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A Modern Museum OuR iDeAs aNd oPiNioNS FiRsT iMpReSsiOns fRieNdlY YoUng StAff YoUtHFuL dEsiGn ViSuaL DiSplAys ExhiBiTiOn IdEas LaRgE ViSuaL DiSpLayS CoLoUrFul CaRtOoNs TeChNolOgicAl eXhiBitiOns StaFF aNd CuRaToRs HeLpFul AnD FrIeNdLy YoUnG aNd eNtHusiAstIc
A Modern Museum OuR iDeAs aNd oPiNioNS
FiRsT iMpReSsiOns fRieNdlY YoUng StAff YoUtHFuL dEsiGn ViSuaL DiSplAys
ExhiBiTiOn IdEas LaRgE ViSuaL DiSpLayS CoLoUrFul CaRtOoNs TeChNolOgicAl eXhiBitiOns
StaFF aNd CuRaToRs HeLpFul AnD FrIeNdLy YoUnG aNd eNtHusiAstIc KnowlEdGeable anD wEll eDuCaTeD
ViSuAls aNd lAyoUt EyEcAtcHiNg aNd CoLourFul MaPs oF MuSeum CoLouRful CarToons aNd AniMaTioNs
SuGGeStioNs FoR oLdEr ViSiTors ArEaS fOr DiFFerEnt AgE GroUps UnDer 10'S ArEa ChiLL oUt aReaS
Foot prints around the museum for direction as a guide. Bright, bold colours to attract attention. Mood Board… Friendly Facts around the museum. Relax points, where people can sit down whilst learning by... Reading, playing games, quizzes etc. Milkshakes and other modern ideas with an educational twist. Young friendly staff ready to help and full of information, in all areas.
Pp by Seamus Jennings 2009 All illusions are still images- none are animated