;;before the loop clrscr call randomize ;;;randomize just once top: mov eax,80-len ;;random column..make sure string will fit on this line call randomrange mov dl,al mov eax,25 ;;random row call randomrange mov dh,al push dx ;;we need to save dx for later call gotoxy mov dx, offset string call writestring ;;write original string mov dl,0ffh ;;see next couple of lines dl=ffh means input mov ah,6 ;;DOS no echo input poll: int 21h jz poll ;;zero means no char struck yet cmp al,27 ;;escape char to terminate…does not work as well as text version je quit pop dx call gotoxy ;;go back and erase the string mov dx, offset blanks call writestring jmp top quit: ;;exit code

  18. Mouse program plus initial timer info • Paste timer interrupt code (plus output of it) into mouse.asm from chapt 15. Put it down in leftbuttonclick proc • You’ll have to paste the procs from the datetime program, as well as a proto statement into your new mouse program • Datetime.asm is in chapter14 examples

  19. Here is datetime from chpt14 (6th ed) TITLE Display the Date and Time (DateTime.asm) ; This Real-mode program displays the date and time. ; Last update: 06/01/2006 Include Irvine16.inc Write PROTO char:BYTE .data str1 BYTE "Date: ",0 str2 BYTE ", Time: ",0

  20. datetime from chpt14 (6th ed) .code main PROC mov ax,@data mov ds,ax ; Display the date: mov dx,OFFSET str1 call WriteString mov ah,2Ah ; get system date int 21h movzx eax,dh ; month call WriteDec INVOKE Write,'-' movzx eax,dl ; day call WriteDec INVOKE Write,'-' movzx eax,cx ; year call WriteDec

  21. datetime from chpt14 (6th ed) ; Display the time: mov dx,OFFSET str2 call WriteString mov ah,2Ch ; get system time int 21h movzx eax,ch ; hours call WritePaddedDec INVOKE Write,':' movzx eax,cl ; minutes call WritePaddedDec INVOKE Write,':' movzx eax,dh ; seconds call WritePaddedDec call Crlf exit main ENDP

  22. Datetime…continued ;--------------------------------------------- Write PROC char:BYTE ; Display a single character. ;--------------------------------------------- push eax push edx mov ah,2 movdl,char int 21h pop edx pop eax ret Write ENDP

  23. Datetime…continued ;--------------------------------------------- WritePaddedDec PROC ; Display unsigned integer in EAX, padding ; to two digit positions with a leading zero. ;--------------------------------------------- .IF eax < 10 push eax push edx mov ah,2 mov dl,'0' int 21h pop edx pop eax .ENDIF call WriteDec ret WritePaddedDec ENDP END main

  24. Running it in dosbox

  25. paste code from datetime.asm into left-button-click ; Position the cursor, clear the old numbers. mov dh,24 ; screen row mov dl,15 ; screen column call Gotoxy push dx mov dx,OFFSET blanks call WriteString pop dx ; Show the timer info….this is what I pasted. call Gotoxy mov ah,2Ch ; get system time int 21h movzx eax,ch ; hours call WritePaddedDec INVOKE Write,':' movzx eax,cl ; minutes call WritePaddedDec INVOKE Write,':' movzx eax,dh ; seconds call WritePaddedDec call Crlf ;mov ax,Xcoordinate ;call WriteDec ;mov dl,20 ; screen column ;call Gotoxy ;mov ax,Ycoordinate ;call WriteDec LBC_exit: popa ret LeftButtonClick ENDP

  26. Should look like this

  27. Next add seconds calculation to randomstring printing program: elapsed seconds appear in lower left

  28. (DateTime.asm is currently in chapter 14 of text)A gettime proc – convert (h,m,s) into seconds gettime proc mov ah,2Ch ; get system time int 21h push dx ;;;save seconds for later recovery movzx ax,ch ; hours mul sixty movzx bx,cl ; minutes add ax,bx mul sixty pop dx shr dx,8 add ax,dx ; get seconds and add them in mov dh,24 mov dl,10 call gotoxy call WriteDec call Crlf ret gettime endp

  29. Display elapsed seconds

  30. Remove output from gettime proc gettime proc mov ah,2Ch ; get system time int 21h push dx movzx ax,ch ; hours mul sixty movzx bx,cl ; minutes add ax,bx mul sixty pop dx shr dx,8 add ax,dx ; seconds ret gettime endp

  31. In main… get time twice and display the difference call gotoxy mov dx, offset string call writestring call gettime ;;get initial time mov oldtime,ax ;;save start of stop watch mov dl,0ffh mov ah,6 poll:int 21h jz poll cmp al,1bh je quit pop dx call gotoxy mov dx, offset blanks call writestring call gettime ;;get elapsed time sub ax,oldtime ;;calculate diff mov dh,24 mov dl,10 call gotoxy call WriteDec ;;display it call Crlf

  32. Modify mouse program again • convert pixels to r/c • check if mousebutton click (row, col) is close to (row,col) of string • I used row=px/8 col=py/8 where px and py are mouse coordinates in pixels. • I simply checked if user was clicking in an arbitrary place and displayed a message for debug purposes

  33. mouse program running: click is close

  34. mouse program running: click is not close

  35. Modifications to leftclick proc: checking for an arbitrary poisition (row=10 col=20) ; Show the mouse click coordinates. call Gotoxy mov ax,Xcoordinate shr ax,3 mov bx,col sub bx,4 cmp ax,bx ;;;column20? jl m2 add bx,4 cmp ax,bx;;;col25 ja m2 mov dl,20 ; call Gotoxy mov ax,Ycoordinate shr ax,3 mov bx,row sub bx,2 cmp ax,bx;;;row 10 jl m2 add bx,2 cmp ax,bx ja m2 mov dx,offset message call writestring jmp lbc_exit m2: mov dx,offset outsidemessage call writestring LBC_exit:

  36. What’s left to do • Put elapsed times into an array • Print a colored (not b/w) string • Find average value (etc) in array of times • Put all the pieces together and test the final program

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