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Science Olympiad 2012. Created by Abby Piper. Gravity Vehicle (2) Build. Event Description:
Science Olympiad 2012 Created by Abby Piper
Gravity Vehicle (2) Build Event Description: Teams design, build and test one vehicle and ramp that uses gravitational potential energy as the vehicle's sole means of propulsion to reach a Target Point as quickly, as accurately and as close to their predicted time as possible. Materials Needed For Event: • One vehicle and one ramp • Any tools • Link to Gravity Vehicle information: http://soinc.org/gravity_vehicle_c
Helicopters (2) Build Event Description: Students will construct and test free flight rubber-powered helicopters prior to the tournament to achieve maximum flight times. Materials Needed For Event: • 2 helicopter • Flight log • Any tools • Link to Helicopters information: http://soinc.org/helicopters_c
Protein Modeling (3) Build Event Description: Students will use computer visualization and online resources to guide them in constructing physical models of proteins and in understanding how the structure of the protein determines the function. For 2012, students will model proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis as they explore the discovery and treatment of a rare (one in a billion) genetic trait discovered through genome sequencing. Materials Needed For Event: • Five 8.5” x 11” double sided pages of notes • Link to Protein Modeling information: http://soinc.org/protein_modeling_c
Robot Arm (2) Build Event Description: Prior to the competition teams must design, build, document and test one robotic device to move scored items. Materials Needed For Event: • Link to Robot Arm information: http://soinc.org/robot_arm_c
Sounds of Music (2) Build Event Description: Prior to the competition, students will build two different instruments of any type based on a 12 tone tempered scale, prepare to describe the principles behind their operation and be able to perform a major scale, a required melody and a chosen melody with each. Materials Needed For Event: • Scores of music provided • Link to Sounds of Music information: http://soinc.org/sounds_of_music_c
Thermodynamics (2) Build Event Description: Teams must construct an insulated device prior to the tournament that is designed to retain heat. Teams must also complete a written test on thermodynamic concepts. Materials Needed For Event: • Link to Thermodynamic information: http://soinc.org/thermodynamics_c
Towers (2) Build Event Description: Team members design and build the most efficient tower. Materials Needed For Event: • Eye protection • Link to Towers information: http://soinc.org/towers_c
Anatomy and Physiology (2) • Materials Needed For Event: • May bring one 8.5” x 11” double sided page of notes • Up to 2 non-programmable and non-graphing calculators Event Description: This event encompasses the anatomy and physiology of selected body systems, this year limited to respiratory, excretory and digestive systems.
Astronomy (2) Event Description: Teams will demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of math and physics relating to stellar evolution and type Ia supernovas. • Materials Needed For Event: • Laptop computer/ one 3-ringed binder containing any information from any source as long as it is 3-hole punched and in the binder rings • Programmable calculator
Chemistry Lab (2) Event Description: Teams will demonstrate chemistry laboratory skills related to selected topics. Materials Needed For Event: • Goggles • Non-programmable, non-graphing calculator • No reference materials • Closed toed shoes, pants covering ankles, and lab coat that covers the wrists
Disease Detective (2) Event Description: This event requires students to apply principles of epidemiology to a published report of a real-life health situation or problem. (Food Borne Illness) Materials Needed For Event: • May bring one 8.5” x 11” double sided page of notes containing information from any source • 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators
Dynamic Planet (2) Event Description: Teams will work at stations that display a variety of earth science materials and related earth science questions. (Earth's Fresh Waters) Materials Needed For Event: • May bring four 8.5” x 11” double sided pages of notes from any source • 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators
Experimental Design (3) Event Description: Given a set of unknown objects, teams will design, conduct, analyze and write-up an experiment. Materials Needed For Event: • Chemical splash goggles • Timepiece • Ruler • Non-programmable calculator
Fermi Questions (2) Event Description: A Fermi Question is a science related question that seeks a fast, rough estimate of a quantity which is difficult or impossible to measure directly. Answers will be estimated within an order of magnitude recorded in powers of 10. Materials Needed For Event: • Only writing utensils allowed
Forensics (2) Event Description: Students will identify polymers, solids, fibers, and other materials in a crime scenario. Materials Needed For Event: • Test tubes & test tube holders • Funnels &/or Filter paper • pH/ litmus paper • Spatulas, plastic spoons, &/or stirring rods • 9 volt conductivity tester • Thermometer • Flame test equipment • Slides and cover slips • Hand lens • Writing utensils • Pencil and ruler • Paper towels • Metal tongs • One 8.5” x 11” double sided page of notes from any source • Non-programmable calculator
Forestry (2) Event Description: This event will test student knowledge of North American trees that are on the Official National Tree List. Materials Needed For Event: • One 8.5” x 11” double sided notes • Up to 2 commercially published field guides • One copy of the Official National Tree List
Microbe Mission (2) Event Description: Teams will answer questions, solve problems and analyze data pertaining to microbes. Materials Needed For Event: • May bring one 8.5” x 11” double sided page of notes from any source • 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators • Chemical splash goggles
Optics (2) Event Description: Teams compete in activities and answer questions related to geometric and physical optics. Materials Needed For Event: • Measuring tools • premade templates • calculators • 3- ringed binder
Remote Sensing (2) Event Description: Teams use remote sensing imagery, science and math process skills to complete tasks related to an understanding of Earth's Hydrosphere. Materials Needed For Event: • May bring five 8.5” x 11” double sided pages from any source • Metric ruler, protractor, triangle, magnifying glass, and non-graphing calculator
Rocks and Minerals (2) Event Description: Teams will demonstrate their knowledge of rocks and minerals. Materials Needed For Event: • Magnifying glass • Published field guide • 3-ringed binder
Technical Problem Solving (2) Event Description: Teams will gather and process data to solve problems. Materials Needed For Event: • Non-programmable, non-graphing calculators • Chemical splash goggles
Water Quality (2) Event Description: The event will focus on evaluating aquatic environments. Materials Needed For Event: • One 8.5”x 11” double sided notes • Non-programmable, non-graphing calculators • Chemical splash goggles
Write It/ Do It (2) Event Description: A technical writing exercise where students write a description of a contraption and other students will attempt to recreate it using only the written description. Materials Needed For Event: • None