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ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement Overview and Implementation Status

Learn about the status of international road transport conventions and agreements under ECO, including the TTFA and its objectives, facilitating transit transport among ECO member countries.

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ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement Overview and Implementation Status

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  1. ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (ECO) Status of implementation of international road transport conventions and agreements as well as other concerned conventions and agreements mentioned in TTFA (Kabul, 24 August 2015) Zukhra Abisheva, Programme Officer Directorate of Transport and Communications

  2. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) Transit facilitation TTFA OBJECTIVES

  3. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) Republic of Azerbaijan Islamic Republic of Iran Republic of Kazakhstan Transit facilitation Kyrgyz Republic Republic of Tajikistan

  4. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) PART V General Conditions for Road Transport Transit facilitation PART VI General Conditions for Rail Transport PART VII General Conditions for Inland Transport Part VIII Rules of Carriage by Road Transport

  5. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) Annex VIII. TTCC Terms of Reference Annex VII Customs Control ANNEXES Annex III Minimum technical . characteristics of transit railways Transit facilitation Annex VI Rules of Carriage by Road Transport

  6. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement Entered into force in 2006 A special mechanism to coordinate, support and monitor the implementation of TTFA Customs component

  7. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA Meetings of the TTCC and technical committees Transit facilitation

  8. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA International conventions/agreements mentioned in TTFA for accession/implementation Transit facilitation

  9. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) List of international conventions/agreements recommended by TTCC i. Convention on Road Traffic, 1968 ii. Convention on road signs and signals, 1968. iii. Rules of use of wagons in international traffic (PPW). iv. Agreement governing the Convention on Road Traffic, 1968 v. Rules of use of wagons in international traffic (PPW).exchange and use of wagons between Railway Undertakings (RIV). vi. Agreement governing the exchange and use of coaches in international traffic (RIC). vii. Agreement concerning International Carriage of Passenger (SMPS). viii. Agreement on International Carriage of Goods (SMGS). ix Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF). x . Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM). xi. Contract for International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV). xii. Regulations concerning International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). xiii. ITU regulations for inland Waterway Navigation. xiv. Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under coverage of TIR Carnets, (TIR Convention), 1975. xi. European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) xvi. Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked Countries, 1965 xvii. ECO Transit Trade Agreement xviii. Convention on the Contract for the International carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), 1956 and Protocol to this Convention , 1978 xvixThe International Green Card System on MVTPL Policy

  10. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA Accession status to international conventions/agreements to provide the international legal framework to develop coherent international infrastructure networks, uniform and simplified border-crossing procedures and uniform rules and regulations as of 24/07/2015

  11. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA)

  12. ECO Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) • Workshops/training workshops, held in • 2012-2014: • The ECO/UNECE Workshop on Unified Railway Law (Ankara, June 2012) • The Regional Training Course on Third Party Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (ECO White Cart), Tehran, November 2012, in partnership with the International Green Card Council of Bureaux • The 2nd ECO/IRU Regional Conference on Transit Transport and the TIR System, Istanbul June- July 2012. • Training Course on TIR Convention for Afghanistan, (Mashhad, June 2012). • Training Course on TIR Convention for Afghanistan (Ankara, 2012). • Training Course on TIR Convention for Pakistan (Ankara, May 2013). • Capacity Building Workshop on TIR for Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, 18-22 August 2014. • The Regional Workshop on Third Party Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, Istanbul, 2nd September 2014. • The 3rd ECO/IRU Regional Conference on Transit Transport and the TIR System, Tehran, 26 October 2014. • Capacity building programmes held and planned for 2015: • National capacity building workshops on CMR, ADR and TIR, August 2015 • Regional Capacity Building Workshop on ADR, Ankara, 2014. Capacity building

  13. Kyrgyz-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran Road Corridor Further to the decisions of the 8th Meeting of the ECO Transport Ministers (Ashgabat, 2011), arrangements for establishing a road corridor between Kyrgyz Republic-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran was initiated. The Corridor is being coordinated by the ECO High Level Working Group ECO corridor The HLWG adopted an Action Plan for the Establishment of the Corridor, agreed that TIR System will be applied along the Corridor,; approved the routes and border crossing points; decided that a field study to be conducted with involvement of International Consultant and national consultants. 3rd HLWG on KTAI (Tehran, October 2014) approved the TOR to start the field study.

  14. Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Road Corridor Further to the decisions of the 8th Meeting of the ECO Transport Ministers (Ashgabat, 2011), arrangements for establishing a road corridor between Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul was initiated. The Corridor is being coordinated by the ECO High Level Working Group ECO corridor The HLWG adopted an Action Plan for the Establishment of the Corridor, agreed that TIR System will be applied along the Corridor,; approved the routes and border crossing points; decided that a field study will be conducted with involvement of International Consultant and national consultants. ToR is at the final stage.

  15. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA Technical Assistance

  16. ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA Corridor managements studies on road and rail under ECO/IDB Joint Project on implementation of TTFA has culminated in preparation of ECO Road Network Development and ECO Railway Network Development Plan. The study on insurance component of TTFA has resulted with preparation of a comprehensive report on the situation with motor vehicle third party.

  17. New program on customs provisions of TTFA o Objectives of the Project Customs component Defining effective solutions for the implementation of the customs provisions of TTFA Authorise national Issuing & Guaranteeing Association

  18. New program on customs provisions of TTFA Customs component

  19. New program on customs provisions of TTFA Customs component

  20. Second phase of ECO/IDB Joint Project on TTFA Outcome of the Project Feasibility study report Customs Transit Questionnaires (CTQs) Customs component

  21. Thank You

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