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SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR OF YOUNG AUSTRALIAN WOMEN. Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis. DATA FROM “FUSS” STUDY. Female University Student Study (FUSS) 540 women 17-21 years Attending Melbourne University Commenced in March 2008. AIMS OF STUDY.

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  1. SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR OF YOUNG AUSTRALIAN WOMEN Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis

  2. DATA FROM “FUSS” STUDY Female University Student Study (FUSS) • 540 women • 17-21 years • Attending Melbourne University • Commenced in March 2008

  3. AIMS OF STUDY • To determine the prevalence of BV in young females commencing university. • To explore the association between BV and penetrative and non-penetrative sexual practices.

  4. TWO-PART STUDY • Baseline study (completed July 08) • Ongoing study (one year) Participants are followed up at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months

  5. METHODS Interested women were posted a study kit and asked to: • Complete a questionnaire (paper or on-line) • Take a vaginal swab • Place secretions on a glass slide • Post the kit back

  6. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Vaginal Sex • 31% of the total sample were virgins • 19% of Australian women were virgins

  7. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Oral Sex • 71% of total sample had received oral sex

  8. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Anal Sex • 20% of total sample ever had anal sex • 30% of those having vaginal sex ever had anal sex

  9. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Use of sex toys (by themselves or with their partner) • 32% of total sample had used a sex toy • 42% of those having vaginal sex had used a sex toy

  10. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Sex with women • 12% sexual contact with a woman • 2%exclusive sexual contact with women

  11. FINDINGS - SEXUAL ACTIVITY Non-virgins • Mean age of first vaginal sex was 17.2 (range 13 - 21) • Mean no. of partners (ever) was 3.6 (range 1 - 30) • Always use condoms – only 19%

  12. BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS • BV is a disturbance in the normal vaginal flora • Lactobacilli decrease and gardnerella, anaerobes and mycoplasmas increase • Sxs are abnormal vaginal discharge and “fishy” odour (but often asymptomatic) • Most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in the world

  13. BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS • No single causative agent identified • Unclear if sexually transmitted (but suspected) • Tx is 7-day, BD course of Flagyl (but 50% recurrence rate within 6 months) • Only treat symptomatic women

  14. FINDINGS – BV BV prevalence in FUSS sample • 25 women (5%) had BV • 54 women (10%) had intermediate flora

  15. FINDINGS - BV Of the 25 women with BV, 3 were “virgins” • 1 woman had oral sex with a male partner over 3 years • 1 woman used a sex toy for masturbation • All 3 women had had digital-vaginal sex with male partners

  16. FINDINGS - BV Key factors associated with BV (in sample) • Vaginal sex ever • Unprotected vaginal sex ever • 4 or more vaginal sex partnersin past 12/12 (& in life) • Age of first sex 16 yrs or less • 4 or more oral sex partners in past 12/12 • Using a sex toy with a partner • Anal sex ever • Unprotected anal sex ever • Digital-vaginal contact ever

  17. FINDINGS - BV Is BV an STI? • BV is more common in groups with high STI rates eg sex workers, STI clinic attendees and certain ethnic groups • Other studies show a link between BV and high nos. of partners, a recent change in partner, lower age at first intercourse, past history of STIs & lack of condom use.

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