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Future for next generation networks nad media services in Maceodnia

Future for next generation networks nad media services in Maceodnia. Vladislav Bidikov, CTO, NEXT-EM. AGENDA. Past … Present … The real situation in Macedonia What to (Providers, Regulators, Customers) do ??? Future …. PAST. Developing market Limited broadband

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Future for next generation networks nad media services in Maceodnia

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  1. Future for next generation networks nad media services in Maceodnia Vladislav Bidikov, CTO, NEXT-EM

  2. AGENDA • Past … • Present … • The real situation in Macedonia • What to (Providers, Regulators, Customers) do ??? • Future … Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  3. PAST • Developing market • Limited broadband • Low speeds (avg. 64 – 2048 kbits/sec) • Small market • Gray or no legislation • Few big players few starters • High prices / low quality Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  4. PRESENT • Developing market • Less limited broadband • Medium speeds (avg. 2-8 Mbit/s) • Diversity of access technologies • Good legislation and regulation • No distinct difference between old and new players • Medium prices / Medium quality Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  5. PRESENT (2) • Market overview • Single Play: PSTN, ISDN, WIFI, xDSL, CATV, GRPS, EDGE, 3G, WDSL, WIMAX, FTTH, FixedGSM … - every technology is well adapted and there is significant competition • Double Play: Voice + Data (xDSL), CATV + Data (DOCSIS), Data + Voice (WiMAX) • Triple play: Voice + Data + IPTV (xDSL), CATV + Data + Voice (DOCSIS/Packet cable) • 4 - Play : ??? ??? Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  6. Broadband which is capped After capacity is reached there are 2 options – pay for additional MB as you go or get “upgraded” to 64/64 or 32/32 Major service interruptions are never announced even if they are planed Massive overselling of services Infrastructure is in bad shape Little on no cooperation between competing operators Legal setbacks (Civil engineering, unclear or long negotiations, …) Non-loyal competition Service saturation The real situation  Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  7. What to do

  8. CONVERGENCE! • Upgrade and convergent the networks – find the best technology for NGNA • Improve customer satisfaction and care - the customer is the main asset for the operator • Increase service portfolio – bring multimedia everywhere • Choose the right moment Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  9. Who needs to take the responsibilities • The Operators • Build the NGN, Develop products and services, Create a momentum to bring multimedia to customers, Evolve in Telco 2.0 … • The Government with its legislation and regulation bodies • Create the climate for operators, Find the balance between no regulation and over regulation, Adapt legislation, Education (Telcos and Customers) • The customers • Enjoy the right to chose how and when multimedia is brought to them no matter their location and no matter their choice of technology, Enjoy the cloud Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  10. WHAT CUSTOMERS EXPECT Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence: Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators 14-16 December, Skopje, Macedonia

  11. THANK YOU Q/A: bidikov@next-em.com.mk

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