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Direct object pronoun It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. ME NOS TE OS LO, LA LOS, LAS Ej . I write the letter I write it Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct direct obj , pronoun for each noun obj , in bold type. Ellos abren los libros
Direct object pronoun • It refers to items or people that have already been mentioned. • ME NOS • TE OS • LO, LA LOS, LAS • Ej. • I write the letter I write it • Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct direct obj, pronoun for each noun obj, in bold type. • Ellosabrenlos libros • Raul llama a Diana • Recibocartas • Vemoslaschicas • Piden mas dinero.
Indirect object pronoun • It refers to the person who is receiving the action of the verb. • ME NOS • TE OS • LE(se) LES (se) • *sometimes you use a + person to clarify to whom the indirect object pronoun le and les are referring • Ej. I write to Paul. I write to him • Rewrite the following sentences, substituting the correct indirect obj. pronoun for each noun obj. in bold type. • Silvia lee a su abuela. • Escriboa mi amiga • Juan pide mas dinero al jefe. • Mama sirve te a mis tias. • Pepe abre la puerta a su madre.
Direct obj and Indirect obj. used together • When a verb is followed by two obj. pronouns, an accent mark is required on the stresses syllable • Infinitive: stress on last syllable Voy a ensenartelo • Indirect obj. pronoun precedes the direct obj. pronoun • They never split • They are either placed before a conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive • Ej. Tu mama te prepara el desayuno? • Indirectobj, pronounyo =me • Directobj. nounel desayuno = lo • Mama me lo prepara. • A mama le gusta prepararmelo
Marta vuelve de unas vacaciones en el Caribe y trea regalos para todos. (To find out what she brought to whom, answer the following questions according to the clues, and change the nouns to pronouns. • Ej. A quien le traes los jugetes? (A Rafa) • Indirectobj. pronounSe • Directodj. Pronounlos • Answer: So los traigo a Rafa
A quien le traes los CDs de Juan Luis Guerra? (A Juan y Laura) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes las maracas? (A ti) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes los periodicos? ( a los abuelos) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________ • A quien le traes el brazalete de ambar? (a mama) • Indirect obj. pronoun _____ • Direct odj. Pronoun_____ • Answer:_____________________________________