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Introduction of Terrel Rhodes

Learning the Ropes The Step by Step Way To Use Portfolios for Program or Institutional Assessment 2011 AAEEBL World Summit. Introduction of Terrel Rhodes. The Importance of Direct Assessment Terrel Rhodes. Introduction of Wende Garrison. Overview of the Steps. Collect Recruit Logistics

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Introduction of Terrel Rhodes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning the RopesThe Step by Step Way To Use Portfolios for Program or Institutional Assessment2011 AAEEBL World Summit

  2. IntroductionofTerrel Rhodes

  3. The Importance of Direct AssessmentTerrel Rhodes

  4. IntroductionofWende Garrison

  5. Overview of the Steps Collect Recruit Logistics Common score and calibrate Score Close the feedback loop

  6. Break

  7. Collect Student permission Random sample Paper vs electronic

  8. Recruit Diversity of disciplines Apply Payment

  9. Logistics Space Food Forms Cover sheet Score sheet Track work sample type Data Entry

  10. Lunch

  11. Common Score & Calibrate Review vocabulary Match the words on the rubric to evidence in the work sample

  12. Break

  13. Common Score & Calibrate Repeat until all scorers are scoring in two adjacent boxes Caveat

  14. Score Get up after each work sample

  15. Close the Feedback Loop Debrief on day of scoring to capture ideas for assignment changes Report results to teaching faculty Faculty brainstorm a plan for changes—document plan Set a date and a time to compare plan for changes to what actually happens Set a date and time to compare old data with new, post-change data Data without behavior change is useless

  16. Questions?Terrel RhodesWende Garrisonrhodes@aacu.org wendebmg@gmail.com

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