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This document outlines the outcomes and actions from the 8th Programme Board Meeting, including discussions on start-up activities, the status of the GEO Work Programme, and support for policy initiatives.
Draft Outcomes and Actions 8th Programme Board Meeting 14 – 15 June 2018
Session 1 Start-up Secretariat Director Messages • The PB has been a key component of evolution within GEO. • ExCom looking to PB to put forward strongest GWP possible. • PB will need to take a closer look at resources for GWP activities in the future. • PB should promote activities that are on critical path to achieve GEOSS.
Session 1 Start-up • Roundtable of introductions • Agenda approved • discussion point on gender/diversity equality across GEO added under Session 1 • Review of 8th PB meeting, 43rdExCom, 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, GEO Symposium • Action: Secretariat to report on GEOSS Portal statistics, potential mechanisms to identify and characterize users and encourage uptake. [10th PB meeting]
Session 1 Start-up • Action: M. Craglia to prepare discussion point on GEOSS Universe paper (Craglia et al). [10th PB] • Action: GEO Symposium Subgroup established. • Task: Explore options/models for Symposium format, present to ExCom/Plenary. [10th PB] • Membership: Australia, China, EC, Italy, Norway, ESIP, GODAN, IAG, IEEE, POGO, OGC. • Action: Subgroup on gender/diversity balance established. • Task: Prepare draft guidance statement on GEO gender/diversity balance policy for consideration by 45th ExCom and approval at GEO-XV Plenary. [10th PB] • Membership: Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, UK, ESIP, GODAN, OGC, POGO.
Session 2 Status of GEO Work Programme Response to call for proposals • LDN provide opportunity to change the way GEO operates, in terms of funding model and mobilizing new technologies to help solve ‘poor man’s problem’. • GEO must deliver on LDN or else suffer credibility problem. • LDN implementation plan approved by PB.
Session 2 Status of GEO Work Programme Response to call for proposals • SAON drafting Arctic GEOSS implementation plan to be considered by SAON Board 22-23 June. • Implementation plan to be submitted to PB review panel by 15 July. • SAON preparing high-level statements for Arctic Summit calling for open data policies, support for integrated and sustained EO systems.
Session 2 Status of GEO Work Programme Outreach to Regional GEOSS • Report: Regional GEOSS is a different mechanism from other GWP (thematic) Initiatives, working at local/regional levels, with priorities mandated by the Caucuses. • Questions surrounding: definition (regional GEO?); positioning in GWP; degree of autonomy; declaration of intent; linkages with Flagships/Initiatives; interoperability with GEOSS Platform. • Chance to embed FAIR principles among criteria for inclusion in GWP. • Action: Subgroup to draft preliminary messages for ExCom. [44thExCom] (EC to join Subgroup) • Action: Subgroup to deliver report to ExCom, responding to issues (definition, etc), for Plenary approval. [45thExCom]
Session 3 WP support for policy initiatives SDGs • GEO being seen as ‘go-to entity’ for UN custodian agencies developing methodologies for the environmental SDG Indicators (6, 11, 13, 14, 15). • Communication: room for improvement, in particular across full range of GEO activities pertaining to SDGs (including Target level). • GEO needs to broaden scope to include socio-economic data and information. • Select Member representative to look at broader engagment across GWP. • Action: Secretarait requested to inform GEO Principals about side-event organized by Australia on 17 July during High-Level Political Forum (9-18 July), New York. [30 June]
Session 3 WP support for policy initiatives Paris Agreement • Discourse should reference ‘pre-operational results’ rather than ‘case/pilot studies’. • ‘Entry points’ identified by subgroup as initial steps for GEO. • Subgroup should inventory existing services, including those outside GEO, that can be leveraged. • 2nd PA Workshop being planned, focusing on external stakeholders. • Action: Subgroup to report on lessons learned with respect to Workshop, and explore potential coordination mechanism to bring together independent activities contributing to climate across GWP. [10th PB meeting]
Session 3 WP support for policy initiatives Sendai Framework • UNISDR has come to GEO for EO assistance at policy level; links being forged with others GFDRR, NGOs (HOT), International Disasters Charter. • Need for preparedness and response; across full disaster cycle. • Open data continues to be an issue. • Communications to be improved. • Action: Subgroup to report on specific workstreams for promoting EO to major DR initiatives. [10th PB] • Action: Secretariat to strengthen linkages with International Disaster Charter, potential for PO.
Session 3 WP support for policy initiatives Ecosystem Accounting / Urban Resilience • Mandate from Mexico City Declaration (2015). • New leadership at EO4EA, with funding through NASA (ROSES). • EO for Urban Resilience promoted by Secretariat at key events (UN HABITAT and New Urban Agenda). • Action: Secretariat to set up listserve of leadership from all Urban Resilience-related GWP activities, to inform of activities/events. [10th PB]
Session 4 Emerging Technologies and GEOSS Vision for a results-oriented GEOSS • GEOSS has to become more ‘results-oriented’, which means: • transitioning from meta-data hub to knowledge hub; • moving ‘backwards’ from end point (e.g. SDGs) to determine knowledge needs; • integration of multiple data streams and platforms; • Regional GEOSS could be a place to start. • Risk is that pace of new technologies threaten to tear apart system of systems approach. • Not just about software/technology: fundamental issue is how GEO operates as an organization. • Incoming SEC D will prepare vision paper for 44thExCom. • Coordination between SEC and PB for statement to ExCom regarding Regional GEOSS.
Session 5 Work Programme Monitoring Monitoring Strategy • Evaluation should comprise both internal and external reviews. • Evaluation criteria based on GEO Strategic Plan language. • PB approved move from KPIs to maturity model. • Action: Subgroup to refine maturity model criteria. [10th PB]
Session 6 Sustainable Earth Observations Strategy • Subgroup will continue work, considering: • how to improve interactive communication with data providers (e.g. biodiversity and ecosystem in-situ networks); • how to work with Foundational Tasks on EO systems. • Action: Subgroup to provide update at next PB meeting. [10th PB]
Session 7 Next steps / Wrap-up Messages for 44th Executive Committee (18-19 July) • Gender/diversity balance, supported by numbers from GEO Symposium. • LDN IP reviewed, recommended for approval as Initiative. • PB response to ExCom action on Regional GEOSS. • PB collaborating with SEC on future vision for GEOSS. • Approval of maturity model. • Coordination mechanism for climate-related GWP activities.
Session 7 Next steps / Wrap-up 2018 Plenary / 2019 Plenary & Ministerial • Updated 2017-2019 GEO Work Programme, for approval. • Draft guidance statement on GEO gender/diversity balance policy for consideration by 45thExComand approval at GEO-XV Plenary.
Session 7 Next steps / Wrap-up 2019 PB Meeting dates • 30-31 January (Wed-Thu) • 12-13 June (Wed-Thu) • 4-5 September (Wed-Thu) • Action: Secretariat to resubmit proposed dates, with adequate lead-time prior to ExCom meetings. [10th PB]
Session 7 Next steps / Wrap-up AOB Action: PB invited to provide opinion on importance of open and free Landsat archive data to Secretariat, for letter to Landsat Advisory Group. [20 June]
Session 7 Next steps / Wrap-up AOB • Action: • Task: Produce interim message supported by gender numbers for GEO Symposium. [44thExCom]