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Spread of Islam: Rise of Caliphs and Empires

Despite internal conflicts, Muslims create a vast empire spanning three continents. Explore the rise of caliphs, Umayyads, Abbasids, Sunni-Shi'a split, jihad, trade networks, and the spread of Islam through conquest and trade.

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Spread of Islam: Rise of Caliphs and Empires

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  1. 10.2 Islam Expands In spite of internal conflicts, the Muslims create a huge empire that includes land on three continents.

  2. Vocabulary • caliph Highest political and religious leader in a Muslim government • UmayyadsDynasty that ruled the Muslim Empire from A.D. 661 to 750 • Shi’a Branch of Islam whose members believe the first four caliphs are the rightful successors of Muhammad • Sunni Branch of Islam whose members believe Ali and his descendants are the rightful successors of Muhammad

  3. Vocabulary • Sufi Muslim who tries to achieve direct contact with God • Abbasids Dynasty that ruled much of the Muslim Empire from A.D. 750 to 1258

  4. Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam • A New Leader • In 632 Muhammad dies; Muslims elect Abu-Bakr to be the first caliph. • Caliph—title for a Muslim leader—means “successor” or “deputy.

  5. Jihad After Muhammad’s death some people on the Arabian Peninsula left the Muslin faith, while others refused to pay taxes . Some even began to call themselves prophets.

  6. Jihad So, Abu-Bakr invoked jihad. Jihad means striving and can refer to the inner struggle against evil. Jihad is also used in the Qur’an to mean an armed struggle against non believers and this is the meaning Abu-Bakr invoked to justify the expansion of Islam.

  7. Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam • “Rightly Guided” Caliphs • The first four caliphs are guided by the Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions. • Jihad—an armed struggle against unbelievers—is used to expand Islam. • Muslims control all of Arabia, and armies conquer Syria and lower Egypt. • By 750, the Muslim empire stretches 6,000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River…..

  8. Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam • Reasons for Success • Muslim armies are well disciplined and expertly commanded. • Byzantine and Sassanid empires are weak from previous conflict. • Persecuted citizens of these empires welcome Islam. • People are attracted to Islam’s offer of equality and hope.

  9. Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam • Treatment of Conquered Peoples • Muslim invaders tolerate other religions. • Christians and Jews receive special consideration as “people of the book.”

  10. From 632 to 750, highly mobile troops mounted on camels were successful in conquering lands in the name of Allah.

  11. Internal Conflict Creates a Crisis • Rise of the Umayyads • Struggles for power end the elective system of choosing a caliph • A wealthy family, the Umayyads, take power and move the capital to Damascus. • They began to live extravagant lifestyles, surrounding themselves with wealth.

  12. Internal Conflict Creates a Crisis • Sunni—Shi’a Split • Shi’a— “party” of Ali—believe the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad. • Sunni—followers of Muhammad’s example—followed the Umayyads. • Sufi followers pursue life of poverty and spirituality. They reject the Umayyads. • In 750, a rebel group—the Abbasids—topple the Umayyads.

  13. Control Extends Over Three-Continents • Fall of the Umayyads • Abbasids murder Umayyad family; one prince escapes, Abd al-Rahman • He flees to Spain and establishes the Umayyad caliphate in al-Andalus. • al-Andalus is a Muslim state in southern Spain settled by North Africans.

  14. Control Extends Over Three-Continents • Abbasids Consolidate Power • In 762, Abbasids move Muslim capital from Damascus to Bagdad. • Location provides access to trade goods, gold, and information. • Abbasids develop a strong bureaucracy to manage empire.

  15. Control Extends Over Three-Continents • Muslim Trade Network • Muslims trade by land and sea with Asia and Europe. This provides another means of spreading Muslim culture. • Muslim merchants use Arabic, single currency, and checks and non Muslims begin to use these forms of exchange • Cordoba, in al-Andalus, is a dazzling center of Muslim cutlure.

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