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PILGRIMS. Pilgrims & Puritans. Puritan vs. Pilgrim – Puritan = change from within the Church of England Pilgrim = separatists , break from Church of England thought COE = completely corrupt SCROOBY, Nottinghamshire: secret congregation ( Scrooby Separatists )

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  2. Pilgrims & Puritans • Puritan vs. Pilgrim – • Puritan = change from within the Church of England • Pilgrim = separatists, break from Church of England • thought COE = completely corrupt • SCROOBY, Nottinghamshire: secret congregation (Scrooby Separatists) • more people = Puritan than Separatist

  3. Pilgrims & Puritans • Puritan = Pilgrim – • Dissenters: nonconformists w/COE doctrine • sought to purify Christian belief & practice • Scriptures = #1 authority • No middle men • agreed w/ Martin Luther’s belief that no pope or bishop had a right to impose any law on a Christian w/o consent • accepted John Calvin’s point in predetermination – election by God of saved & damned

  4. Pilgrims & Puritans • Pilgrims’ Route to New World – • persecution, imprisonment in England • 1608: to Holland, Netherlands • foreigners, poverty, language, no agriculture but weaving, loss of religious identity) •  petition to settle in America, to England’s Virginia Company •  English investors • commercial as well as religious venture • 3x as many secular settlers as Separatists on Mayflower (27 of 100 = Pilgrim)

  5. Pilgrims & Puritans • 1620: • Pilgrims land in Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Plantation (66 days) • William Bradford • Mayflower • November 1620 • 1st winter: Wampanoag Indians, leader = Massasoit

  6. Mayflower • 1620:

  7. Pilgrims & Puritans • 1630: • Puritans land in Massachusetts Bay • John Winthrop • well-financed trip • Arbella • 1691: • Pilgrim = Puritan • synonymous • see similarities above • by the time of the New Charter

  8. Pilgrims & Puritans • RELIGION: • Dissenting • from COE doctrine, practice • Covenantmodel • Calvinist doctrine of ELECTION • God had chosen/elected who will be saved, damned long before we’re born • not that we’re all born damned • but that since Adam broke “Covenant of Works” (live forever in GOE as long as…) • saved by “Covenant of Grace”

  9. Pilgrims & Puritans • RELIGION: • “Covenant of Grace” • Christ’s redeeming bargain, sealed with His blood) • Immortality = Believe in Christ • root of the JOY •  celebration of Incarnation •  strict requirements of Eucharist (Lord’s Supper) – more important than Baptism

  10. Pilgrims & Puritans • RELIGION: • sermons = • not to the hopeless unregenerate • but to the indifferent • emotional appeals • rational understanding vs. emotional saving faith • heart vs. mind • rigorous, strict – to be an example to others, to set themselves apart • “city on the hill”

  11. Pilgrims & Puritans • HISTORY = in high regard • 1. Gain lasting truths through study of lives of noble men • (Renaissance thought) • Early Church historians • Classical historians • Plutarch, Livy, Tacitus • (see Bradford’s references & allusions)

  12. Pilgrims & Puritans • HISTORY = in high regard • 2. History = God’s Plan • Time = procession toward the fulfillment of God’s design on earth • Christocentric World •  even pre-history = prep for Christ •  Typology

  13. Pilgrims & Puritans • TYPOLOGY: • studying types • comparing old with new • Old Testament figures as foreshadowings of Christ • b/c of this view of history

  14. Pilgrims & Puritans • TYPOLOGY: •  Pilgrims & Puritans = Jews • Chosen People • City of God • J. Winthrop as “Puritan Moses” fulfilling “the noble design of carrying a colony of chosen people into an American wilderness”

  15. Pilgrims & Puritans • TYPOLOGY: •  Pilgrims & Puritans = Jews •  Biographies of Pilgrims & Puritans • Wm. Bradford, J. Winthrop • Cotton Mather = Puritan historian • “saints lives” = “example of the progress of an individual Christian soul & an allegory of the potential American hero” • ideals more than histories

  16. Pilgrims & Puritans • Providential View of History: • God = active in human events • Rewards good • Punishes evil •  success = His approval • Protects His chosen people • (no “watchmaker”)

  17. Pilgrims & Puritans • Providential View of History: •  symbolism • Everything, major or trivial, could emblemize something • Parable, Allegory** • constant self-consciousness, self-scrutiny, self-evaluation • significance of all things •  History = Literature, w/morals

  18. Pilgrims & Puritans • THEMES: • Covenants • Community • Reason, logic • Patience & Perseverance • Total faith in God, Plan • All things for good (Rom. 8.28, T. Watson) • Christian charity

  19. Pilgrims & Puritans • GENRES: • Histories • Poetry • Journals, diaries • Letters

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