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Board Meeting. Proposed 2012-2013 Budget June 11, 2012 . Agenda June 11, 2012. Welcome, approve minutes, approve signers STEM Proposal 2012-2013 (Roseann) Proposed Budget 2012-2013 (Tim) Discussion of Staffing Issues in 2012-2013 (Anne) Proposals Recommendations What’s next.
Board Meeting Proposed 2012-2013 Budget June 11, 2012
AgendaJune 11, 2012 Welcome, approve minutes, approve signers STEM Proposal 2012-2013 (Roseann) Proposed Budget 2012-2013 (Tim) Discussion of Staffing Issues in 2012-2013 (Anne) Proposals Recommendations What’s next
Kids First at Sunset View Mission • The mission of Kids First at Sunset View is to enrich the educational experiences of the students of SVE through volunteerism and fundraising. Our vision is to create a community that provides the financial and human resources to support learning opportunities that enhance the kindergarten through fourth grade educational experiences of every student. • We thrive on the altruistic support of parents, teachers, grandparents, friends and members of the business community to donate their time, talent and treasure. This generosity helps maintain and grow new opportunities for educational programs, technologies and events that directly support the students at SVE.
Approve new signers: • We need to approve signers for our bank account in 2012-2013. • Effective July 1, 2012, signers on our AmericanWest Bank account shall be: • Mark Petrie, Chairman • Anne Tadder, President • Tim Lacey, incoming Secretary • Sara Yamashiro, incoming Treasurer • Kimberly Grommes, incoming Bookkeeper
2012-2013 STEM Learning Space Goal #1: Build a learning space that supports STEM learning
2012-2013 STEM Program Costs Goal #2: Develop in-house expertise, expand programs, and purchase materials:
2012-2013 STEM Budget Request Motion to fund the STEM program • $6,000 for lab space planning efforts • $30,000 to fund in-house expertise, expanded programs, and materials Total Request for 2012-2013: $36,000
2012-2013 Budget Plan, page 1 • We currently have over $200,000 in the bank, much more than the $113,000 we had projected for year-end. • Our goal is to be good stewards of this money and to find the best ways to use it to enhance the education of our students • Accumulation is not the goal – we want this money put to use! • Like last year, we plan to spend 125% of the money we raise this year to support the programs and staff at the school • We can use additional funds from our reserves for capital improvements, such as the STEM lab, when the time comes • Our long term plan will keep pushing for revenue growth while keeping spending levels in check.
2012-2013 Budget Plan, page 2 Next year, we plan to raise $217,000-less than the $233,000 this year, but a number we feel we can achieve, and use to set our spending limits.
2012-2013 Budget Plan, page 3 • We have identified a “basic budget”, including all the essential programs and services we currently provide. The total amount is $136,658. • Beyond the basic budget is our spending on: teacher’s aides, full-time teachers, classroom assistants, and so on. These items make up the bulk of the “teacher’s priority list”. • We would like to approve the “basic budget” of $136,658 today and then discuss the remainder (approx. $140,000 of additional spending we can authorize and stay below our 125% spending cap) for the remainder of the meeting today.
2012-2013 Basic Budget • EDUCATION SPENDING $41,931.18 Includes 14 classrooms worth of Poet and VAPA time, Includes Art Corps, Book Club K-1, Everyone a Reader, the library's literary guild subscription, MARE, & Running Club • PROGRAMS$8,700.00 Includes Assemblies, Garden, Go Green, HSA Event, Kick-off dinner, Red Ribbon Week, School Directory, Spring Dance, Student Awards, and Sunwise. Also includes net cost of Birthday Book Club, Book Fair, and yearbook programs. • STEM $76,326.64 Amount for 2012-2013 includes the $34,827 already approved for the computer lab tech position. An additional $5K for technology expenses, as well as $30,000 in STEM program spending brings the total to around $70,000. • STAFF AND SUPPORT $6,300.00 Raises the discretionary amount from $320 this year to $450/classroom next year. The teachers also request that we provide them with an additional $300/teacher to cover the loss of bake sales, but we would prefer that each classroom handle it separately, at the discretion of the parents in the classroom. • OPERATING EXPENSES $5,400.00 Includes insurance, marketing costs (substantially lower in 2012-2013 since the marketing collateral printed last year will be used again), tax preparation and misc. operating expenses.
2012-2013 Budget - VOTE • EDUCATION SPENDING $41,931 • PROGRAMS$8,700 • STEM $76,326 • STAFF AND SUPPORT $6,300 • OPERATING EXPENSES $5,400 • All details are fully broken out in the handouts available on the website and here tonight. • TOTAL BUDGET TO VOTE ON TONIGHT: $136,657 • TOTAL FUNDS STILL UNALLOCATED AFTER THE VOTE: $140K. . .
Environment Plan A – Worst Case Scenario • 14 Classrooms • K-3 class size: 31 • 4th grade class size: 34.6 Plan B – District Funds Available • 18 Classrooms • K-3 class size: 24 • 4th grade class size: 32
Vetting Process Parents • Mark Petrie - Chairman • Anne Tadder – President • Tim Lacey – Treasurer • Nancy Kaase – Secretary • Cindy Edson – Fundraising • Michelle Riley - Strategic Planning Teachers and Staff • Jackie McCabe – Principal • Rebecca Mashburn – 2nd grade • Laurie Fleming – 2nd grade • Jerry Neel – 3rd grade • Kristin Dennis – 4th grade • Helen LaMadrid – 4th grade
Proposal Grouping • Funding STEM training, supplies, programs and construction of STEM lab. (discussed earlier) • Allocate 4th grade teacher funds elsewhere for the benefit of a greater number of children • Teacher priority list.
Alternatives to Funding 4th Grade Teacher • Proposal #1: • Expansion of Seminar/Gate Classes and Combo ½ class • Proposal #2: • Reading and Math Specialists • Proposal #3 • Specialty teacher, such as Spanish or Fine Arts
Proposal #1 – 2 new teachers Proposal Description: Hire two additional teaching position for Sunset View to be allocated in the following fashion: • Eliminate 3rd/4th grade combo seminar class and use teaching position for a 4th grade seminar/GATE class • Hire additional 3rd grade teacher to run full 3rd grade seminar/GATE class • Hire additional combo 1st grade/2ndgrade teacher • All possible remaining fund to be used for aides in K classes where teachers want them Benefits of this are: • Class size reduction in all grades 1 -4 • More seats with accelerated curriculum for Sunset View’s heavily GATE qualified student population in grades 3 & 4 • GATE/Seminar class set-up will closely mirror Dana’s current format • Grades 3 & 4 only: The non GATE/Seminar classes will be smaller. Importantly, with a more homogeneous student population, teachers may be able to more tightly focus on the needs of students who may need work on more fundamental academic concepts • Teaching aides will be utilized in Kindergarten only where academic needs are less complex and simple supervisory needs may be higher Proposal Schedule: 2012/2013 school year Proposal Cost: $90K x 2 teachers = $180K Aide cost – TBD
Proposal #2 – Hire Reading and Math specialists Proposal Description: Hire one full time reading/writing and one full time math specialist to be used for core subject enhancement in all grades 1 -4. • These specialists would be used 2 x a week to provide break out sessions in each class for both high achieving or underperforming students in each classroom • Teaching aides to be used for Kindergarten classes where teachers desire them. Benefits of this are: • Class size reduction during teaching of important core curriculum • Focus more tightly on academic needs of each student rather than one size fits all lesson • While specialists are present, classroom teacher can focus on smaller group lessons with a more homogeneous group of abilities • Teaching aides will be utilized in Kindergarten only where academic needs are less complex and simple supervisory needs may be higher Proposal Schedule: 2012/2013 school year Proposal Cost: $75K x 2 teachers = $150K Aide cost – TBD
Proposal #3 – Specialty Teacher • Hire a full-time “specialty teacher to provide 1 hour per week of instruction to all classes. • Teacher is on campus all 5 days • Each classroom teacher sends ½ their class at a time for up to 1 hour per week • Benefits: • 1 hour per week with specialty teacher at 15/1 ratio • 1 hour per week with classroom teacher at 15/1 ratio • 28 school hours / 2 hours prep
Funding of 4th Grade Teacher Common criticisms • Benefits small portion of students • Large portion of budget • Conflict of interest • Not sensible in Scenario A • Limited preparation for large class sizes at Dana
Recommendations -- Plan A: • Hire 40% Resource teachers for “PLAN A” • Experienced teachers v. college students • Increased hiring flexibility • More manageable schedules, less disruptive • More cost effective
Recommendations -- Plan B: • Keep 4th grade teacher in “PLAN B” • Reducing class size, equitable across grades • 2010-2011 parent survey support • 4th grade test scores • Long-term benefit for every SVE child
2012-2013 Committees • Programs Committee • Committed parents and SVE Staff working together using a common set of criteria to evaluate and select the programs, items and initiatives to be funded by KF of SVE. This sub-committee will work closely with the Board of Directors, the community and the District to evaluate both current and future funding options and will be responsible for communicating progress/status at monthly board meetings.
Programs continued: • KF Governance Committee • A sub-committee of parents and/or staff responsible for KF at SVE’s bylaws, Board make up and Board recruitment.