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ICS and ECS Air Operational Scenarios

ICS and ECS Air Operational Scenarios. IP IMPORTS – Long Haul Flight - 1 stop only. Flight. Non-Eu 1. Eu1. Wheels up. -t. -4. 0. Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight Where First point of entry.

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ICS and ECS Air Operational Scenarios

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  1. ICS and ECS Air Operational Scenarios

  2. IP IMPORTS – Long Haul Flight - 1 stop only Flight Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Wheels up -t -4 0 Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight Where First point of entry Who Customs if Carrier = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where First point of entry SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Carrier What Summary Declaration /Arrival notification * for goods unloaded When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION * Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number (national variances possible)

  3. IP IMPORTS – Short Haul Flight - 1 stop only Flight Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Wheels up -t -4 0 Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods When Wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry Who Customs if Carrier = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where First point of entry SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Carrier What Summary Declaration /Arrival notification * for goods unloaded When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION * Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number (national variances possible)

  4. IP IMPORTS – Truck - 1 stop only Truck Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Truck Departure -t -1 0 Who Truck Operator What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods OR NCTS declaration When 1 hour prior to ETA at EU border Where Customs Border Who Customs if Truck Operator = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) OR Control Decision Notification (IE60) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where Customs Border SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Truck Operator What CMR/Arrival notification * for all goods OR NCTS Control Decision Notification (IE60) When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Customs Border PHYSICAL INSPECTION • Arrival notification = a reference MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  5. IP IMPORTS – Third Party Declarant – 1 stop only Who Carrier What Confirm flight and MAWB details When Confirmation of booking Where to Third Party Declarant Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION Carrier Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Goods Reception Wheels up -t Cutoff -4 0 Who Third Party Declarant if = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where First point of entry SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all goods delivered When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where First point of entry Who Third Party Declarant or Customs What MRNs When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where to Carrier Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number- national variances possible

  6. IP IMPORTS – ENS by Carrier and Third Party Declarant Who Carrier What Confirm flight and MAWB details When Confirmation of booking Where to Third Party Declarant Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for non declared goods When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight or Wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Flight Goods Reception -t Cutoff Wheels up -4 0 Who Customs if Declarant = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification to Declarant When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where First point of entry SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with carrier Where First point of entry Who Third Party Declarant or Customs What MRNs When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with carrier Where to Carrier * Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  7. IP IMPORTS – Long Haul Flight – with subsequent airport Who Customs if Carrier = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where First point of entry SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Eu2 Flight1 Flight1 Wheels Up -t -4 0 +t Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight Where First point of entry Who Carrier What Summary Declaration /Arrival notification * for goods unloaded When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier What Summary Declaration /Arrival notification * for goods unloaded When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Subsequent airport PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED * Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  8. IP IMPORTS – Third Party Declarant - with subsequent airport Who Carrier What Confirm flight and MAWB details When Confirmation of booking Where Third Party Declarant Who Third Party Declarant What MRNs When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where to Carrier Carrier Eu1 Non-Eu 1 Eu2 Goods Reception Wheels up -t -4 0 +t Cutoff Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Subsequent airport PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED Who Third Party Declarant hat Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all goods delivered When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where First point of entry • Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  9. IP IMPORTS – ENS by Carrier and TPD – with subsequent airport Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Subsequent Airport PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED Who Carrier What Confirm flight and MAWB details When Confirmation of booking Where Third Party Declarant Who Carrier What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for non declared goods When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight or Wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Eu2 Flight Goods Reception Wheels up -t Cutoff -4 0 +t Who Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where First point of entry Who third Party Declarant or Customs What MRNs When Prior to delivery of goods to Carrier or later if agreed with Carrier Where to Carrier Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  10. IP IMPORTS – Entry with truck, multiple offload points No declaration required, intra-EU movement NO INSPECTION Truck Truck Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Eu2 Truck Departure -t -1 0 +t Who Truck Operator What Submit Entry Summary Declaration (IE 315) for all goods OR NCTS declaration When 1 hour prior to ETA at EU border Where Customs Border Who Customs if Truck Operator = AEO What Customs Inspection Notification (IE351) OR Customs Control Notification (IE60) When Prior to arrival (national Customs decision) Where Customs Border SEQUENCING DIFFERS FOR AEO & NON-AEO Who Truck Operator What CMR/Arrival notification * for all goods OR NCTS Control Notification (IE60) When On arrival (in advance = national matter) Where Customs Border PHYSICAL INSPECTION * Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number – national variances possible

  11. IP IMPORTS – International Diversion Diverted Flight Eu2 Flight Non-Eu 1 Eu1 Wheels up -t -4 0 +t Who Customs Office of first port of entry declared What Notify Diversion and risk analysis to Actual office of first entry When Prior to arrival at actual first point of entry Where Declared first point of entry Who Carrier What Summary Declaration/Arrival notification* for goods unloaded When On arrival (prior to = national decision) Where Actual point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier What Diversion Request Notification (IE323) When Prior to arrival at actual first point of entry Where Declared First point of entry • Declared first point of entry is in Eu1. Actual first point of entry is in Eu2. • Arrival notification = a reference to unique key of ENS or MRN/MRN item number (national variances possible)

  12. IP IMPORTS (incl Transits) – combination of flight & truck with multiple stops Eu3 FLT2 or TRK1 No declaration required, intra-EU movement NO INSPECTION Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in non-Eu2 Eu1 FLT1 FLT1 Non-Eu 1 Eu2 Non-Eu 2 FLT1 Who Carrier or Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all freight When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight OR At wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry Who Carrier What Arrival notification for goods unloaded When On arrival Where First Point of Entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier What Arrival notification for goods unloaded When On arrival Where Subsequent Airport No exit summary declaration required in Eu2 PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED

  13. IP IMPORTS (incl Transits & re-entry) – various transport modes FLT2 or TRK2 FLT3 or TRK3 Non-Eu 2 Eu1 Eu2 FLT1 Non-Eu 1 Who Carrier or Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all freight When At wheels up for short haul flight 1 hour prior to ETA (truck) Where First point of entry (air) or Customs border (truck) PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED Who Carrier or Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all freight When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight OR At wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry No exit summary declaration required in Eu1 PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in Non-Eu2. Note: 2 types of non-EU: with bilateral agreement or nothing

  14. IP IMPORTS (incl Transits & re-entry) – same flight Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in Non-Eu2. Note: 2 types of non-EU: with bilateral agreement or nothing Non-Eu 2 Eu3 Eu1 Eu2 FLT1 FLT1 FLT1 FLT1 Non-Eu 1 Who Carrier or Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all freight on plane When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight OR At wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier or Third Party Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all freight on plane When 4 hrs prior to ETA for long haul flight OR At wheels up for short haul flight Where First point of entry No exit summary declaration required in Eu1 PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR UNLOADED, exceptional for remainder Who Carrier What Arrival notification for goods unloaded When On arrival Where Subsequent Airport PHYSICAL INSPECTION FOR GOODS UNLOADED

  15. IP EXPORTS – Direct Export by air Eu1: = point of export AND = point of exit = no EAD required = arrival notification Eu1 Non-Eu 1 Flight -t -0.5 0 +t Who Declarant What Submit Customs Declaration for High Value and Exit Summary Declaration for remainder (non deminimus) When 30 min prior to ETD Where Airport at Port of export/exit PHYSICAL INSPECTION

  16. IP EXPORTS – Direct Export by truck Eu1: = point of export AND = point of exit = no EAD required = arrival notification Truck Eu1 Non-Eu 1 -t -1 0 +t Who Declarant What Submit Customs Declaration for High Value and Exit Summary Declaration for remainder (non deminimus) When 1hour prior crossing border Where Border crossing PHYSICAL INSPECTION

  17. IP EXPORTS – Indirect Exports by air Who Declarant What Submit Customs Declaration for High Value and if Art 793 applies Exit Summary for remainder (non deminimus) Arrival notification When 30 min prior to ETD for flight (time requirements for air based on art 592c and art 842c) Where Airport at port of Export/Exit PHYSICAL INSPECTION Eu2 TRK1 Eu1 FLT1 Non-Eu 1 Eu3 FLT2 FLT1 Eu4 If art 793 does not apply: Exit Summary Declaration for non-Customs Dec above deminimus Arrival notification (IE507) for all goods (+ Manifest presentation (IE547) after storage) Departure Message PHYSICAL INSPECTION (incl exemptions)

  18. IP EXPORTS – Indirect Exports by truck Who Declarant What Submit Customs Declaration for High Value and optionally Customs Declaration for remainder (non deminimus) Arrival notification When 1hr prior to ETD for flight (time requirements for air based on art 592c and art 842c) Where Airport at port of Export/Exit PHYSICAL INSPECTION Eu2 TRK1 TRK2 Eu1 Non-Eu 1 Eu3 FLT2 FLT1 Eu4 art 793 does not apply: Exit Summary Declaration for non-Customs Dec above deminimus Arrival notification (IE507) for all goods (+ Manifest presentation (IE547) after storage) Departure Message PHYSICAL INSPECTION (incl exemptions) Note art 793 does not apply

  19. IP EXPORTS – incl transit FLT1 or FLT2 or TRK1 Eu1 Non-Eu 1 Eu2 Non-Eu 2 FLT1 FLT1 Who Declarant What Submit Customs Declaration for High Value and Exit Summary Declaration for remainder non deminimus When 30 min prior to ETD for flight. 1hr for truck Where Airport PHYSICAL INSPECTION Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in Non-Eu1. Note: 2 types of non-EU: with bilateral agreement or nothing Who Declarant What Submit Entry Summary Declaration for all (art183a + art 841a) When At wheels up for short haul flight Where Airport No exit summary declaration required PHYSICAL INSPECTION Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in non-Eu2

  20. IP EXPORTS – incl transit using NCTS Eu1 EFTA Eu2 Non-Eu 2 TRK1 TRK1 FLT1 Who Declarant /Carrier What Submit Customs Declaration for HV and Exit Summary Declaration for remainder non deminimus and NCTS declaration When 1hr prior to arrival of truck at Border Where EU Border PHYSICAL INSPECTION Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in Non-Eu1. Note: 2 types of non-EU: with bilateral agreement or nothing Who Carrier What Discharge NCTS movement When At truck arrival Where EU Border No exit summary declaration required PHYSICAL INSPECTION Nothing required based on EU law. Application of national legislation in non-Eu2

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