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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS TIMELINE Year 1: Self-reflection Year 2: Submit plan, with checklist, to the PDT for verification by October 1.
TIMELINE Year 1: Self-reflection Year 2: Submit plan, with checklist, to the PDT for verification by October 1. Years 2-4: Document your annual review. If major revisions to the goal occur in year two, three, or four, submit the changes to the PDT for their review byApril 1of the year the changes occur. Year 5: Submit completed PDP, with documentations, to the PDT for verification and license renewal between July 1 and January 15. Year 5: The PDT will review the PDP by April 1. Clarification of discrepancies between the PDT and the candidate will occur by June 1.
It is the responsibility of the educator to review the plan in yearstwo, three, and fourof the licensure cycle. (The annual review form must be submitted to the PDT for their review, by April 1st, only during the year when significant changes in the goal occur.)
PARTS OF THE PLAN • Description of School and Teaching Situation • Description of the Goal / Standards to be addressed • Rationale for the Goal • Plan for Assessment / Documentation of Achieving the Goal • Plan to Meet the Goal
CRITERIA FOR GOALS Goal / Standards to be Addressed: Goals answer the question “Where do I want to go?” They: • must be verifiable • relevant to your self-reflection • must impact professional growth • must impact student learning • must be aligned with WisconsinEducator Standards • must address two or more WI Educator Standards
GOAL COMPONENTS Plan to Meet the Goal: • Objectives: Objectives are verifiable actions. Their completion should result in goal accomplishment. • Activities & Timelines: Activities outline actions and steps that lead to the achievement of your objectives/goal.(Timelines must be established for each activity.) • Collaboration: It takes many forms, i.e. collaboration with professional peers, your PDT, (your mentor for the IE).
ANNUAL REVIEWS The annual review of the PDP: • Is the responsibility of the Educator. • If major revision to the plan is made during years two, three, or four, a complete Annual Review Form must be submitted to the PDT for their review by April 1st of that year, and must include: • Reflection. • Revision.
TEAM MEMBERS • One peer (teacher, administrator, or pupil services personnel) • One administrator • One higher education representative (IHE)
UWSP HIGH ED REPRESENTATIVES • KATZMAREK, JOANNE M 43129jkatzmar@uwsp.edu • FISCHER, JOHN A185800fischer@conted.uwex.edu • RIGGS, LARRY692757lriggs@uwsp.edu • SHAW, PATRICIA A44804pshaw@uwsp.edu • SLICK, SUE K679179sslick@uwsp.edu • ST MAURICE, HENRY A168335stmaurice@charter.net • CARO, PATRICIA684906pcaro@uwsp.edu • COOK, PERRY ALLEN692758pcook@uwsp.edu • DIXSON, BARBARA686100bdixon@uwsp.edu • FORSTER, CYNTHIA KNOLL696316cforster@uwsp.edu • FRAZIER, SCOTT E695497sfrazier@uwsp.edu • GROVER, BARBARA J684905bgrover@uwsp.edu • LARSON, MARSHA LYNN36495malarson@uwsp.edu