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DNA, Protein Synthesis and Heredity

Explore the fascinating world of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis with this comprehensive guide. Learn about DNA replication, mutations, heredity, and the role of RNA in creating proteins. Discover the impact of mutagens and carcinogens on genetic material.

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DNA, Protein Synthesis and Heredity

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  1. DNA, Protein Synthesis and Heredity terminology

  2. DNA • Deoxyribonucleic acid • Two strands • Found in nucleus of eukaryotic cell • Found in cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell • Contains instructions for making an organism’s proteins • Shaped like double helix- twisted ladder

  3. RNA • Ribonucleic acid • One strand • Contains the base uracil instead of thymine • Two types of RNA- messenger and transfer • Contains the sugar- ribose

  4. Messenger RNA • The type of RNA that carries the coded message from the nucleus to the cytoplasm

  5. Transfer RNA • Type of RNA that carries an amino acid to the ribosome and adds it to the growing protein chain

  6. DNA Replication • The process by which DNA makes a copy of itself

  7. Mutation • A change in the order of the bases in an organism’s DNA • There are three types of mutations: insertion, deletion, substitution

  8. Mutagen • A substance or agent that can damage or cause changes to DNA • Radiation is a one environmental mutagen that may cause direct changes in a cell's DNA. For example: X-rays can break DNA sequences in many places, leading to chromosome rearrangement.

  9. DNA BASES • A base is a part of a nucleotide- which is a subunit of DNA • Bases make up the rungs of the ladder in DNA • There are 4 bases: cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine

  10. Chromosome • A coiled structure of DNA and protein that

  11. Meiosis • Cell division that produces sex cells Four unique daughter cells from one parent cell Each daughter cell contains half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

  12. Pedigree • A tool used to trace a trait through several generations of a family

  13. Carcinogen • A substance or agent that can cause cancer

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