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Develop innovative renewable energy conversion solutions and concepts, with lower environmental impact, better resource efficiency, and social acceptance. Focus on geothermal technologies, optimizing processes, and improving manufacturing efficiency.
H2020 - WP 2018-2020 Calls for proposals for geothermal energy
LC-SC3-RES-1-2019 (Global Leadership in Renewables) Bringing these new energy conversion solutions, new renewable energy concepts and innovative renewable energy uses faster to commercialization To TRL 3 to 4 RIA EUR 20 million Deadline: 16 October 2018 2nd stage Deadline: 25 April 2019 Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies Beside the development of the technology, the proposal will have to clearly address the following related aspects: the potential lower environmental and climate impact on a life cycle basis, the better resource efficiency, issues related to social acceptance or resistance to new energy technologies, related socioeconomic and livelihood issues. Support will be given to activities which focus on converting renewable energy sources into an energy vector, or the direct application of renewable energy sources. Innovative materials for geothermal heat exchangers to maximize energy transfer and improve the overall conversion efficiency of a geothermal system
LC-SC3-RES-14-2019 (Global Leadership in Renewables) Optimisation of several key processes in their respective value chains TRL 3-4 to TRL 4-5 RIA EUR 3 to 5 million Deadline:16 October 2018 2nd stage Deadline: 25 April 2019 Increased efficiency of the system and/or reduced operational costs of the renewable energy technologies Optimising manufacturing and system operation Marine energy (ocean and offshore wind) Development of a new monitoring system (intelligent sensors, fault detection and communication) for accurate condition and structural health monitoring to enable predictive and preventive operation and preventive maintenance processes; Geothermal Develop a better understanding of the chemical and physical properties of geothermal fluids (including hot and super-hot fluids) as transport media, in order to optimize site development and operation; Photovoltaics Development of innovative crystalline silicon wafer growth techniques to produce high-efficiency solar cells and modules.
LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020 (Energy Efficiency) High energy performance in the renovated buildings Reduce energy use and decarbonize the building stock TRL 8 - 9 IA EUR 3 and 4 million Opening date: 12 March 2019 Deadline: 3 September 2019 Reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation Proposals should also consider energy efficient and low carbon solutions to retrofit building-level heating and cooling systems and the integration of on-site renewable energy generation, energy storage systems which allow for optimisation and flexible consumption, and, if relevant, integration with district heating and cooling systems. Proposals could also consider further development and improvement of hybrid energy systemsusing fossil fuel based heating systems coupled with RES based heating systems as well as the integration of highly-efficient buildings and local energy system solutions such as District Heating and Cooling, including hybrid solutions.
LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020 (Energy Efficiency) A growing offer and up-take of services that combine energy efficiency with other energy services, technologies and non-energy benefits EUR 3 and 4 million IA Opening date: 12 March 2019 Deadline: 03 September 2019 Improved viability of innovative energy services Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource Projects should focus on demonstrating and testing innovative energy services in a real environment, across several market segments and across different actors in the value chain. To be economically viable, these services need to be able to rely on sound measurement and verification methodologies. Proposals should demonstrate that the tested business models and services are self-sustainable after the end of the project. The upfront investments in energy efficiency measures (e.g. upgrading of building energy performance) and in smart building systems should be paid back at least in part by revenues coming from energy savings and remunerated flexibility.
LC-SC3-ES-8-2019 (Smart citizen-centred energy system) Mobilise finance for a full energy transition. CSA EUR 10 million Deadline: 05 February 2019 Links and synergies with R&I projects selected under LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2020: Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands European Islands Facility - Unlock financing for energy transitions and supporting islands to develop investment concepts Proposals are expected to set up and run a 'European Islands Facility' which offers expertise and/or financial support and services to islands to: Develop innovative cost-effective investment concepts based on (or the development of – if they do not yet exist) a transition plan and a coherent set of projects that will lead to a decarbonised, efficient and resilient island energy system using local energy flows and resources; provide, inter-alia: translation of ambitions into a holistic energy transition plan, assistance in modelling of the energy transition on the island(s), a clear identification of the individual potential project pipeline(s), legal analysis and support, a description of how the investments will be financed and, if relevant, how the financing will be mobilised locally, advice on available funds and a design of the process to launch the investments; develop in-house expertise to coordinate, support the implementation and critically evaluate the outcomes on the above-mentioned issues.
LC-EEB-03-2019 (Energy-efficient Buildings) Further develop the concept of "Plus Energy Houses" TRL 5 and achieve TRL 7 IA EUR 6 and 8 million Deadline: 21 February 2019 Contribute reducing of CO2 emissions in the residential sector New developments in plus energy houses New designs, making use of already developed and validated materials and components and smarter control systems ready to treat vast amounts of data are needed. The surplus of energy should come from renewable sources (geothermal heat, photovoltaics, wind, etc.), obviously optimizing the dynamic character of the energy balance all along the year. Each proposal should be expected to involve pioneer cities (demonstrations in a multi- storey apartment building situated in each of the 4 climatic zones in Europe). Such buildings should be properly managed and connected to the neighbourhood grid. Proposals should take the lead by levering funding with other energy efficiency schemes, including the private sector. Erecting buildings at such pioneer cities should not encounter regulatory problems. For this reason, the proposal will identify any bottlenecks in the existing regulations and standards concerned by the locations chosen.
Indicative Topics for 2020 Energy efficiency Energy efficient industry and services: LC-SC3-EE-7-2020: Increasing energy efficiency of small data centres; Energy efficiency is an investment: LC-SC3-EE-12-2020: Innovation procurement for energy efficiency; Global leadership in Renewables Renewable energy solutions for implementation at consumer scale: LC-SC3-RES-10-2020: Pre-Commercial Procurement for a 100% Renewable
Information on Calls https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/programmes/h2020