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UNIAPAC Africa, a regional association under UNIAPAC International, aims to promote ethics, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility in Africa. Through various activities, it focuses on social justice, transparency, responsibility, and unity in diversity. The organization addresses challenges such as good governance, sustainable development, and cultural pluralism per Church's social doctrine.
INTERVENTION The UNIAPAC Africa is a regional association, proclaimed on February 26, 2010 in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, which has its headquarters. Based on the teachings of the Social Doctrine of the Church and inserted in UNIAPAC International, founded in 1931, whose headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium and is represented in 36 countries, UNIAPAC-Africa's mission is to contribute to building a more just and humane Africa , based on ethics, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, through the formation and transformation of man as a whole.
The UNIAPAC Africa implements its mission through various activities, namely economic and social works, publications, research, workshops, forums, seminars, conferences, Think Tank, etc. Currently UNIAPAC Africa is represented in 13 countries, through their National Associations: Angola-ACGD, Benin- ACEB, Burkina Faso-ACATHA B, Cameroon-PADIC, Cape Verde-AGEPEC CV , Chad-UCCT, Ivory Coast- MIDEC, Gabon - MCC Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo -CADICEC, Senegal- ADECC, S. Tome and Principe -ACGD-S. Tome, Togo – EDCT and Zimbabwe-ACD.
I would like speak of the fundamental principles that identify and guide the UNIPAC AFRICA actions. MISSION Based on the teachings of the Church's social doctrine, the UNIAPAC-Africa's mission is to contribute to building a more just and humane Africa, based on ethics, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, through the formation and transformation of man.
In order to ensure the accomplishment of the mission, the AFRICA UNIAPAC establishes four areas of intervention, in accordance with the same number of strategic objectives in its identity claim:
VALUES • Social Justice and Equity: equal treatment of members UNIAPAC-Africa and opportunity of equal rights for all in accordance with the capabilities of each. • Transparency: involvement of all interested parties in the actions of UNIAPAC-Africa and accountability to all members and other interested parties. • Responsibility and Honesty: assume their acts together (members of UNIAPAC-Africa) and between UNIAPAC-Africa and its stakeholders. • Humility: mutual respect among the members of UNIAPAC-Africa and openness to know how to listen; • Unity in diversity: are part of UNIAPAC Africa, organizations with different perspectives and visions that address varieties of issues. The work of each organization complements what others do; "one for all and all for one".
Based on these principles, UNIAPAC Africa, aims to highlight certain challenges, of the African society today, such as good management of the economy, good governance, business ethics, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, promoting human and the common good person as well as the challenge of cultural and religious pluralism. In the light of the Church's social doctrine, the UNIAPAC Africa wants to help to promote a sound management, effective business and a worried quality of governance with the good of all and of each. The assumptions listed above should be achieved through our action programs and our attitudes putting the dignity of African man above all interests. We must work to achieve social progress and well-being of all Africans, ensure the general interest and the common good, always in the atmosphere of freedom, harmony and social justice.
Yet the social risks - economic and political, in Africa are enormous. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, climate change, corruption, money laundering, youth unemployment, social inequality, poverty, lack or failure of social security systems are increased risks in a continent already faced with huge challenges outlined above. • The rulers and Christians African leaders in a framework of freedom and democracy, should be intelligent, creative and innovative to star positive changes in our continent. • We must act to promote regional cooperation and the developed world, within a framework of mutual gains through dialogue, concentration and creation of sustainable partnerships for the development of Africa and humanity, and the man at the center of all attention.
We are an important link in the development chain. We have to accept this new challenge and participate actively looking for sustainable human development and the common good. The economic crisis, financial, social and political in which we are still going on in Africa and around the world was and is also a crisis of values that has shaken public confidence in the institutions so that trust must be restored. • Ethics is a fundamental basis of the market economy tends to promote habits and behaviors that are essential for the proper functioning of the economy: personal effort, the deferral of individual bonuses and saving, honesty in the fulfillment of explicit contracts and also in the implicit commitments, personal responsibility, love of work, discipline and concern for the future. • The economics and politics can not be seen as alien realities morals are otherwise privileged dimensions where Christians can and should intervene making their values start to influence social reality.
A free and fully human economy requires that society be organized in its other dimensions in strong institutions to prevent perversions in the workings of markets and create conditions for a balanced and development centered on man. • In this context the state's role is irreplaceable. We need a regulatory state, guarantor of social and regional cohesion and development strategy enhancer. • Africa needs developed nations, fair and inclusive, with opportunities shared by all. • Sustainable development brings peace and stability, as because people live in freedom and dignity.
Only through sustainable development we can stem the exodus of Africans towards Europe. • Only with sustainable development we can fight poverty, social inequalities and all forms of discrimination. • This is the great work that lies ahead, rulers, leaders, Christian businessmen from Africa. Today, govern, manage companies or public or private institutions in Africa are eminently ethical issues. The principles and values of the Church's Social Doctrine give us the incentive and energy for action, a framework for all the complex and difficult titles as Africa in this globalizing world.
Aware of the challenges of our continent, and based on the MDGs more accurately the 'Goal 8 - the global partnership for development', we have focused our interventions in the intensification of public relations with international organizations and governmental organizations in different countries with the aim of strengthen and expand our presence on the continent, a task that should be undertaken by each national association at the level of respective countries and beyond. Of the thirty-six (36) member countries of the UNIAPAC International , thirteen (13) are African countries. We are working for our statement in our countries and within the UNIAPAC family.
We have quite a few advanced contacts with several countries through the Episcopal Conferences that already have professional organizations with a highly visible role in the Church and society in other countries we tried install cores. • We are eager because we intend to strengthen our action in terms of expansion and consolidation through our presence and the signing of several protocols with regional and international organizations with the aim to expand and extend our presence on the continent.
The development of modern societies requires a change of attitude on which the development model is based on a sustainable model that meets the objectives of UNIAPAC. • This aims to the needs of man, his transformation in the present without compromising the ability of future generations. • The change of attitude towards business management and exploitation of resources that countries offer involves the formation of a conscious individual, able to see and read the reality, living and acting in it diversified and balanced manner.
Pope John Paul II in his speech at the UNIAPAC Congress in October 1998 said ‘’.... you also have the task of promoting solidarity in all economic processes. Globalization should lead to greater participation of the people and not for their exclusion or marginalization, greater sharing and not to an impoverishment of a large part of the population, for the benefit of the few. No one should be excluded from the economic circuits, but rather, each must be able to benefit from the technological and social progress, as well as the fruits of creation’’.
Unite, guide and motivate business leaders to, in the light of social Christian thought, commit themselves to transform their companies and institutions that drive, create a healthy business environment and to contribute to building a more just society, more balanced and more human, constitute essentially of our objectives. In collaboration necessary for the good of the Church and Continental need for joint action both at the level of each country through the Bishops and National Associations Conferences as well as the level of Africa, through SECAM and UNIAPAC.