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Distance Run Handicaps

Distance Run Handicaps. Paul Vanderburgh HSS 409: Kinesiology. Agenda. Background Distance Running and Body Weight Scaling and Other Activities Running and Age Age and Weight Handicap Proposal Summary and Conclusions. Background.

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Distance Run Handicaps

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  1. Distance Run Handicaps Paul Vanderburgh HSS 409: Kinesiology

  2. Agenda • Background • Distance Running and Body Weight • Scaling and Other Activities • Running and Age • Age and Weight Handicap Proposal • Summary and Conclusions

  3. Background Distance run times (DRT) well known to decrease with age and weight But…how much due to age and weight alone?

  4. Age Categories • Widely used in road races • Often very few competitors in the oldest categories • No easy way to compare runners of different age groups

  5. WAVA (World Association of Veterans Athletes) Age-Grading • Adjusts run time by an age-grading factor • Ex: 42 yr old male runs 24:00 5K • Factor = 0.9487 • Run time x Factor = 22:46 = Adjusted Run Time (ART) • ART can be compared to all other runners’ ART’s • Handicap based on world bests, not physiology (http://www.howardgrubb.co.uk/athletics/wavalookup.html)

  6. Team Clydesdale: BW and Age Categories: A1= Athenas 145-159lbs A2 = Athenas 160-179lbs A3 = Athenas 180lbs + C1 = Clydesdales 185-199lbs C2 = Clydesdales 200-224lbs C3 = Clydesdales 225-249lbs Y = Youth (Under 29 years) T = Thirty something (30-39 years) M = Master (40-49 years) GM = Grand Master (50 years +)

  7. Distance Running and Body Weight - Theory • VO2max  Body Weight1/3 (Astrand ’86) • 5K run time  VO2max/BW(Nevill ’92) • Therefore, 5K run time  BW1/3 (Vanderburgh 95) • Can probably be applied to other run distances

  8. DRT and Body Weight – Actual Data DRT  BW1/3 College-age men Lean, military academy cadets 2-mile run time (Crowder 95, Vanderburgh 95) Best-fit line

  9. Other Aerobic Activities - Cycling Cycling: lighter cyclists have advantage climbing but heavier are faster in flat time trials (quantified by Swain 94)

  10. Other Aerobic Activities - Rowing • Rowing Ergometer: 2500m time trial times  BW1/3 or H • Row Time x Ht yields an adjusted score that is fair (Vanderburgh 96)

  11. Strength and BW Handicaps • Strength is well known to be directly proportional to muscle cross sectional area (CSA) • Muscle Strength  CSA  BW2/3(Vanderburgh 99, Jaric 2002) • Wilks Powerlifting Formula provides an accurate handicap by BW (Vanderburgh 99)

  12. Running and Age - Theory • Max heart rate is well known to decline with age (220-age) • This would likely explain the decline in VO2max with age • Quantification of the independent effect of age on VO2max: • Males: 0.26 ml/kg.min O2 per yr • Females: 0.25 ml/kg.min O2 per yr (Jackson 95, 96)

  13. VO2max Decline Run Time • Metabolic equations available: VO2max and BW used to compute run speed • Example for 5K: 5K run speed = 84.3(VO2max1.01BW-1.03) (Nevill 92) • Run time changes could be calculated with VO2max changes due to age

  14. What Next? • Combine research findings to create a run-handicap model for age and body weight • Field test the model • Examine logistics (weigh-ins, database) • Validity

  15. Summary/Conclusions • Distance run time  BW1/3 • VO2max decreases, independent of other factors by: • Males: 0.26 ml/kg.min O2 per yr • Females: 0.25 ml/kg.min O2 per yr • This aerobic capacity decline can be linked, through metabolic equations, to actual run times • Research data can now be used to develop physiologically and biomechanically correct handicap models for age and BW

  16. References • Crowder T & Yunker C. Scaling of push-up, sit-up and two-mile run performances by body weight and fat-free weight in young, fit men. [Abstract]. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 28:S183, 1996. • Jackson A, E Beard, L Weir, R Ross, & S Blair. Changes in aerobic power of men, ages 25-70 yr. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 27:113-120, 1995. • Jackson A, L Weir, G Ayers, E Beard, J Stuteville, & S Blair. Changes in aerobic power of women, ages 20-64. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 28:884-891, 1996. • Jaric S, Ugarkovic D, & Kukolj M. Evaluation of methods of normalizing muscle strength in elite and young athletes. J Sports Med Physical Fitness. 42:141-151, 2002. • Nevill A, R Ramsbottom, & C Williams. Scaling physiological measurements for individuals of different body size. Eur J Appl Physiol. 65:110-117, 1992. • Swain D. The influence of body-mass in endurance bicycling. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 26:58-63, 1994. • Vanderburgh P. A simple index to adjust maximal strength measures. J Exerc Physiol. 2:2-7, 1999. • Vanderburgh P & A Batterham. Validation of the Wilks Powerlifting Formula. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 31:1869-1875, 1999. • Vanderburgh P, Katch F, Schoenleber J, Balabinis C & Elliott R. Multivariate allometric scaling of men’s world indoor rowing championship performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 28:626-630, 1996. • Vanderburgh P & M Mahar. Scaling of 2-mile run times by body weight and fat-free weight in college-age men. J Strength Cond Res. 9:67-70, 1995.

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