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Unlocking the Quran: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Learning

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Unlocking the Quran: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Learning

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  1. ;s sbk> ka -rpUr f>ayda w5ane ke ilye .wmv ya .3pg f>a;l sa;4 se 6awn lO6 kre& =4R kosR •mu`>tisr mu³it kosR– k>urAan AOr nmaj> ko smzna =u” kIijye Aasan trIk>e se sbk> Ã 24 www.understandquran.com ;s bat ka )yan r`e& ik Aap fonts sa;4 se 6awn lO6 kre&

  2. ;s sbk> me& wmId hE Aap 7 hOm vkRs kr rhe hE&, `>as tOr me& lug>at kaDR sa9 r`te huye

  3. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check mutf>Rirk> Ayte& 3 Alf>aj> ke main ko AC2I trh yad kr lIijye

  4. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check mutf>Rirk> Ayte& 3 هٰذَا مِنْ فَضْلِ رَبِّي لَوْ تَفْتَحُ عَمَلُ الشَّيْطَان الصَّلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِّنَ النَّوْم السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ 200 186

  5. mutf>Rirk> Ayte& 3 404 ابُوبَكْر رَضِيَ الله ُ عَنْهُ عَائِشَة رَضِيَ الله ُ عَنْهَا

  6. mutf>Rirk> Ayte& 3 مَن رَّبُّكَ مَا دِينُكَ؟ كَيْفَ الْحَال؟ كَمْ هٰذَا؟ كَمْ فُلُوس عِندَكَ؟ 83 197

  7. mutf>Rirk> Ayte& 3 277* 628 إِنْ شَاءَ الله مَلَكُ الْمَوْت 88*

  8. قواعد – g/amr @ek gehrI sa&s le& AOr sarI m+k> TPI ke trIk>e se kre&

  9. 2286

  10. nukat talIm @ek dana:, jJ>batI AOr “hanI vK>t kI svarI

  11. vK>t kI m=In iDSnI vlRD, f>lorIDa me& @ek nk>lI zUla hota hE ijse vK>t kI m=In kha jata hE. Aap gaD>I me& bE5 kr @ek bD>e AN0ere hal me& Sk/In de`te hE>. jb AapkI gaD>I 3UmtI hE to Aapko @esa lgta hE ik Aap AasmanO& me& 3Um rhe hE& AOr j>mIn pr vaips Aa rhe hE& j&glo& AOr Da;nasor ke bIc me& se guj>rte huye... ye sb ku2 isf>R c&d imN4O& ke ilye.

  12. jb Aap k>urAan `olte hE& ... Aap nk>lI nhI& biLk sCce vK>t AOr i`>la me& guj>rte hE&! k>urAan iktabul muStVvr hE : il`I hu: iktab, sarI ka@enat, ijNme& sarI tf>sIlat :Nsan ko imlakr =aiml hE AOr bn jatI hE iktabul mnj>Ur (@ek `ulI iktab)

  13. jb Aap k>urAan `olte hE& ... sarI kayenat Aapke ilye if>Lm bn jatI hE (3 Dimensions + time). AOr wsko clane vala kOn hE??? ALlah suBhanahu v tAala

  14. @ek imsal : sUrh An nba seسورۃ ان نباء • Kya hm ne j>mIn ko nhI& bnaya 6 AOr phaD>>o& ko mI`>e&, 7 AOr hm ne tuMhe& joD>e joD>e pEda ikya, • AOr hm ne bna@ tuMhare Wpr sat mj>bUt AaSman– | 12 AOr hm ne cmkta huAa icrag> Aaf>\tab– bnaya | 13 AOr hm ne panI -rI bdilyo& se wtarI moSla0ar bair=, 14 taik hm ws se Anaj AOr sBj>I inkale& | 15 AOr pTto& me& ilp4e hu@ 3ne– bag> |16 be=k f>Esle ka idn @k muk>rRr vK>t hE, • be=k doj>`> 3at me& hE 21 srk=o ka i5kana, 22 AOr ws me& rhe&ge mu¥to& • be=k prhej>garo& ke il@ kamyabI hE, 31 bag>at AOr A&gUr, 32 Space / time Future/ time

  15. hm guJ>rI tarI`> pr nj>r Dale& • Kya mUsa • کیا موسیٰ کی کہانی ان تک پہونچی؟ اللہ تعالیٰ نے انکو طووی کی پاک وادی میں پکارا تھا: ”pak vadI • Has the story of Moses reached thee? Behold, thy Lord did call to him in the sacred valley of Tuwa:- "Go thou to Pharaoh for he has indeed transgressed all bounds: Then say: Have you (a desire) to purify yourself: … • But (Pharaoh) rejected it and disobeyed (guidance); Further, he turned his back, striving hard (against Allah). Then he collected (his men) and made a proclamation, • But Allah did punish him, (and made an) example of him, - in the Hereafter, as in this life. Most surely there is in this a lesson to him who fears.

  16. @ek nsIht Pyar AOr muhBbt se! • Kya Aap ne de`a ik @k ma% iks trh Apne bCco ko Pyar AOr imsalo se nsIht krtI hE? • Apne bCcO ko bure kamo ke nta;j se `>brdar krtI hE? • ALlah hmare sa9 ;s se J>yada rhmidl hE ijTna ik @ek ma% Apne bCce ke sa9. • Alava ;s ke hme& pta clega ik k>urAan ibLkul hmare k>udrtI imj>aj se hm Aah&g hE.

  17. ;s svarI pr clne ke ilye ... • bs k>urAan ko pUre Ak>Ide AOr tvJje ke sa9 `Ole AOr ;se p7>na =u” kre ya suNna =u” kre • AOr Aap ;s svarI se luTf> Andoj> ho&&ge. @ek dana:, “hanI, jJ>batI. vK>t AOr if>j>a kI svarI mgr ;skI @ek =tR hE!!! Aapko ;skI ArbI smznI pD>egI!!!

  18. ;s ke ilye A-I Plan kre&....! p7>ne ke bad g>Or kre& AOr sbk> le& 20 ma=aALlah Aap @ek k>dm c7> cuke (jo tk>rIbn 10 3N4e ke brabr hE) ;s mu~tisr kosR ko =u” krke. Ab isfR 19 k>dm (190 3N4e) bak>I rh gye hE&! hm duAa kre& ik hm k-I n ‘ke& … 5 4 3 2 1 ibna smze : A&0e AOr bhre

  19. ;s sbk> me& hm ne Kya sI`a? Aaj ke sbk> ko AC2I trh yad kIijye AOr ;ske bad vkR =I4 ko pUra kIijye! jo ;s :.mel ke sa9 -EjI g:.

  20. Agle sbk> ke ilye tEYyar rihye... 7 hOm vkRs ko n -Uilye, `>as tOr se lug>at kaDR mt 2aeiD>ye!!! سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ

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