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Welcome to 6 th Grade Curriculum Night. August 28, 2014. Prime Time: 8:05 – 8:20. Prime time is an intervention/ enrichment time for all students. It is also a perfect opportunity for students to get help from other teachers on current assignments.
Welcome to 6th GradeCurriculum Night August 28, 2014
Prime Time: 8:05 – 8:20 • Prime time is an intervention/ enrichment time for all students. It is also a perfect opportunity for students to get help from other teachers on current assignments. • ESL, Speech, Dyslexia therapy, etc… students will be serviced during this time
Basic Advisory Schedule: • Announcements/Lunch Count • Finish Homework/Get Help from Teachers • Turn in Lunch Money • Go to Library • Read a Book • Use the restroom • Get Books Ready for Classes
ARE YOU CONNECTED???? • Family Access Portal is the best way to keep up with how your student is doing in every class. You can see current grades, assignments that are coming up, and even get e-mail alerts concerning your child’s progress.
Absences • Allen ISD requires parents to send a hard copy note stating the reason for any absence so students may be excused. (no emails) Additionally, please call and let the school know that your child is absent. • We suggest parents pick up any make up work if possible. Please contact us by e-mail before 10am so we can gather your child’s work and send it to Mrs. Dade’s desk for you to pick up.
Student Name: Homeroom: Reading: _____ SpringBoard workbook _____ Vocabulary and practice tests Workbook _____ Reader’s/Writer’s Journal Book _____ Literature Book Science _____ Science Book _____ Lab Journal _____ Science Warm-Ups Spiral _____ TAKS practice Science Consumable Social Studies _____ World cultures Spiral _____ World Cultures Book _____ Composition book Math _____ Math Book _____ Math Spiral _____ Target Math Folder
Responsibility Card • Main purpose of the cards are to make students more responsible for their actions and prepare them for middle school. • Students receive a new card each week. • Previous weeks’ card will go home in the Tuesday folder. • Please read the back of card, sign, and return.
Sixth Grade Science • Earth science, Physical Science and Life Science are all touched on. • Brand new online/interactive textbook: www-k6.thinkcentral.com- follow prompts user name is student # password is blazers2014
Communication • The Bolin Website is great for information. Also, you can go to the teacher websites and look for my name. I put upcoming assignments, vocabulary words for the current unit, study aids and various other information that you and your child may find helpful. • You will find information about how to access the textbook online and how to reach me. • Responsibility Card (They can show you this every day) • Good visual reminder and it keeps them constantly aware of what is expected. • Academic/Behavior Punches • Please read the back of the card and sign it each Tuesday.
HOMEWORK, QUIZZES AND TESTS FOR ALL SCIENCE STUDENTS • Homework and Daily work are worth 60% of your student’s grade. Students are able to redo homework or quizzes for a better grade. These papers will be returned in the Tuesday folder and will be expected to be corrected and returned by Thursday. I do not give homework every night. Most homework is a result of not finishing classwork or to study for tests and quizzes. • Tests, Quizzes and Projects are worth 40% of your student’s grade. If your child makes below a 70% on a test, they are able to correct all their mistakes for up to a 70%. These tests should be signed and must be corrected on separate paper showing all work. Students will have 2 days to correct these tests. • I remind students to write down quiz, test and assignment due dates in their agenda books. Ask to look at this each day.
TUTORING AND EXTRA HELP • Teachers will be available on Tuesdays from 3:00 to 3:30 for students who need extra help starting Monday, September 15th. • Prime Time • After benchmark tests, I may invite a few students to spend additional time for some specific help with past and upcoming TEKS.
DICTRICT EXAMS • WE DO NOT TAKE STAAR SCIENCE IN 6TH GRADE • Benchmark is the week of November 10th • End of Course Exam is between May 4th and 6th • There are no retakes or correcting for a 70%.
EXPECTATIONS FOR SCIENCE CLASS • Come in prepared to get started on the warm up questions or activity. • Keep up with assignments and turn in work on time. • Correct work below a 70%. When correcting tests or quizzes, students must explain why their original answers were wrong. • Listen in class and participate. • Textbook website: On-line